Pool Inquiry Q & A

Posted March 18, 2015; Revised March 24, 2015

Q:  What information about a pool is the HOA gathering?

A:  It is expected the HOA Board would have several, progressive (ordered) stages to the inquiry.  The preliminary anticipated levels are outlined, in the progressive order, below.  At this time, the HOA board is only at the first level of the inquiry.  The HOA only has information pertaining to stage 1 of the inquiry to share at this time.

1) LAND:  Is there land that could be developed?  If no, there is no need to continue to next level of inquiry.  If yes, what would costs of that land be?  If cost of land alone makes any development cost-prohibitive, there is no need to continue to the next level of inquiry.  

2) SCOPE & COST:  If potentially cost-effective land is available, what would scope and cost of construction of a pool at that site be?  

3) FUNDING:  Once land AND construction cost info is obtained, funding options can be explored.  

4) DETAILED AND WIDE-REACHING INFORMATION CAMPAIGN:  Once funding options are explored, community can be informed in detail about land, scope and cost of project and various funding options, including details of cost per home for project.  

5) COMMUNITY INTEREST SURVEY: Community survey can then be conducted to determine, does TrailMark want this type/scope of amenity, at this location, for this cost, or not?

Q:  If the HOA has only inquired as to land (Stage 1), what is the point in telling the community now? Wouldn’t it be best to get through all of the Stages of the inquiry before sharing with the neighborhood?

A:  The 2015 HOA Board believes transparency is essential. The board feels it is important to try to keep the community informed on this subject as we move through the process and learn new information.  It is the Board’s hope that, by sharing accurate information as we proceed through the inquiry, we will minimize the chances of mis-information and create opportunities for community input.

Q:  I thought the neighborhood voted against a pool in 2009. Why would the HOA look into a pool again?*

A:  In 2009, the community was surveyed about their interest in a 7,000 sq. ft. clubhouse/recreation facility with the possibility of adding a pool. The estimated cost of the project (with the pool) was about $3 million, requiring about $2.5 million in financing. The community seemed interested in such a project but when it came to funding the project, a TABOR vote was required. The community voted against the project at that time. The HOA is currently looking into the feasibility of a more modest project. Though the community did not support a large clubhouse/rec center with a pool at a cost of $3 million in 2009, the HOA has been asked to look into the feasibility of a pool without a large recreation/community center. The more modest size and financial scope of this request makes this inquiry significantly different than the proposed project of 2009 and the HOA is compelled to investigate the feasibility of such an amenity repeatedly asked about by residents. Further, given the passage of 5 years and addition of new residents, the HOA thinks it appropriate to allow current residents to weigh-in on this matter.  

Some additional details regarding the proposed 2009 project:

The 2009 survey asked for homeowner input regarding the following:

Ballot Question No. 1:

•   Leave the School Site as it is today OR
•   Build a Community Center on the School Site (7,000 square feet at a cost of $1,999,594)

Ballot Question No. 2: If a Community Center is built, should a Pool (estimated cost of $1,117,159) be included in the improvements?

•   Yes
•   No

The certified survey results were: 

Ballot Question No. 1:

•   246 (43%) for leaving site as-is
•   320 (57%) for building a community center

Ballot Question No. 2:

•   314 (56%) for ‘if building a community center include a pool’
•   247 (44%) for ‘if build community center, do not include a pool’

To go forward with the proposed 2009 project, the TrailMark Metro District needed to obtain $2.5 million dollars in bonds (loans). By law (TABOR), an official vote of all registered homeowners in TrailMark is required anytime the TrailMark Metro District seeks to add new debt. Funding approval for the project was added as an official ballot question for TrailMark residents during the November 2009 election. 

In 2009, Registered voters in TrailMark voted against funding the proposed project 787 to 317.

Q:  Where can I go to get the most up-to-date information about the pool inquiry?

A:  This website www.trailmarkhoa.org is the best place to get factual and up-to-date information!  Although we do post to the HOA Facebook Page, the HOA will not be posting regular updates on the neighborhood’s social Facebook page run by a TrailMark resident.  If you want to know the latest facts, check the website! Also, if you have any questions but cannot attend a meeting, please email the HOA board directly at board@trailmarkhoa.com.

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