2021 Archives
Because the articles on this page are dated, the links may not be working. We apologize for any inconvenience.
December 31, 2021 – Dear TrailMark Residents, As you know, the North side of our Denver Metro area suffered some catastrophic damages yesterday. Growing up near Rocky Flats, it breaks my heart to see the devastation. I just wanted to urge caution tonight here in TrailMark. Yes, our Board realizes there is snow in today’s forecast, but PLEASE do not set off fireworks tonight while ringing in the new year. There are plenty of other considerate options other than fireworks that you can do to ring in 2022. None of us neighbors want to see a repeat of yesterday. There are also a lot of dogs in TrailMark who will silently thank you for not setting off fireworks tonight. On behalf of our entire HOA Board, we’d like to be the first to wish you a Happy New Year. Enjoy your evening, and we look forward to serving you in 2022. Sincerely, Ken Colaizzi, President, TrailMark HOA, Littleton, CO 80127, president@trailmarkhoa.org, https://www.trailmark.org
GFL’s recycle truck is running late. 9 of their drivers have Covid so they are doing the best they can given the conditions. The driver is currently in the neighborhood. They said they aren’t sure if they are going to finish the neighborhood tonight. If they don’t get to everyone’s recycle cans tonight, they will be back tomorrow morning. Please bring your cans inside for the night after 7:00 pm. Thank you! Update: Wednesday, December 29th, 8:30 am – GFL is in TrailMark
Posted December 28, 2021
No Delay due to Christmas & Winter Holidays
Garbage and recycling will be picked up on its normal day, Tuesday, December 28th. No delay due to the Holidays.
January 2022 Assessment Update
The HOA has learned this morning that our new management company, Worth Ross, has mailed the January 2022 assessments as of December 27th to each TrailMark homeowner. The mailing includes your January 2022 assessment and payment instructions. Please watch your mailbox and pay your assessment when it arrives. Thank you for your patience and Happy New Year!! TrailMark HOA Board of Directors
From the Design Review Committee (DRC) Regarding Hail Damage Requests
On September 3rd, many TrailMark homes sustained significant hail damage. To assist homeowners with needed hail damage repairs, the Design Review Committee (DRC) published and committed to review hail damage requests on an out-of-cycle basis. This allowed homeowners to quickly schedule repairs to roofs, fences, paint, siding, windows, etc. Almost four (4) months later, the DRC has conducted approximately 280 out-of-cycle reviews for hail damages. Since the emergency nature of these requests has long passed, effective immediately, all hail damage requests will be placed in the normal DRC review queue, and will be reviewed during the normal DRC weeks – 1st and 3rd week of every month. Requests must be received not later than 12:00 noon, Friday prior to the scheduled DRC review. This allows DRC members to review the requests to ensure all required documentation and information is present to allow a speedy review. Required forms may be obtained from the HOA website at HOA Documents & Forms at https://www.trailmark.org/hoa-documents-amp-forms.html. Please send all DRC requests to designreview@trailmarkhoa.org. Given the current transition to a new management company, and to ensure timely review, please send requests to designreview@trailmarkhoa.org, not to the management company.
Posted December 21, 2021
Protect Yourself and Your Family by Becoming WinterWise
by Einar Jensen, Risk Reduction Specialist, South Metro Fire Rescue. I appreciated winter much more when I was a child. Snow days, sledding, ice skating, snow forts, snow angels, watching steam rise from the creek behind my parents’ home. Forty years later, it means icy roads and sidewalks, fire hydrants buried in snow, heating bills, and frostnip. We also can’t forget ice rescues, home fires caused by fireplace ashes, and broken commercial sprinkler pipes. This winter also harbors wildfire risks since snowfall is so scarce. It’s time we all winterize our lives and become WinterWise. Winterize your vehicle. Keep the washer fluid reservoir filled. Replace balding tires when tread depth reaches 2/32 of an inch. Use the penny test: rotate a penny so that Lincoln’s head points down into the tread. If the top of his head disappears between treads, the depth is greater than 2/32”. Keep an emergency kit in your vehicle with blankets, mittens, socks, hats, ice scraper, non-perishable food, multi-tool, and hand-crank flashlight. Winterize your home, business. Test smoke alarms and carbon monoxide alarms; replace any devices that have expired. Replace furnace filters to improve efficiency. Maintain three feet of space around space heaters. Replace insulation around residential or commercial sprinkler pipes. Remove dead needles, leaves from gutters, decking, and the base of walls. Shovel sidewalks if snow returns. Winterize your recreation. Keep pets leashed while adjacent to frozen bodies of water. Dress in layers. Remove layers before getting hot, replace layers before getting cold. Protect fingertips, ears, noses from exposure to cold. Stay hydrated. Stay off icy neighborhood ponds, creeks. If you see a person or other mammal fall through the ice, call 911 and stay on shore. South Metro Fire Rescue’s Community Risk Reduction Specialists are able to provide presentations on these topics for HOAs, civic groups, PTAs, collections of neighbors, and schools. Contact us at ReducingRisk@southmetro.org to schedule such a presentation for virtual or in-person delivery.
Posted December 21, 2021
Management Company Transition: Assessment Update, Meet and Greet
December 21, 2021 – Hello TrailMark Residents, As you are all aware, Worth Ross will be taking over our management and our covenant compliance beginning January 1, 2022. Our HOA Board was able to meet with Worth Ross today and ask for specifics regarding the upcoming January 1st assessments. Many of you have emailed our Board and we promised to give you any information that we were given. Worth Ross has notified our HOA Board today that assessments will be mailed out to each registered homeowner the week after Christmas. The delay in mailing these is due to Worth Ross setting up a bank account in our name. The good news is, in the mailing of your January assessment, there will be instructions on how to pay, and how to set up bill pay with your personal bank, and/or pay by credit card if you wish. There will also be mailing instructions, phone numbers and emails for Worth Ross in that mailing. On your behalf, our Board has asked Worth Ross to not charge any homeowner a late fee on their January assessment because of the transition and timing of these mailings. Worth Ross has agreed and no late fees will be assessed during the month of January 2022. Worth Ross wants to get to know all of us TrailMark residents and they will be organizing a Meet and Greet with TrailMark residents. Worth Ross is currently in the process of setting up a day and time for this Meet and Greet which we were told will be at a location near TrailMark. This will be a chance for you homeowners to come meet our new management/compliance team and ask questions, etc. We will notify all of you as soon as we have a date and time of the Meet and Greet. Our HOA Board is excited to work with Worth Ross and we know many of you will appreciate their professionalism and commitment to TrailMark. That is all the information we have at this time regarding the transition. Please watch your mailboxes and mail in your assessments per the instructions. On behalf of our entire Board we wish each of you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Thank you, Ken Colaizzi, President, Social Committee Liaison, TrailMark HOA, Littleton, CO 80127, president@trailmarkhoa.org, https://www.trailmark.org
Santa Claus is coming to TrailMark!
Saturday, December 18th, Sunday, December 19th, 4:30-7:00 pm, TrailMark Parkway & Everett. Santa is going to be here Saturday and Sunday night (12/18 & 12/19) on the corner of TrailMark & Everett from 4:30 to 7:00 pm. He’s stopping by early to make sure he knows where all the good boys and girls live and was even spotted last night checking his maps! Free face painting by Santa’s elves! Christmas cookies and cookie decorating kits are for sale! Not an HOA event
2nd Annual TrailMark Lights Car Parade Winners
Thanks to all who participated in the 2nd Annual TrailMark Lights Car Parade. Huge shout out to Lonnie Somers for organizing and leading the parade! Participants voted on their favorite displays. The winners are: 1st – Colaizzi Family, 9925 W Baden Dr (thanks to Santa and his helpers coming out to bring Christmas Cheer). 2nd – Somers Family, 9786 S Holland St. 3rd – Biehl-Brooks Family, 8700 W Eden Dr (gotta get your selfie at the selfie station, so cute).
