Pool Articles (2015)

TrailMark Residents:

The HOA had a chance to discuss with Michael Penny, the City Manager of Littleton, some of what the City of Littleton is working on nowadays. Here is summary of that discussion:

1.  The City of Littleton is in active negotiations with Shea Homes to obtain the land immediately north of the TrailMark entrance.

2.  The negotiations for the land would restrict the land use, i.e., the land could not be developed for residential or commercial use. The land would be used for amenities.  Amenities could include items such as recreational facilities, bays for a fire truck, snow plow, or police annex.

3.  The City is releasing an RFP on or around June 19th to hire a consultant to initiate a City Parks and Recreation Master Plan that is projected to be presented to the Littleton City Council within 8-9 months of the consultant being hired.

4.  The consultant will conduct a survey and collect data on residents’ recreational wants both here in TrailMark and throughout the City. This data will be used to develop the City’s Parks and Recreation Master Plan.

5.  Once the plan has been developed, the City of Littleton will present the plan to SSPRD (South Suburban Parks and Recreation District) for discussion regarding timing, costs, and implementation of the plan.

6.  Funding for the Parks & Recreation plan may well be done via partnership among several entities, including the City of Littleton, the SSPRD, and the TrailMark Community.

7.  Earlier this year, the TrailMark HOA had discussed leasing land at HogBack Hill from the City for purposes of building an outdoor pool for the TrailMark residents. Because of the City’s current efforts to develop an all encompassing Park and Recreation plan, the City Manager has stated that he would NOT recommend to the City Council that the land on the Hogback Hill location be leased to us for purposes of building such pool, until the public process for developing the City Master Plan has been completed.

As more information comes to the Board, we will communicate it. We welcome the opportunity to have the TrailMark community take part in the survey process, and believe this to be a great way to gather additional ideas regarding recreational needs.

Stay tuned for updates.

Pool Inquiry Q&A

Q:  What information about a pool is the HOA gathering?

Q:  If the HOA has only inquired as to land (Stage 1), what is the point in telling the community now?  Wouldn’t it be best to get through all of the Stages of the inquiry before sharing with the neighborhood?

Q:  I thought the neighborhood voted against a pool in 2009.  Why would the HOA look into a pool again?  

Q:  Where can I go to get the most up-to-date information about the pool inquiry?

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Community Pool Feasibility

At the March HOA meeting, preliminary information about the investigation of the feasibility of a community pool was presented. The HOA is not proposing that we build a community pool at this time. The HOA is investigating (at the request of homeowners) whether a pool may be feasible in our community. The HOA’s first step has been looking at whether there would be land available for such a project. The HOA has not proceeded any further in the process.
We understand that not everyone may be able to attend meetings, so we have posted the slides here. If you have ANY questions about this (or any other HOA issues), please email us directly at board@trailmarkhoa.org and we will be happy to answer! We will continue to provide updates to the community as they are available. 

Pool Feasibility Presentation March 12, 2015

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