TrailMark Shed/Greenhouse Outdoor Structure Policy

Dear TrailMark Residents,

Our volunteer Design Review Committee (DRC) has been working the past several months on the creation of the TrailMark Shed/Greenhouse and Outdoor Structure Policy. This policy is for the 659 single family homes, not the Star Canyon Patio Homes or Condos.

At the HOA meeting on March 11th, the Board unanimously voted to adopt and approve the new policy effective immediately.

Those of you who wish to install a shed, greenhouse or outdoor structure, please review this policy prior to submitting your DRC Home Improvement Request form.

Kindly remember that all sheds, greenhouses and outdoor structures REQUIRE written DRC approval prior to commencing your project.

The Board wishes to thank the DRC for all of their time and effort in creating this policy.

Thank you,

Ken Colaizzi, President
TrailMark HOA
Littleton, CO  80127

Photo by Arnold Dogelis on Unsplash
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