Posted December 18, 2021 by the social committee
From the HOA: No late fees for Assessments during the month of January
The HOA Board recently published information about our new management company Worth Ross and the mailing of assessments. As of today, December 17, 2021, mailings have not yet gone out to homeowners. Homeowners will not be charged late fees during the month of January 2022 so that homeowners have ample opportunity to make their payments. The HOA Board will meet with Worth Ross Management Company on December 21st to update the Board on the management company transition status. As information becomes available, the Board will continue to announce and advise residents on the upcoming assessments and other information. Announcements will be made on the TrailMark website (www.trailmark.org), TrailMark HOA Facebook page (www.facebook.com/groups/trailmark), and the TrailMark NextDoor page. Thank you for your patience with this transition.
Update: January 2022 assessments
December 15, 2021 – Dear TrailMark Residents, We are currently working with Worth Ross Management Company regarding the changes in taking over the management and covenant compliance of our HOA. The mailings and/or emailings of your January 2022 assessments will be coming very soon. I just had another talk with WRMC yesterday and they are getting real close to sending those out to all of us. I checked with Worth Ross and they have assured our board that there will be no late charges or extra fees during the entire month of January because of the transition. They do this all the time and know that it’s always difficult transitioning entire neighborhoods to their way of doing business. Thank you for your patience in this transition. Our board will continue to announce and advise the residents when new information arises regarding the new management company. We will announce on the TrailMark website (www.trailmark.org), the TrailMark HOA Facebook page, and the TrailMark NextDoor page. Have a great day, Ken Colaizzi, President, Social Committee Liaison, TrailMark HOA, Littleton, CO 80127, president@trailmarkhoa.org, https://www.trailmark.org
It’s Almost Time to EnrollJeffco: Reminder for Parents of Jeffco Students
It’s almost time to EnrollJeffco! Enrollment for the 2022-23 school year will open on Monday, Dec. 13. Choosing your school early is great, not only because you can cross it off your to-do list, but it also helps Jeffco Public Schools prepare for next year’s staffing, budget, student resources, and more.
TrailMark Holiday Lights & Car Parade
Sunday, December 12th, 6:30 pm. JOIN THE PARADE! Join us for a car parade through the neighborhood to view TrailMark’s festive decorations! Line up along Holland Street, across from Hogback Hill Park, between 6:00 and 6:25 pm. A festive lead car will start the parade at 6:30 pm and lead us through a route that will hit as many decorations as possible. Please drive with your flashers on for safety, and so we all know who is part of the parade. The course is about 6 miles and we would estimate will take about an hour. This will be a lot of fun!!! Don’t forget to deck your cars with boughs of holly (& lights)! If you don’t want to drive the route, you can watch the cars go by along the route. THERE IS A CONTEST! Those participating will vote for their favorite houses. HERE ARE THE MAPS! CAR PARADE ROUTE. HOLIDAY LIGHTS 2021. The second map is a good one that shows each house, house number, and any fun things they want to highlight (click on house marker). This is good for anyone who wants to see the houses at their leisure and/or get more detail on the fun things they have going on.
Volunteers needed for TrailMark Night at the Lights
Looking for a few volunteers to help take tickets and help with Santa in the barn Tuesday, December 7th. Please sign up here if you can help.
TrailMark Night at the Lights
Tuesday, December 7th, 5:00 to 8:00 pm, Denver Botanic Gardens Chatfield Farms. Hay Rides and pictures with Santa! Cookies, Cider and Hot Chocolate! $10/person CASH ONLY. Under 3 is free. Pay at the door. Last entry is 7:15 pm. Still looking for a few volunteers to help take tickets and help with Santa in the barn. Please sign up here if you can help!
HOA Board Final Election Results
Congratulations to William (Bill) Kuenning! This morning Bill was selected at a public drawing at Hogback Hill Park as the winning board member, breaking the tie. Your new 2022 HOA Board of Directors are listed below with the end of their elected terms in parentheses: KEN COLAIZZI (2023), SALLY JANSSEN (2022), PHIL KINNEY (2022), CJ HABERKORN (2022), WILLIAM (BILL) KUENNING (2023) Thank you, TrailMark HOA Board of Directors
Posted December 3, 2021
HOA Election Results
Ladies and Gentlemen, the residents of TrailMark have spoken. 259 ballots were submitted for the 3 candidates running for the HOA Board of Directors. Tonight, December 2nd at 7:00 p.m., the election results were announced. 248 votes were cast for Ken Colaizzi (Current President), 122 votes were cast for Bill Kuenning (Current Secretary), 122 votes were cast for Scott Spinks (TrailMark Resident). Clearly, Ken Colaizzi was re-elected by the numbers mentioned. There is currently a tie between Bill Kuenning and Scott Spinks. The TrailMark HOA Board consulted legal counsel on how to break the tie. Legal counsel advised the HOA Board to have a public drawing of the two tied candidates’ names. On Friday, December 3rd at 11:00 a.m., at Hogback Hill Park, the HOA Board of Directors invites you to be in attendance to witness the drawing of the winning board member. Please be at Hogback Hill Park on time because the drawing of the name will occur promptly at 11:00 a.m. Thank you, TrailMark HOA Board of Directors
HOA Election Results Meeting
Thursday, December 2nd, 7:00 pm, Zoom online meeting. The results of the election will be announced at a Special Meeting to be held Thursday, December 2nd at 7:00 p.m. This meeting will be held virtually via Zoom. Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/93141586981?pwd=eE5Bd2xjU2dWSk1PWGhDUFBlbEFtZz09. Meeting ID: 931 4158 6981, Passcode: 237273. One tap mobile, +16699009128,,93141586981# US (San Jose), +12532158782,,93141586981# US (Tacoma). Dial by your location, +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose), +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma), +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston), +1 646 558 8656 US (New York), +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC), +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago). Meeting ID: 931 4158 6981. Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/adSUpqHn3S. All are welcome. HOA Board Election Candidates
Many questions come up during HOA Election time, so we put together an Election page to help answer some of those questions.
Food Truck Thursday
Thursday, December 2nd, 5:00-7:30 pm, TrailMark Park. FOOD TRUCKS: Pink Tank, Rebel Cookie Dough. NEW If the truck is offering online ordering that night, it will be turned on and available. If it isn’t turned on, they are not offering online service. Online and window service start at 5:00 pm. Please respect those who live on that street. If garbage cans are full, please bring your trash home. Food truck selections subject to change. Due to weather and other circumstances, events may be canceled. Please check trailmark.org for cancellation information.
Prevent Candle Fires as You Celebrate this Month
By Einar Jensen, Risk Reduction Specialist, South Metro Fire Rescue. Across the nation, December is the peak month for home candle fires, according to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). Between 2015 and 2019, U.S. fire departments responded to an estimated 7,400 home structure fires that were started by candles per year. Candle fires also happen in our fire district throughout December. One reason for all these candle fires is the plethora of holidays in December that may utilize candles for secular and sacred ceremonies such as Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Chanukah, Kwanzaa, Junkanoo, Ōmisoka, Santa Lucia Day, Mōdraniht, New Year’s Eve, Hogmanay, Winter Solstice, Yule, Yalda, Soyal, Bodhi Day, Epiphany (Three Kings Day), Krampusnacht, Pancha Ganapati, and Saturnalia. Other contributing reasons are connected to how we use candles. We at South Metro Fire Rescue prefer flameless candles. If you are using traditional candles, these tips can help you and your family have a safer holiday: Use candle holders that are sturdy and won’t tip over easily. Put candle holders on a sturdy, noncombustible, and uncluttered surface. Burning handheld candles should not be passed from one person to another at any time. When lighting candles at a candle-lighting service, have the person with the unlit candle dip their candle into the flame of the lit candle. Lit candles should not be placed in windows where a blind or curtain could catch fire. Candles placed on or near tables, altars, or shrines, must be watched by an adult. If a candle must burn continuously, be sure it is enclosed in a glass container and placed in a sink, on a metal tray, or in a deep basin filled with water. Light candles carefully. Keep your hair and any loose clothing away from the flame. Don’t burn a candle all the way down. Put it out before it gets too close to the holder or container. Never use a candle if oxygen is used in the home. Candles come in two varieties: mesas (wider than they are tall) and buttes (taller than they are wide). Mesas resist tipping and burn longer than buttes. If a candle does cause a fire, leave the building and call 911. Our stations are fully staffed with firefighters ready to help you each day of the year including all holidays. If you have questions about any safety topics, please visit www.southmetro.org or find our agency on social media.
