Home Improvement Request Form

This is the Home Improvement Request Form. Please fill out everything you can with as much detail as possible. This form will be sent to our property management company and the Design Review Committee, which meet every other Friday. You will be contacted by email once your request has been reviewed. At the end of this process you can upload any necessary files like drawings, images, PDFs, etc. Edit 1

As TrailMark homeowner(s), I/We Understand:

  • That approval by the Design Review Committee (DRC) is required prior to initiating the project.
  • That the DRC approval does not constitute approval of the City of Littleton Building Department nor the Code Department
    requirements, and a Building Permit may be required.
  • That I/We are responsible for adhering to all Local/County/State guidelines and will ensure that the necessary permits and/or
    approvals will be obtained.
  • Agree, that after receiving DRC approval, will complete all proposed improvements promptly. Any delay of such completion will be
    communicated to the DRC.
  • That the Design Review Committee has thirty (30) days upon their receipt of a completed Home Improvement Request Form, to
    review and render a request decision. If the DRC requests additional information, the thirty (30) day clock restarts upon receipt of
    the requested information.
  • That upon completion of the approved project, I/We will notify the DRC by submitting the Home Improvement Notice of Completion
    which provides the DRC permission to inspect the completed work to ensure compliance as approved.
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