Crosswalk Safety

At the January meeting, the HOA Board was asked to publish the traffic rules regarding crosswalk safety. While most everyone already knows them, please take a moment to read them and re-familiarize yourself with the laws. We highlighted in orange those portions that we felt were most applicable to crosswalk safety. 

Parents, we ask that you please share the pedestrian responsibilities with your children, especially the highlighted portions. As the weather improves in the coming months, more children will be outside, riding bikes, going to the park, and going to friends’ houses. Let’s all do our part to keep everyone safe. Thanks!  


10.2   Right Of Way

Where vehicles or pedestrians meet one another, and there are no signs or signals to regulate traffic, there are rules that say who must yield the right-of-way. These rules tell drivers who goes first and who must wait in different traffic situations. The law states who must yield the right-of-way; it does not give anyone the right-of-way, even if your traffic signal is green. You must do everything you can to prevent striking a pedestrian or another vehicle, regardless of the circumstances. When driving, you should yield the right-of-way to pedestrians under all conditions. Be particularly watchful for children, elderly and blind persons. Most blind persons are easily recognized by the white cane they carry and/or by their guide dog. Pedestrians have the right-of-way at all intersections and crosswalks. Drivers must come to a complete stop and let the person pass safely.

15. Pedestrians

Pedestrians are those people standing, walking or using a wheelchair on public streets, highways, and private property.

As a pedestrian, you should avoid walking on the traveled portion of a road. When there is no sidewalk, you should walk on the outside of a curb or painted edge strip, if either exists.

When walking along a road, you should walk on the side facing traffic.

When vision is poor, such as at night, make yourself more visible by wearing light-colored clothing, a white cloth tied around your arm, or some reflective material.

You have the right-of-way at crosswalks and intersections whether the crosswalks are marked or not. However, you should always watch for vehicles. If there is an accident you are the one who will suffer.

Never walk across a freeway or expressway.

Do not leave the curb or sidewalk so suddenly that an approaching vehicle cannot yield.

Look for ‘Walk’ and ‘Don’t Walk’ signals at intersections.

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