Posted December 1, 2021
Secretary of State’s Office Provides Tips for Donating Wisely This Holiday Season
With the holiday charitable giving season now underway, Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold is reminding all of those who are planning on sharing their generosity to make sure they are giving wisely. Once again Coloradans will have ample opportunities to give, with Giving Tuesday taking place November 30 and Colorado Gives Day on December 7. “Amid the uncertainty caused by the pandemic, one constant has been the overwhelming generosity of Coloradans,” said Secretary Griswold. “While this generosity is inspiring, it’s important to give, but also to give wisely.” The Secretary of State’s Office has produced a number of tips to help people navigate charitable giving. Over 14,000 charities have registered with the Secretary of State, making www.ColoradoSOS.gov a valuable resource for those looking for information on nonprofit organizations. Charities annually file information with the Secretary of State’s Office about their programs, leadership, and financial efficiency which is information readily available to the public online. Some things to keep in mind during the holiday giving season include: When giving to a charity, it’s important to confirm the organization is registered and current at checkthecharity.com. When receiving solicitation calls, ask if the caller is a paid solicitor, and if so, ask for their name and the name of their company, the paid solicitor’s registration number, and the percent of your donation that will go to charity. If they refuse to give you any of this information, do not give to that charity. Make a note of the representations made regarding how your donation would be used, e.g. what charitable purposes or programs would benefit and whether or not anyone will benefit locally. Call the charity itself to confirm the details of the solicitation and any local benefits. Watch out for charities with names that sound similar to well-known, reputable organizations. Sometimes these sound-alike names are simply intended to confuse donors. Be careful to not click on links to charities on unfamiliar websites or in texts or emails. These may take you to a lookalike website where you will be asked to provide personal financial information or to click on something that downloads harmful malware into your computer. Don’t assume that charity recommendations on Facebook, blogs or other social media have already been vetted. Ask whether the charitable contribution is tax-deductible, and verify with your tax advisor or the IRS. The fact that a charity has a tax identification number does not necessarily mean your contribution is tax-deductible. Ask for a receipt showing the amount of the contribution and stating that it is tax-deductible. Be wary if a charity fails to provide detailed information about its identity, mission, and finances and how the donation will be used. Reputable charities will gladly provide the information requested. There is no need to give on the spot, whether to a telemarketer or door-to-door solicitor. If you feel pressured or uncomfortable, just say, “No, thank you” or hang up. Do not pay in cash. Donate by check made payable to the charity or use the charity’s website to donate by credit card. If you believe that you have been solicited by a fraudulent charity, you can file a complaint with the Secretary of State or the Attorney General. Attorney General, 1-800-222-4444, www.coag.gov, Secretary of State, 303-894-2200, www.ColoradoSOS.gov. Additional resources available from the Colorado Secretary of State’s Office include tips for Internet and Social Media Solicitations and questions that potential donors can ask if they are solicited by phone.
Posted December 1, 2021
Brighten a Child’s Holiday Season Through Jeffco’s Giving Tree Program
The Jefferson County Commissioners are excited to continue the tradition of the annual Giving Tree program. Gift tags for more than 300 local children have traditionally been placed on a tree in the Jefferson County Administration and Courts Facility. Due to COVID-19, the Giving Tree program will again be virtual this year. Your generosity is greatly appreciated and will help brighten the holiday season for Jeffco children. Giving Tree details: Gift tags are available on the Giving Tree website. Only gift cards will be accepted. Gift cards can be purchased from the store(s) of your choice, in whatever dollar amount you choose. Gift cards need to be returned no later than Dec. 1 at 5 p.m., to the holiday-themed drop box located on the first floor of the Jefferson County Administration and Courts Facility, 100 Jefferson County Parkway, Golden 80419.
HOA Ballots are due by 5:00 pm Tuesday, November 30th
Please drop them in the mail no later than Tuesday, November 23rd. Ballots were mailed to every home on November 12th to vote for HOA board candidates. One ballot per household. Two positions out of five board members are up for election during the November 2021 HOA election. Please select and vote for two candidates. 3 candidates have submitted their names for candidacy. Ken Colaizzi, incumbent (Currently President), William “Bill” Kuenning, incumbent (Currently Secretary), Scott Spinks (TrailMark Resident). Return the ballot in the self-addressed stamped envelope. Ballots are due by 5:00 pm on November 30th. Results of the election will be aired to the community on a Special Election Zoom meeting at 7:00 pm on December 2nd. Once the new Board is elected, the five Board members will meet and determine which positions each Board member will hold for the 2021-2022 year. HOA Board Election Candidates
TrailMark moves forward with Worth Ross Management Company
Dear Homeowner, On behalf of TrailMark Homeowners Association Board of Directors, we are very happy to announce Worth Ross Management Co., Inc. AAMC (WRMC), as our new management company starting January 1, 2022. The decision to move forward with WRMC was made after careful consideration of the current needs of the Association. WRMC will handle all aspects of the management of TrailMark including Covenant Compliance. *Your New Association Management Staff Contact Information* WRMC is available to assist you with any questions you may have. During the transition our Regional Director, George Skrbin and Community Manager, Eric Andrews, will work together with our Transition Team. WRMC is thrilled to be partners with the community. Please be on the lookout for an upcoming social event hosted by WRMC to give you the opportunity to meet our team. *Association Assessment Payment Information* January statements will be emailed and mailed with your new account number and payment options next week and are due January 1, 2022. The January statements will only include the new quarterly assessment rate of $135.00. Statements will be sent end of January with balances/credits forwarded from CRS Management. The Association will not charge late fees for January to allow owners time to adjust to the management company change. For your protection, WRMC does not obtain your bank account information to draft your payment from your bank account. Prior management will not draft any accounts that were set up on their auto-draft. Please contact your bank if you have bill pay and update the payment address once you receive your payment and account information. The Board and WRMC will continue to communicate information regarding the transition and other community information. Please visit www.trailmark.org for information and upcoming events. Sincerely, TrailMark Board of Directors
Posted November 29, 2021
In early September 2021, the HOA Board was approached with a request that the TrailMark Annual Garage Sale sponsorship change. After much discussion and consideration, the HOA Board concluded that, to be fair and transparent in supporting event sponsorship, an application process will provide potential resident and non-resident sponsors an opportunity to contribute to TrailMark while defraying event costs from the HOA budget. The HOA Board will provide sponsorship priority to TrailMark residents. However, selection will be based on several factors, including the over-all event plan. Applicants are encouraged to illustrate examples that they have the experience and necessary skills to confidently achieve their submitted plan. All applications submitted will be reviewed by the sitting HOA Board who will determine the sponsorship award. To support this new approach, a form has been created to provide a standard format for submitting event proposals. Applicants must complete the Proposed Social/Community Event form, including plans, drawings, contracts and other appropriate documents. Applications must be submitted to board@trailmarkhoa.org. Please find the application here.
Posted November 28, 2021
Join the TrailMark Business Network on Facebook. Post your business. Support your neighbors.
Posted November 27, 2021
Thanks to the Firefighters of Station 19
A special THANK YOU to the South Metro firefighters at Station 19 for allowing us to use their lobby while we decorated the TrailMark entrance, which gave us a place for refreshments and also access to a bathroom. We are truly grateful for the assistance of Lieutenant Eric and all of the firefighters who were on duty that day.
