Roof Replacement Guidelines (SCP)

Photo by Andy Marquez

If/when a homeowner needs to replace an existing roof, the design and color of the new shingles to be used must be as close as possible to the existing roof. The original shingles are Architectural Dimensional shingles. The homeowner needs to submit a “Star Canyon Homeowners Design Review Request,” with a picture or an actual sample of the proposed shingles to be used, for review before any action or installation of new shingles can begin. The homeowner needs approval either by e-mail or official mail from Associa, which will be sent when the roof replacement has been approved by the DRC.

The City of Littleton requires that the homeowner:

   a.  Use a contractor licensed with the City of Littleton.

   b.  Obtain a building permit through the City of Littleton-you can apply in person, or the contractor can apply for you.

   c.  Submit to 2 inspections:  a pre-roof inspection and a final roof inspection with the City of Littleton Inspectors.  
When the work is completed, the homeowner must inform the members of the DRC and Associa.

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