Swimming Pool Standard

JUNE 7, 2021 – The HOA Board, after much work on the part of the DRC, approved a new TrailMark swimming pool standard. The Board determined that the new standard is a complement to our beautiful community, and adheres to our goal of preserving TrailMark as a premier community. Developing this standard required many hours of research, consultation with experts, community input, and much Board and community discussion. It is posted on the HOA website at trailmark.org.
The HOA Board and community wish to compliment and thank the members of the Design Review Board for their considerable time and commitment to our TrailMark community. Job well-done!

MARCH 1, 2021 –


In response to homeowner questions whether swimming pools are permitted in TrailMark, the DRC embarked on an extensive research effort to develop a standard for TrailMark’s homeowners for this improvement. Research included soliciting input from other HOAs who may or may not permit swimming pools, residential swimming pool experts, City of Littleton, JEFFCO, realtors, insurance professionals, and others. The attached draft standard is the result of those extensive research efforts. 

When making community decisions, the DRC maintains the vision of preserving consistent quality and design throughout the neighborhood, while allowing homeowners individual expression. With that in mind, and following much research and discussion, the TrailMark DRC members unanimously agreed to present the draft swimming pool standard to the HOA board for their review. 

The result: Only in-ground swimming pools are allowed in TrailMark. (Children’s pools often referred to as “splash” or “kiddie” pools, defined as less than 8 feet in any dimension and a depth no greater than eighteen inches [18″] do not require DRC approval.)

The committee’s research noted that above-ground pools are considered one of the top ten home improvement mistakes. They may decrease home values, can be a nuisance to neighbors, potentially cause damage to adjacent properties due to water drainage and can cause unsightly lawn conditions where the pool stood during “in season” months. All of the above was determined to detract from the overall beauty, quality of life, and value of TrailMark. Thus, the DRC recommends that above-ground pools not be allowed in TrailMark, as stated in the standard. 

The goal of the standard is to allow homeowners more opportunities for enjoyment in their own yards, while limiting the impact on surrounding properties and on the overall beauty and value of TrailMark. Therefore, careful consideration was given to the attached standard for pool location, fencing, maintenance, pool equipment and landscaping around the pool area. 

The HOA/DRC is requesting your comment to the proposed standard. Please submit your comment(s) to designreview@trailmarkhoa.org. Comments will be considered as we continue to refine the standard into a final document. All comments should be received at designreview@trailmarkhoa.org not later than March 5, 2021.

Thank you,
TrailMark Design Review Committee (DRC)

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