Posted November 25, 2021
Coexisting with Wildlife in TrailMark
by Bill Kuenning, Secretary of TrailMark HOA. Lions, and Snakes, and Owls, and Eagles, and Hawks, and Foxes, and Bobcats, and Bears, Prairie Dogs, Mice and Rats— “Oh My!” Yes, we have them all -and more, here in, and all around, TrailMark! As you know, this is their habitat, with us plopped down, right in its middle. During my time as a Park Ranger, at Chatfield State Park, I saw a great deal of animals, and misbehavior, but it was never the animals misbehaving. Here at TrailMark, the animals are here, too; however, unlike Chatfield State Park, the humans here do pretty darn well! So, with the recent encounter with a mountain lion, (cougar, puma, catamount), the constant bobcat sightings, and the bears rearranging our trash and birdfeeders, I thought that I would share some local information, on our life among these beautiful creatures, whom we are privileged to see, now and then. Read full article here (pdf)
Posted November 25, 2021
Working Together to Reduce Pressure on our Hospitals, EMS Agencies
A special edition by Einar Jensen, Risk Reduction Specialist. South Metro Fire Rescue. Currently, the State of Colorado is experiencing a significant upward trend in the number of citizens admitted to the hospital who are sick with COVID. This trend, which is a crisis for many hospitals and EMS providers including South Metro Fire Rescue (SMFR), has resulted in increased patient transports, hospital overload, and prolonged emergency room wait times. You can help us reverse this trend. If you have not yet been vaccinated, get a COVID vaccination. Everyone 5 years of age and older is now eligible to get a COVID-19 vaccination. Search the Internet for “COVID vaccine near me” to find options. If you are fully vaccinated, get a COVID-19 booster dose if you have not already received one. Search the Internet for “COVID vaccine near me” to find options. Regardless of whether you are vaccinated, if you tested positive for COVID-19, you may be eligible to get monoclonal antibody treatment to help you recover. This treatment can prevent you from getting seriously sick! Visit covid19.colorado.gov/covid-19-treatments for information. Common signs and symptoms of COVID can include fever, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing. and tiredness as well as losing your sense of taste or smell. Other symptoms can include muscle aches, chills, sore throat, runny nose, headache, chest pain, and pink eye (conjunctivitis). Those signs and symptoms could be from other illnesses, too, so we recommend that you contact your doctor, utilize your doctor’s telehealth service (if one is available), or the Colorado Nurse Advice Line at 1-800-283-3221 before going to a hospital. Companies that provide healthcare at your home such as DispatchHealth, which partners with SMFR to operate a non-emergency mobile urgent care service, also may be an appropriate option. Of course, if you believe your illness is a life-threatening emergency, call 911. Working together, we can reduce our risk and enjoy the holiday season.
Posted November 23, 2021
Photos from the Front Entrance Decorating event
Sunday, November 21. A big THANK YOU to all who came out to help! It looks great!!! Photos by Phil Kinney
Volunteers Needed for Holiday Decorating
The CAC (Common Area Committee) needs volunteers to help with holiday decorations at the entrance to TrailMark on Sunday morning, November 21st. Eager helpers should show up at the Fire Station and park in the available parking spots at approximately 9:30 am. Coffee, hot chocolate and snacks will be provided at the front entrance lobby of the Fire Station. Come join the CAC as we spread the holiday fun. The More the Merrier! Please contact Mary Kreeger for more information at kreegermary@gmail.com
“Sleigh Hello” Holiday Get Together
Kick off the holidays with a neighborhood get-together Saturday, November 20th at TrailMark Park (click on map below)! Join us from 5:00 to 7:00 pm for a horse-drawn wagon ride complete with a complimentary family photo next to the festively appointed horses just in time for holiday cards. We will have free cocoa and refreshments in the warming hut and even a holly jolly surprise guest mingling and taking early orders from all kiddos on the “nice” list. Sponsored by TrailMark residents: Lori Ross – Realtor at Revv Realty, Ryan LeClair – Mortgage Broker at Fit Lending, Lauren Woodin – WFG National Title Insurance Company
New Management and Covenant Compliance company to take over on January 1st, 2022
November 19, 2021 – Dear TrailMark Residents, The HOA Board is pleased to announce that we have selected Worth Ross Management Company to take over the duties of management and covenant compliance beginning January 1, 2022. The transition from CRS (our current management company) and CPS (our current covenant compliance company) to Worth Ross Management Company is under way. There will be many more public announcements about this transition in the weeks to come. One of the biggest changes that lies ahead in the next few weeks is regarding the HOA assessments that are due on January 1, 2022. Worth Ross has agreed to send out the assessments in lieu of our current management company, CRS. Remember, the assessments will be $135 per quarter starting January 1, 2022. This HOA Board will do our best to keep you informed by posting the newest updates regarding the new management company to the TrailMark website, the HOA Facebook page, and NextDoor. The representatives at Worth Ross Management Company have also stated that they will be making a public announcement soon to our homeowners. Our Board is excited about the many benefits Worth Ross has to manage and assist TrailMark. On behalf of our entire HOA Board, we’d like to wish you and your family a very Happy Thanksgiving. See you at the Sleigh Ride! Many thanks, Ken Colaizzi, President, Social Committee Liaison, TrailMark HOA, Littleton, CO 80127, president@trailmarkhoa.org, https://www.trailmark.org
Candidates: 2022 TrailMark HOA Board of Directors
(in alphabetical order) KEN COLAIZZI I am currently serving our HOA as President, and I’m the Social Committee Liaison. In 2020, I served as Treasurer. I have a Sociology Elementary Education degree from the University of Northern Colorado in Greeley. I would like to be re-elected to the TrailMark HOA Board of Directors because I have enjoyed working with our neighbors to build TrailMark into a remarkable neighborhood. I have great people skills and enjoy working with others. Here in TrailMark I have been an integral part in some great new ideas and changes. I have also assisted several neighbors with a handshake and “hands-on” approach in solving some problems as well. I have been a part of many contract negotiations for our HOA and have helped our HOA stay on track with our goals and objectives. I have worked cooperatively with our Management Company and our Finance Committee to keep our budget sound and fiscally responsible. I get along well with our entire HOA Board, our Management Company, our Compliance Company and our Communications Director, to keep TrailMark on task at all times. I’ve also established a great relationship with the City of Littleton, SSPR, the Denver Botanic Gardens, and the TrailMark Metro District so our HOA works harmoniously with those entities. I am thrilled for the opportunity to assist TrailMark in keeping our neighborhood the diamond that it is. I respectfully ask for your vote of confidence in Ken Colaizzi. Thank you, I won’t let you down! WILLIAM (BILL) KUENNING I joined the HOA Board when, after all these years, I felt that the mix of Board Members could finally balance appropriate change with protecting our singular Community’s quality-of-life and extraordinary value, and begin to respond far more effectively to our Residents’ concerns and needs. INFLUENCES Experiences which have shaped me to strive for these personal characteristics/capabilities: high work ethic, sensibility, strategic & integrated thinking, intensely empathetic consensus-building & mediation, technical & creative insight, fair & honest evaluation, compassionate actions—which are the characteristics/capabilities which seem to help TrailMark the most: Lived in TrailMark 21 years. Member of the TrailMark HOA Board for the past approximately 2 years (Member at large, Secretary). Consulted/mentored/sponsored non-profit entities like the Wind Dancer Foundation and founded/directed charities—example: Military Family Voices (www.militaryfamilyvoices.us). Consulted/Developed projects for film, theatre, art and interactive entertainment—for entities like: Jackson Productions, Larry Fanning Studios and Risk International. Theme parks’ masterplans, strategic design, crowd analytics, risk & R.O.I. assessment/communications for entities like The Walt Disney Company (Technical Director) and Bose International Planning/Architecture (USA-Poland-India). Managed instrumentation, facilities design and analytical projects for entities, like: The Adolph Coors Company, Amax Engineering, The University of Colorado—MCD Biology, CSU Dept. of Anatomy and The University of Colorado Medical Center. ELECTION Ken and I came to the Board at the same time and are optimists, with the driven work ethic to justify that optimism. We worked hard, and our work with the Board is not Finished. Thank you for looking more deeply into what this capable Board is accomplishing for every Resident, and thank you for your support. SCOTT SPINKS My name is Scott Spinks and I am running for one of the two open seats on the HOA Board. A Colorado Native who grew up here on the front range, I have lived the majority of my life in the area. I have a degree from Colorado State University in Natural Resource Management with a focus in Wildlife Biology and am currently an Operations Manager at The Department of Revenue. Today I hold two Vice-Chair Seats on two separate committees, one state and one federal, that work and discuss community focused initiatives creating a safer Colorado for all citizens. My interests in the HOA Board revolve around my desire to build a community and home environment that works with your family and mine. When my wife and I selected TrailMark we did so to raise our family in a forever home, which began 10 years ago. I believe that over this last year under the current HOA President Ken Colaizzi, and with two new members Phil and CJ, the board has turned in the right direction. I have been attending the public HOA virtual meetings this past year participating and witnessing a change in the dialogue between the community and most members. If elected, my commitment is to use my personal and professional experience to continue building on what the HOA started and I would hope to work alongside President Ken Colaizzi if he is re-elected. Please vote Scott Spinks this election if you agree, and help me continue the positive course of change that is benefiting us all! Thank you for your consideration.
