Happy Father’s Day from the HOA

June 16, 2024

Dear TrailMark Fathers,

All of us on the TrailMark HOA Board hope that every Dad is able to enjoy a stress free day with your family on this Father’s Day.

As a Father myself, we all know the balance it takes to work a full time job but also fill the important role of being a dedicated Dad for your children. To me, Fatherhood is the most rewarding and best job I’ve ever had because it is filled with love, joy, and memories that can’t be purchased. My kids are definitely my heroes!

I’m proud to say this photo is me welcoming my daughter into the world just a couple days before Father’s Day, 13 years ago. Talk about the best Father’s Day gift!!

Dads, kick back today and let your family spoil you. Hopefully, the kids mowing the lawn, relocating a snake, or cooking a great meal on the grill will give you a break from the daily grind.

We certainly have some great Fathers here in TrailMark and would like to recognize you today. On behalf of our Board, we wish each and every TrailMark Dad a relaxing and wonderful Father’s Day! Thank you for always being there for your family and children.


Ken Colaizzi, President
TrailMark HOA
Littleton, CO  80127


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