Shea Property Updates
TrailMark Neighborhood Meeting
Wednesday, March 15th, 2023
Location: Homewood Suites by Hilton Denver – Littleton
7630 Shaffer Pkwy, Littleton, CO 80127
Proposed Project Location:
- Block: 001 Lot: 0010
- Section: 10, Township: 6, Range: 69
- Subdivision Name: CHATFIELD GREEN SUB FLG #5
- Parcel ID (AIN): 69-104-10-011

Project Narrative: The proposed development consists of 35 single-family detached residences on the 7.68-acre parcel with a density of approximately 4.5 dwelling units per acre. Lot sizes are approximately 51-ft x 94-ft; houses are anticipated to have 40-ft x 63-ft building envelopes. Units are planned as ranch product ranging from 1,900 to 2,800 square feet with an upstairs bonus room option in two of the five planned floor plans. Each unit is anticipated with a minimum 2 bedrooms, 2.5 bathrooms, and 2-car garage.
Shea homes is hosting this meeting to inform the neighbors about the proposed project and encourage feedback.
This is the ONLY chance you have as a TrailMark resident to attend this meeting and give your feedback. This is not an HOA project as the property belongs to Shea Homes. All inquiries and questions regarding this project need to be addressed to:
Amy O’Brien
The Pachner Company
(303) 825-1671
August 10, 2020
Proposed Building Plans – Shea has sent over their proposed plans with a letter for those who would like to review it.