HOA Dues & Management Company
On Thursday, November 11th, the HOA Board approved and ratified the 2022 HOA budget. Due to increases in contractor expenses, and in order to maintain our reserves, the HOA Board also unanimously voted 5-0 to increase our HOA assessment dues. Beginning January 1, 2022, our quarterly HOA assessment dues will increase from $110 per quarter to $135 per quarter. The HOA also announced during the meeting that they were in the process of changing management companies. CRS will be our HOA Management company until December 31, 2021. Worth Ross Management Company, Inc. (WRMC) will begin January 1, 2022. WRMC will handle all aspects of the management of TrailMark including Covenant Compliance. If you are not on auto-pay, please wait to mail in your January 2022 assessments until we announce the details of the new management company’s payment options. Please be patient with this new transition. The HOA and the management companies are doing everything they can to make this a smooth transition for everyone. Please watch the trailmark.org website for additional information and new announcements. Thank you, The TrailMark HOA Board of Directors
Posted November 15, 2021; Updated December 1, 2021
HOA Ballots are in the Mail
Ballots have been mailed to every home on November 12th to vote for HOA board candidates. One ballot per household. Two positions out of five board members are up for election during the November 2021 HOA election. Please select and vote for two candidates. 3 candidates have submitted their names for candidacy. Ken Colaizzi, incumbent (Currently President), William “Bill” Kuenning, incumbent (Currently Secretary), Scott Spinks (TrailMark Resident). Return the ballot in the self addressed stamped envelope. Ballots are due by 5:00 pm on November 30th. Results of the election will be aired to the community on a Special Election Zoom meeting at 7:00 pm on December 2nd. Once the new Board is elected, the five Board members will meet and determine which positions each Board member will hold for the 2021-2022 year.
About the HOA Ballot
The proxy is not the ballot of candidates for the HOA. A ballot will be mailed to every home on November 12th to vote for HOA board candidates. One ballot per household. Two positions out of five board members are up for election during the November 2021 HOA election. Please select and vote for two candidates. Currently 3 candidates have publicly submitted their names for candidacy. Ken Colaizzi, incumbent (Currently President), William “Bill” Kuenning, incumbent (Currently Secretary), Scott Spinks (TrailMark Resident). The bios of the 3 candidates are on the TrailMark website, www.trailmark.org. Residents who also wish to run for the HOA Board can add their name to the election during the November 11th annual meeting, as per our CCR’s. Return the ballot in the self addressed stamped envelope. Ballots are due by 5:00 pm on November 30th. Results of the election will be aired to the community on a Special Election Zoom meeting at 7:00 pm on December 2nd. Once the new Board is elected, the five Board members will meet and determine which positions each Board member will hold for the 2021-2022 year. HOA Board Election Candidates
Annual Meeting Thursday, November 11th
The 2021 Annual Meeting is Thursday, November 11th. The Metro District (TMMD) will meet at 6:30 p.m., and the HOA will meet at 7:00 p.m. (immediately following the Metro meeting). This year’s meeting will be on Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/91028834553?pwd=SHUyblB4dHRhVlhxSXJNeUVsTndrdz09, Meeting ID: 910 2883 4553, Passcode: 715363 This year’s meeting is held to ratify the 2022 HOA budget as well as present the Board of Director candidates for the HOA. There are two (2) positions open on the Board this year. If you are interested in running for the Board, please contact the Property Manager Mat Birkeness of CRS at mbirkeness@crsofcolorado.com. The HOA election will be conducted a bit differently this year, with the meeting being virtual. Please be sure to return the proxies (we still need a quorum)!* The voting will not take place during the Annual Meeting as it normally does. Instead, ballots will be mailed to each home in TrailMark immediately following the meeting. This is to ensure anyone who gets nominated the night of the meeting still has the chance to obtain votes. The ballots will need to be returned by mail by November 30th, 2021 at 5:00 p.m. A self-addressed, stamped envelope will be included with the ballot for easy mailing. Ballots delivered or received in the mail after 5:00 p.m. on November 30th will not be counted. We recommend voting as soon as you receive your ballot in the mail. Return your ballot ASAP to ensure your ballot is received and counted. Ballots will be mailed by account numbers. One vote per household is permitted. According to our CCR’s, your current HOA dues must be paid in full in order for your vote to count. Please make sure your HOA dues are up to date. The mailing you will receive will have the ballot, instructions on voting, information about each candidate, and a stamped return envelope for your ballot. The results of the election will be announced at a Special Meeting to be held Thursday, December 2nd at 7:00 p.m. This meeting will be held virtually via Zoom. (Zoom information will be posted after the November 11th meeting.) The HOA needs volunteers to process and count ballots. In order to volunteer, you may not be related or affiliated with any of the HOA candidates running for a Board position. If you wish to help with this process, please contact the Property Manager Mat Birkeness of CRS at mbirkeness@crsofcolorado.com. All are welcome. A summary timeline: Return proxies to one of the ballot boxes,* Annual Meeting/Budget Ratification Meeting on November 11th, Ballots mailed to each home on Friday, November 12th, Ballots to be returned no later than Tuesday, November 30th at 5:00 p.m., Ballots counted/processed either December 1st or 2nd (depends on coordination with Mat Birkeness and volunteers), Election Results Announcement Meeting on Thursday, December 2nd at 7:00 p.m. *Proxies can be returned to the following locations before 5:00 pm, November 11th: 9946 W Baden Drive on the front porch in the labeled box. 9718 S Johnson Way on the front porch in the labeled box. Or, at the exit of the community along TrailMark Parkway OUTSIDE of the fire station in the labeled box as well. Agenda, Budget. All are welcome. HOA Board Election Candidates
TrailMark Metropolitan District Meeting/Public Hearing
The Metro District will hold a Public Hearing on Thursday, November 11th to consider the 2022 Budget. The meeting will be held via Zoom and begins at 6:30 p.m. (Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/91028834553?pwd=SHUyblB4dHRhVlhxSXJNeUVsTndrdz09). This meeting immediately precedes the Annual HOA Meeting. We look forward to seeing you. Agenda. Contact Cathy Noon, District Manager for more details – cnoon@crsofcolorado.com, 303-381-4990
URGENT: Proxies are needed by 5:00 pm Thursday, November 11th
Proxies have been mailed out to the TrailMark community. Please be sure to return the proxies (we still need a quorum) by 5:00 pm on Thursday, November 11th! If you did not receive a proxy in the mail you may print one here. https://www.trailmark.org/uploads/3/9/0/8/39089355/annualmtgproxy20211111.pdf. Proxies can be returned to the following locations: 9946 W Baden Drive on the front porch in the labeled box, 9718 S Johnson Way on the front porch in the labeled box, Or, at the exit of the community along TrailMark Parkway OUTSIDE of the fire station in the labeled box as well. One proxy, one vote per household. Thank you!
