Mission Statement – Communications

The purpose of the Communications Committee is to work with the TrailMark HOA board members, committee members, TMMD board members and homeowners to ensure that the community is continually informed and updated. Information is communicated via the TrailMark HOA website and website calendar, a monthly newsletter, the HOA Facebook page, NextDoor.com, email blasts, and the park bulletin boards in TrailMark.
The chairman works with the committee, making sure that all tasks are utilized when information and event notices need to be sent out to the community. Such tasks include website maintenance, newsletter editing, email marketing and maintenance, and social media updates. The chairman is currently working with the committee members who are helping with social media, bulletin board posts and miscellaneous jobs.
There is no expressed term of service length for Communications Committee members. Each serves at the discretion of the TrailMark HOA Board and may choose to leave at any time, or may be removed by the Board at any time.
Number/ Members:      
Currently, three members. More are welcome.
A working knowledge of computers and the internet, specifically WordPress and social media, is helpful but not required.
Committee Structure:
The chairman oversees tasks and delegates when necessary. Meetings are held as needed.
Relationship to Board of Directors:        
All members of the Communications Committee serve at the discretion of the TrailMark HOA Board.
Communications are directed to the Board of Directors and/or liaison, primarily by email or phone.
Relationship to Management:  
The Communications Committee works closely with and relies upon, the support of the management company’s designated Community Manager to ensure documents and announcements are received for posting to the various communications avenues.
Communications generally are via email.

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