August 1, 2020
The Board recently listened to a presentation by Shea Homes regarding possible development of the property along Wadsworth. Currently, Shea Homes is looking at the development of single family homes in that area. They will be ranch style homes to fit with the existing look of TrailMark. Please note, Shea Homes will be providing the HOA with a document to explain their proposed plan. Once received, it will be posted on the TrailMark website. Should you wish to be involved with the committee assessing the Shea property, please contact Property Manager Angie Kelly.
February 1, 2020
Last month (December 2019), Shea Homes invited TrailMark to meet to explore the potential of their pursuing development of their 7+ acre property located at the north side of TrailMark Parkway and Wadsworth Boulevard. With the holidays over and schedules back to “normal” the HOA Board met with them on January 27, 2020 at the Shea offices in Lone Tree.
As a refresher, Shea Homes owns the 7+ acre parcel. It is currently zoned Commercial with permitted uses of:
Office uses (general offices public and/or private), financial, educational, laboratory and health care institution.
- Commercial uses, including retail sales and/or services, recreation or entertainment facilities, restaurants, and day care.
- Public or private clubs or facilities.
- Lodging, churches, and other uses determined by the City of Littleton Development Review Committee to be similar in character and impact to those listed above.
During the meeting with Shea, Shea Homes Vice President explained that they have listed the property for about four (4) years and have received some commercial inquiries. However, at this time, Shea is exploring development of the property themselves. Their initial concept is to build approximately 31-32 ranch-style homes, geared towards empty-nesters or those looking to downsize, a market that is currently very popular in the Denver-metro area. The homes would be built in 4-packs (4 homes each having a double garage and sharing a cul-de-sac). The proposed sub-community is targeted to be part of the existing TrailMark HOA. At this time, the design of the 7+ acre sub-community is being explored including house designs, grounds around the homes, entrance/exit, traffic and environmental concerns, and how this new sub-community would best blend into the greater TrailMark community.
A few notes of which to be aware:
- The documents posted on the City of Littleton website and posted to Facebook are not a formal request but a pre-inquiry to the Department of Community Development, to “test the waters” of this concept, within the greater City of Littleton. The next step in the City’s process is to schedule a pre-application meeting (again not a formal request) to provide general information to an applicant about the development review process, the review timeframes, and development fees. The applicant then evaluates the process and code requirements to determine whether they will move forward with a formal request to the City. You can find more information on the planning process by going to the City of Littleton website:
- Regarding timelines from planning to building if the concept is eventually formally submitted. The Vice President stated that with a re-zoning requirement, research with other agencies, studies to be conducted, etc., it will take a minimum of 12-18 months just to get the paperwork completed.
- Shea plans to initiate a public outreach program with TrailMark homeowners in order to apprise all of the project and allow homeowners the opportunity to provide comments. We expect there to be multiple community meetings as the project moves forward.
- Throughout the initial planning, Shea has committed to keeping TrailMark apprised of their progress and will be available for community meetings, as appropriate. By the same token, the Board has committed to advising Shea of homeowner comment in an effort to keep this process as painless as possible.
From the Board:
Given the abundant commercial uses available via the current zoning and the interest expressed by various entities, it is a foregone conclusion that this property will be developed. It is in TrailMark’s best interests to stay connected with Shea, providing them with community concerns and issues, several of which were passed on to them during the initial meeting. Given Shea’s commitment to TrailMark, TrailMark is in a position to influence some of what may ultimately be put on this parcel. Shea wants to work with us. We have been clear that the parcel and what is put on it is a priority for us so that we may protect our environment, investment, and TrailMark way of life. We are committed to keeping our homeowners apprised of information we receive. Stay tuned as we learn more.
August 10, 2018
Questionnaire regarding the Shea Property at the entrance of TrailMark
TrailMark residents,
The TrailMark Development Advocacy Committee met and would like your prompt response to the attached questionnaire.
Thank you for taking the time to respond,
TrailMark HOA Board
August 8, 2018
During the July TrailMark HOA Board meeting, the proposed senior center project was discussed. The HOA board asked for volunteers to take on the project of developing a strategy for responding to the proposed project. 10 residents/homeowners volunteered. Additional information may be found on the TrailMark website and Facebook sites as it becomes available.
The first TrailMark Development Advocacy Committee, to be referred to as TDAC, meeting was held on August 2nd, at 6:30pm in Fire Station 19. Purpose of the meeting was to discuss the proposed senior living center on the north corner of Wadsworth and TrailMark Parkway, and to develop a strategy for (1) responding to both the City of Littleton and to the project architect; (2) informing the TrailMark community of the proposal and actions being taken on their behalf; (3) develop a strategy for gauging community concerns with the proposal.
HOA President Sally Janssen reviewed the city’s Development Review Process, suggested an approach, and asked for ideas on how to best respond to the issue. The Committee is currently developing a written response to the architect and the City, in preparation for the scheduled Pre-Application Meeting between the City of Littleton and the project architect scheduled on August 23rd. In addition, the committee is developing a strategy for soliciting community involvement in order to gather homeowner concerns and to obtain signatures which will demonstrate to the City and the architect, our homeowner commitment to involvement throughout the process. Committee concerns include potential:
- Degradation of TrailMark’s natural environment, open space, and other amenities
- Increase in vehicular traffic
- Noise and light pollution
- Maintenance responsibility for community facilities/amenities
- Disrupted view of Chatfield Reservoir
- Potential loss in home value
- Safety and risk concerns
The committee also recognizes potential positive impacts of the project which may also be addressed during the process.
Please stay tuned to the HOA website, Facebook page and newsletter for additional information as it becomes available.
August 1, 2018
The Shea property was discussed at the July 12th HOA Board meeting. The property has a potential buyer who has submitted a preliminary property proposal to the City of Littleton. It is important to note that this is a proposal and a formal plan has not been submitted for evaluation.
What we know so far is that the entity considering the property purchase is proposing a senior living center. The proposal includes three buildings, 156 parking spaces, and “significant” green space. A four story building is planned for independent living with attached community center, and a two story building is planned for assisted living.
The architect has requested a meeting with the City of Littleton to discuss a variance for an additional 10 ft of building height equaling 60 ft in total height. In addition, the architect must request a modification to the existing planned development documents to allow a new type of use. This is not a zoning change but an amendment to the original plans. This will require a community meeting and we encourage everyone to watch the website and TrailMark HOA Facebook page for information on when that meeting will take place. The Facebook page and the website will be updated most often as we receive more information.
July 9, 2018
Please be advised that the City of Littleton has received a pre-application for development of the 7.65 acre property at Wadsworth and TrailMark Parkway. The application is to ask for a variance to the zoning allowance: to ask for a 4-story building which is higher than the allotted building height. The development is being proposed as a 182 unit, Senior Living Center that is 2 buildings with over 200,000 sq ft of living space. This totals 6 stories of development with over 150 parking spaces. Currently, information is minimal but feel free to join the Board meeting on Thursday night (July 12th) as this will be discussed and the Board would like to gather as a community to discuss this as a neighborhood. For more information, please see the link at:

July 1, 2018
The HOA met with the Legend Partners representative, the entity listing the SHEA property at TrailMark’s entrance (Wadsworth and TrailMark Parkway). The current status is that a Purchase-Sales Agreement is being negotiated. Due to contractual agreements between SHEA and Legend, we are not privy to who has submitted the offer nor the intended use for the property. Once the agreement is signed, the listing agent stated that he will help the HOA gain a meeting with the developer to begin discussions regarding neighborhood concerns with the use of the property. Once we know more, we will publish that information.
June 5, 2018
The HOA met with the representative from Legend Partners, the entity listing the property at Wadsworth and TrailMark Parkway. The current status is that a Purchase-Sales Agreement is currently being negotiated. We are not privy to who has submitted that offer. Once the agreement is signed, the listing agent has indicated he will help the HOA gain a meeting with the developer to begin talking about the neighborhood concerns with the use of the property. Once we know more, we will certainly share that information.
June 1, 2018
The recent listing of the SHEA property at the north side of TrailMark’s entrance was discussed during the bi-monthly Board meeting. The HOA Board and the Metro District are aware of the issue and are monitoring it. The community will be advised when additional information becomes available.