HOA/TMMD Annual Meeting – Thursday, November 11th Save the date! November 11, 2021
TrailMark Residents, the Budget Ratification meeting and annual joint meeting of the TrailMark HOA and the TrailMark Metropolitan District (TMMD) will be held to discuss the budgets for 2021 on Thursday, November 11th. The TMMD meeting begins at 6:30 pm with the HOA meeting immediately following the conclusion of the TMMD meeting, approximately 7:00. If you want to know where your taxes and fees are being spent and managed, please attend the meeting. Call for Proxies – To have a quorum (required for the HOA meeting) necessary for ratification we need representation by proxy of a minimum of 82 households! You will receive, in the mail, notice of this meeting with a proxy form. If you cannot attend the meeting please return your proxy. Every year the HOA struggles to get enough proxies back to meet the quorum requirements set forth in the Governing Documents. If a quorum is not reached, the meeting must be rescheduled and costs the HOA a lot of money as all of the items must be mailed again and additional meetings must be called. Please send back your proxy when you receive it in the mail. This year the proxy is more important than ever. Be sure to indicate who you are assigning your proxy to. Do not leave the proxy blank. You may still complete the proxy for quorum only. This means that nobody gets to vote on your behalf, but that your proxy counts towards the quorum requirement for the meeting. If you would like to ensure someone votes on your behalf, you can either assign your vote to a Board member or to someone else in the community. Don’t leave it blank! If you think your neighbor already sent it, they probably didn’t! So please, if you are not going to attend the meeting, send your proxy back. Thank you! Call for Candidates – The Annual Meeting also means that Board elections are coming up. Please contact the Property Manager, Mat Birkeness (mbirkeness@crsofcolorado.com) if you are interested in running for a position on the Board of Directors. More information about Board duties is included in the newsletter and will be included with the items mailed to you. This year we have to hold the meeting virtually. While this is not an ideal situation, we want to be sure the safety of all residents is taken into consideration. The meeting information will be included in the items mailed to you and posted on the TrailMark website prior to the meeting. With the meeting as virtual, the process will look a bit different also. Election Season – As election season is upon us, it is time to remind TrailMark homeowners and residents of TrailMark’s signage rules: TrailMark Homeowners Association cannot prohibit the placement of political signs on property which is owned by a resident of the HOA or in the window of a unit. A political sign is defined as a sign that carries a message intended to influence the outcome of an election, including supporting or opposing the election of a candidate, the recall of a public official, or the passage of a ballot issue. Any political sign shall not be on display earlier than 45 days before an election and shall be removed no later than 7 days after an election. The political sign may be no larger than thirty-six by forty-eight inches in size. Each home or unit may only have one (1) sign per political office or ballot issue that is contested in an upcoming election. Please adhere to these rules to avoid a covenant violation. Reference: CCIOA (C.R.S 38-33.3106.5(1)(C)) – (Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act)
Common Questions about running for the Board of Directors for the TrailMark Homeowners Association
Q: What are my duties on the Board? A: The Board is responsible for maintaining and honoring the Declarations, Bylaws, and Design Review Guidelines of the community. The Board reviews/approves all contracts for work done in the common area. The Board receives emails from residents who voice concerns, complaints and/or ideas. The Board is responsible for holding homeowners accountable to the standards set in the covenants. The Board is responsible for the financial state of the Association in which they set dues, approve all invoices, and maintain a balanced budget. The Board is ultimately responsible for the trash contract, social events, maintenance and upkeep of Association property, and all things administrative (insurance, reserve study, etc.). Each Board member is assigned a committee for which they are the liaison between the Board and that committee. In this capacity, the Board member attends committee meetings and advises the Board on on-going committee activities. The Board currently meets every other month, in the odd number months, on the 2nd Tuesday at 7pm. Q: What are the qualifications for being on the Board? A: As outlined in the Association Bylaws: “A Director may be any natural person and need not be an Owner of a Lot within the Community Area; provided, however, that upon the expiration of the Declarant’s Control Period, at least a majority of the Directors shall be Owners…” It is important to keep in mind that the qualifications to be a Director and the qualifications to vote vary. To cast a vote for Association issues, the Lot for which the vote is being cast must be in good standing, that is, no outstanding fines or dues are allowed, in order to vote. Q: How much time does it take to be on the Board? A: Typically, Board members spend about 10-15 hours each week dealing with HOA items: emails; phone calls; visits from neighbors; reviewing and overseeing contracts; performing site visits; attending various meetings with agencies such as City of Littleton, JEFFCO, SSPR and/or fielding and responding to issues presented by these entities; provides guidance to our committees; etc. During the week when there is a Board meeting, the time spent on HOA issues is approximately 15-20 hours to facilitate meeting preparation and meeting attendance. Q: How long is my term on the Board? And are there term limits? A: Terms are 2-years in length. This is to ensure not all five Board members change at once, to allow consistency in governance. There are no term limits for how many times a person can sit on the Board.
Annual HOA Board Meeting Proxies needed
Proxies have been mailed out to the TrailMark community. Please be sure to return the proxies (we still need a quorum) by 5:00 pm on Thursday, November 11th! Proxies can be returned to the following locations: 9946 W Baden Drive on the front porch in the labeled box, 9718 S Johnson Way on the front porch in the labeled box, Or, at the exit of the community along TrailMark Pkwy near the fire station in the labeled box as well. Thank you!
Ladies and Gentlemen, our TrailMark HOA Board is taking a line from Uncle Sam. We are looking for a few good residents to consider running for the HOA Board on November 11, 2021. Qualifications are: You must be a TrailMark registered homeowner, and be in good standing with respect to your HOA dues. You must be able to attend bi-monthly meetings, respond to multiple emails and phone calls daily, as well as be an active member of our community. It’s a volunteer position and involves approximately 2 to 20 hours a week on average. Board members Ken Colaizzi and Bill Kuenning’s seats are up for election/re-election in November. Both Ken and Bill may choose to run for re-election. As a point of clarification, any and all candidates run for the board individually, not as a team. If you are interested in running for the HOA Board, please fill out this self nomination form and email it to Mat Birkeness at our management company at mbirkeness@crsofcolorado.com, or fax it to 303-381-4960 before our November 11th meeting. If elected, you will serve a two-year volunteer term to the HOA Board. The election will begin on November 11th at the annual HOA meeting. Our current HOA Board will be discussing and advertising the details of the upcoming election very soon. Once the new Board is elected, the five Board members will sit together and determine which positions each Board member will hold for the 2021-2022 year. This November, you will get to choose which neighbors you wish to fill the two seats on the HOA Board. Will one of these candidates be you? Will you be the next resident to step up and help TrailMark be the outstanding community it is? This will be a great election in November. Self Nomination Application
Please note:
CRS received a call from the fire station that residents are running into the station to drop off the proxies. The drop box is located OUTSIDE the fire station along TrailMark Parkway.
