The New HOA Facebook Page

From the TrailMark HOA Board:

November 20, 2014

Hello TrailMark at Chatfield!

We just wanted to let you know that the “TrailMark at Chatfield” FB page is no longer allowing the TrailMark HOA FaceBook group to post to this site. The site administrator noted the following for her decision to not allow our FB group to post:

“I wanted to let you know that I have never allowed ‘groups’ to post in the past on the TM FB page, and I’m going back to that rule. I’m hoping that in removing the group from the page, that individuals will be driven to the HOA FB page or the TM website itself for information they are seeking.”

The Board agrees with the site adminstrator’s decision to improve communication. Going forward, the Board will not be responding to any questions or comments on this FB account, instead, we will be using our new TrailMark HOA page.

We welcome everyone to our new page “TrailMark HOA” This will allow board related questions to come directly to us, and not clutter up the Trailmark at Chatfield page. We hope that, by funneling questions and comments directly to the Board’s FB page, better communication will follow.

Until everyone is aware of this change , we are asking the TrailMark at Chatfield FB site administrator to post the following notice, whenever a board related question or comment arises: “Please move this comment to the TrailMark HOA FB page . This post will be deleted in 4 hours.”

We are sorry for the inconvenience of having to do another friend request to get on our new page, but this appears to be the easiest way for us to resume communicating on Facebook, since the current site is now off limits to our group. We will post this same message on our website, and in the coming newsletter, in order to get the information out to everyone.

And remember, you can always contact us via email, using Thanks everyone!

The TrailMark HOA Board

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