Insurance (SCC)

Loss Assessment Letter 11/20/2019
Loss Assessment Letter 1/18/2019

Insurance Certificate 2021-22
Insurance Certificate 2020-21
Insurance Certificate 2019-20
Insurance Certificate 2018-19
​Insurance Certificate 2017-18

Personal Insurance Guidelines

We are now in the South Metro Fire Department district. South Metro Fire Dept. has ISO Class 1 Designation. Upon inquiring, we received this response from one insurance company:

“There may be companies out there that use Protection Classes, ie. the Fire Dept Designation (which if a Protection Class improves would result in a premium decrease). If a protection class is low, that would translate to lower fire risk, which would ultimately result in lower claims and thus would probably reflect in our numbers, and would contribute to the zone we assign the home.”

TrailMark residents may want to contact their homeowners insurance companies regarding any possible premium changes.

Posted April 30, 2019

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