Posted November 9, 2021
Bike Park follow-up letter from South Suburban Parks and Recreation (SSPR)
November 4, 2021. Dear TrailMark residents, Thank you for your responses to my email. Below is some information that will hopefully answer the questions I’ve received. There will be future, separate public input processes for both the District-wide Master Plan and the TrailMark Park site plan, as well as a survey of the neighborhood regarding the bike park. 2022 District-wide Master Plan Update. The South Suburban Board of Directors will approve the proposed 2022 budget at their November 10 meeting. Included in that budget is money to hire a third-party consulting firm to lead the District-wide Master Plan Update. The 2022 Master Plan Update will serve as a planning tool that will help guide the District to meet the needs of our continually growing and diverse community. This plan was last updated in 2017. A consulting firm will be hired in January 2022. The firm will analyze the scope of the District’s needs, which will include public input. The entire process will take place between January – June 2022. It is anticipated the draft plan will be produced in August and the final plan will be presented to the Board of Directors by the end of the year. Specific dates for this process will not be identified until after the consulting firm is hired. 2022 TrailMark Park Site Plan. Currently, there is $280,000 budgeted for general playground improvements at TrailMark Park in 2022. However, a Site Plan does not exist for this park. In order to make any changes to this park, South Suburban needs an approved Site Plan that identifies existing and any proposed new park amenities. This will require a public input meeting that would take place at the earliest, Spring 2022, with anticipated construction beginning in 3rd quarter 2022. TrailMark Neighborhood Survey. South Suburban plans to hire a third-party consultant to conduct a survey of the neighborhood to gauge interest in a bike park. Due to the holiday season and our desire to reach as many residents as possible, we will begin the survey in January 2022. In the meantime, staff will work to identify potential locations for a bike park. Additionally, keep us posted on any fundraising efforts that occur. Notices for public input will be emailed directly to this group, sent to the TrailMark HOA and posted to our website (ssprd.org). Thank you, Becky, Becky Grubb, Communications Manager, South Suburban Parks and Recreation, 4810 E County Line Road, Littleton, CO 80126, ssprd.org | 303.483.7014 | 720.665.5396 cell. How We Work: Professional, Active, Innovative & Inclusive
Food Truck Thursday
Thursday, November 4th, 5:00-7:30 pm, TrailMark Park. FOOD TRUCK: Dos Gringos. ORDER AT THE TRUCK. Please respect those who live on that street. If garbage cans are full, please bring your trash home. Food truck selections subject to change. Due to weather and other circumstances, events may be canceled. Please check trailmark.org for cancellation information.
GFL will be back at 7 am Wednesday to finish today’s trash pick-up. Please bring your bins inside for the night.
Posted November 2, 2021
From the DRC
The Design Review Committee (DRC) reviews exterior homeowner improvement requests the 1st and 3rd week of every month. All applicable documents, brochures, paint chips, plot plans/yard diagrams, etc. must be received by the management company not later than 12:00 noon, the Friday prior to the DRC meeting. Send to designreview@trailmarkhoa.org. DRC requests for additional project information and/or re-submitted denied requests will be reviewed during a following, normal review session. To ensure that your requests receive timely review, include required project information submission early in your project planning. As always, valid emergency requests are reviewed as needed; such as recent hail storm damage home repair requests. Since the hail storm in early September, the DRC has reviewed 169 requests on an emergency basis due to hail damage. Note that some requests required multiple reviews because of insufficient information so the application needed to be returned to the homeowner and reviewed again once the required information was provided by the homeowner. Please be sure to provide all information required which includes a yard access form if your property borders open space. Even if the homeowner is not planning on accessing the open space their property borders for their project, a Yard Access Form must be completed and signed. The homeowner will simply note on the yard access form whether or not the open space will be accessed for the project. Thank you for your patience as the committee continues to meet two times each month to review regular home improvement requests and receives multiple emergency hail damage requests on a daily basis. PLEASE NOTE: Regarding Home Improvement Forms. If your property is next to OPEN SPACE, and you are filling out a HOME IMPROVEMENT REQUEST FORM, you must also fill out a HOME IMPROVEMENT YARD ACCESS FORM. Also, once ALL home improvements are complete, there is one more form: HOME IMPROVEMENT NOTICE OF COMPLETION. Thank you for your assistance, Design Review Committee
Posted November 1, 2021
From the HOA Board President regarding new Roofs
On behalf of the HOA Board and the many homeowners whose homes sustained damage during the September 3rd hail storm, our grateful thanks to the Design Review Committee and management company for their extraordinary effort completing in excess of 170 damage reviews since about September 16th. To assist our homeowners, the DRC announced that they would review these many requests out-of-cycle, and in doing so, expedited the ordering of materials and scheduling repair work. This monumental effort involved many personal phone calls and emails, and required many, many additional hours to accomplish. Their effort is greatly appreciated by the Board and our many homeowners. Thanks for a job well done!!!
Posted November 1, 2021
Keeping our Neighborhood Beautiful
In response to a growing number of poop piles, and a growing number of resident complaints, we have been asked to re-post the following public service announcement: The Facts About Dog Poop – Dog Poop Doesn’t Biodegrade Like Wild Animal Poop – Because we feed our dogs food that’s different from the food wild animals eat, dog waste does not biodegrade quickly like wild animal waste. And due to the large number of pets in suburban neighborhoods and local parks, this hardy dog waste accumulates. Dog Poop Contains Harmful Bacteria, Parasites – Dog waste can contain harmful organisms like E coli, Giardia, Salmonella, roundworms, hookworms, and Cryptosporidium. These can be passed on to you or your pet and may cause health problems. Dog Waste Pollutes Groundwater, Water Bodies – Bacteria in dog waste can harm water quality in creeks and rivers and alter the ecosystems of these stream corridors. Humans who come in contact with creek water can also face health hazards. County Ordinances Require Cleanup – Jefferson County ordinances make “failure to clean up dog feces in public places” a petty offense with a fine of at least $30. Many local park districts have similar regulations and fines. How You Can Help – Please share this message with your friends and neighbors. Together, we can debunk the poop fairy myth and clean up our county. Source: https://www.jeffco.us/416/Myth-of-the-Poop-Fairy
Posted November 1, 2021
Statement from the HOA regarding the outcome of Bike Park Meeting
Our TrailMark HOA was successful in facilitating a community meeting on Monday, October 18th with South Suburban Parks and Recreation at TrailMark Park. As we have reported to our 799 residents, the property where the bike jumps are located is owned, managed, and governed by South Suburban Parks and Recreation (SSPR). Fortunately, the SSPR representatives allowed an open dialogue for our residents to voice their concerns, and support of the kid-made bike jumps. Residents were pleased to vent their concerns and the fact that SSPR stated that they were very happy to begin an evaluation process for a park like this. SSPR said they are eager to work with the community in finding a path forward.
Posted November 1, 2021
Recent Bike Park Update
by Bill Kuenning, Secretary of TrailMark HOA. In the past year, the youth of the TrailMark community created a makeshift “bike park” near the playground area. The HOA Board was made aware of the heavy use of the area by the kids, and at the time (Spring of 2021), we all thought that a formal “Bike Park,” which the kids could use, was a great idea. The Board also decided not to contact SSPR about this use of their land until we were clearer on how to proceed, to properly explore the idea… Full article
Posted November 1, 2021
“Bike Park” Meeting – A summary of Events
by Bill Kuenning, Secretary of TrailMark HOA. Dear TrailMark Residents, As a follow-up to the previous article about the South Suburban Parks and Recreation (SSPR)’s initial safety and liability concerns about a non-sanctioned makeshift “Bike Park” on their land, here is a summary of the details: Residents (kids and parents) met with SSPR at TrailMark Park to hear the SSPR’s official, changed position on the current kids’ and parents’ unauthorized, fun but risky, makeshift “Bike Park.”… Full article
Posted November 1, 2021
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning is a Hidden Cost of Convenience
By Einar Jensen, Risk Reduction Specialist, South Metro Fire Rescue. Each winter I lived in Missoula, Montana, I had to endure several sub-zero mornings sitting in my car waiting for the engine to warm enough for the heater to function. I dreamed about starting the car from the comfort of my apartment without making it a target for car thieves. Keyless ignition technology finally arrived, but it arrived with an unanticipated risk: carbon monoxide poisoning. Burning any fuel—natural gas, propane, heating oil, kerosene, coal, charcoal, gasoline, or wood—produces carbon monoxide (CO). This gas is sneaky because it is odorless and colorless. It’s dangerous because it depresses the central nervous system, which results in reduced awareness, intoxication, loss of consciousness and, in the worst cases, death. Keyless ignition is a great technology, but it’s important to use it properly. If you keep your car in a garage, only start the vehicle after you open the garage door. While this advice sounds obvious in an article, remembering to open the garage door on one of those mornings or evenings when you’re stressed, late, or otherwise distracted could mean the difference between life and death. A wireless key fob also allows drivers to leave the vehicle running accidentally after parking in the garage, closing the garage door, and entering the home. Last month, South Metro Fire Rescue Engine 11 responded to a carbon monoxide alarm at an apartment complex. Detectors in one apartment sounded because CO was seeping into it and several adjacent units from the garage where a car was idling. Those CO detectors saved at least one life and prevented several CO poisonings that evening. Residents reacted to the alarms properly: they went outside and called 911. Concentrations of the gas in our blood above five-hundredths of one percent (500 parts per million) are considered dangerous. When the level increases above one percent, unconsciousness and death can occur without physiological signs. US Senators Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), Deb Fischer (R-NE), and Edward J. Markey (D-MA) introduced the Stop CO Poisoning Exposures (SCOPE) Act in 2019 to help protect consumers from the risk of CO poisoning associated with keyless ignition technology in vehicles, but the bill didn’t advance from its initial committee. Individual vehicle manufacturers have started adjusting the technology to shut off vehicles after varying periods, but ultimate responsibility to prevent this hazard still rests with we the people. Install CO detectors in sleeping areas and one each level of your home. Kitchens and locations near cooking appliances are not good sites because grease and smoke accumulations can clog the sensing elements. Steam and water vapor can damage the sensing elements of detectors placed in bathrooms, saunas, and greenhouses. If you have questions, reach out to us at ReducingRisk@southmetro.org.
Posted November 1, 2021
A Great Day for the Annual TM5K
Today, long time residents Michelle and Lonnie Somers, owners of HAL Sports, sponsored the annual TM5K and Mike Elbeck Family Fun Run at Hogback Hill Park. Residents came out to enjoy the annual event and to exercise in the mild October weather. This year’s T-shirt paid tribute to our local bears who like to visit TrailMark. There was also a face painter which several kids thoroughly enjoyed. In-between the two runs, Mr. and Mrs. Somers had a trivia contest and residents won various different giveaways. The TrailMark HOA wishes to thank the Somers for their annual commitment to this memorable and fun event for our neighbors. Also, a big thank you to those who participated in the TM5K and Mike Elbeck Family Fun Run. We look forward to this event returning in 2022. Above photos by Phil Kinney and Ken Colaizzi.
View more event photos at https://photos.app.goo.gl/a9g3nB8X52M3ib2m8
Posted October 23, 2021; Updated October 28, 2021
4th Annual TM5K Run/Walk and the Mike Elbeck Family Fun Run
Runners, walkers, and strollers please join us for the 4th Annual TM5K Run/Walk and the Mike Elbeck Family Fun Run on October 23rd at Hogback Hill Park. Event Schedule: 9:30 AM – 5K Start, 11:00 AM – Mike Elbeck Family Fun Run Start (appox 1 mile). The Fun: Enjoy the beauty of fall and TrailMark, All participants receive a custom long sleeve shirt, Surprise gift to all participants, Refreshments, Face painting, Free Photos and More!!!! Register here – https://events.com/r/en_US/registration/tm5k–mike-elbeck-family-fun-run-littleton-october-816858?fbclid=IwAR0ocylR5pvdIgSfBwoI_zqyFz9I_VrGIik5O_NeEtwHQO34USCCQGyDuxk. Event sponsored by Armour Roofing & Exteriors. Wanna promote your business? Contact social@trailmarkhoa.org for sponsorship/booth opportunities. Net proceeds will be made in honor of Mike Elbeck to the American Heart Association.
10/20 UPDATE: If your trash was not picked up yesterday, PLEASE SET YOUR TRASH BINS OUT AGAIN TODAY. The management company will be pushing for a return pick-up. Missed trash and recycling pick-ups have been reported. We are hoping for a corrected pick up tomorrow, but haven’t heard back from GFL yet. Please bring your bins inside tonight and put them back out by 7:00 am tomorrow. We will post updates as we receive them. Join the OFFICIAL TrailMark HOA Facebook page, https://www.facebook.com/groups/trailmark
Posted October 19, 2021
Notice of Quorum – HOA
A quorum of members of the TrailMark HOA Board will be attending the South Suburban Parks and Recreation District/TrailMark Resident Community Meeting on Monday Oct. 18, 2021 at 5:00 pm. The location is the “bike park” adjacent to the TrailMark playground on TrailMark Parkway. TrailMark HOA Board members will be present tonight, but no votes or decisions will be made regarding the TrailMark HOA.
Notice of Quorum – TMMD
A quorum of members of the TMMD Board will be attending the South Suburban Parks and Recreation District/TrailMark Resident Community Meeting on Monday Oct. 18, 2021 at 5:00 pm. The location is the “bike park” adjacent to the TrailMark playground on TrailMark Parkway.
Bike Park Meeting
Monday, October 18th, 5:00 p.m., TrailMark Park. Residents are invited to attend a meeting at TrailMark Park on Monday, October 18th. South Suburban Parks and Recreation (SSPR) representatives will be conducting the meeting. Please bring your comments and concerns regarding this issue because there will be an opportunity for open discussion with SSPR. The meeting will start at 5:00 p.m. and should conclude before sundown. On behalf of the TrailMark HOA, we look forward to seeing you at the meeting.
No delay due to October 11th holidays
Garbage and recycling will be picked up on its normal day, Tuesday, October 12. No delay due to the Indigenous Peoples’ Day or Columbus Day holidays.
A Letter from our HOA President
October 11, 2021. Dear TrailMark Residents, I just finished speaking with South Suburban Parks and Recreation (SSPR) about setting up a day and time for TrailMark residents to attend a meeting regarding the bike park at TrailMark Park. Residents are invited to attend a meeting at TrailMark Park on Monday, October 18th at 5:00 p.m. SSPR representatives will be conducting the meeting. Please bring your comments and concerns regarding this issue because there will be an opportunity for open discussion with SSPR. The meeting will start at 5:00 p.m. and should conclude before sundown. On behalf of the TrailMark HOA, we look forward to seeing you at the meeting. Thank you, Ken Colaizzi, President, Social Committee Liaison, TrailMark HOA, Littleton, CO 80127, president@trailmarkhoa.org, https://www.trailmark.org
A Letter from our HOA President
October 7, 2021 – Dear TrailMark Residents, As many of you know, several of the kids in our community have built a bike park at TrailMark Park near the lake (Fairview Reservoir) since Spring 2021. Our HOA Board has fielded several complaints along with several homeowners sending in their support for the self-made bike jumps. Our HOA Board and I personally have written several residents back explaining to everyone that this is not HOA property. The entire area where the kids have built the bike jumps is owned, managed, maintained, and guarded by South Suburban Parks and Recreation (SSPR). The TrailMark HOA has no authority, decision making, or enforcement of this area of our community. On Tuesday, October 5th our HOA was requested to attend a site visit from Dave Brueggeman, assistant director of South Suburban Parks and Recreation. Dave explained to our Board that South Suburban Parks and Recreation is not pleased with the destruction of their property. Dave told our Board that his crew would be at TrailMark Park in the next few weeks grading the park, and replenishing the park back to its original state. We were told that the area would be re-seeded and fenced off for repairing the damage. Dave also mentioned that TrailMark is not alone. SSPR has had to remove several self-made bike parks in other communities as well. Today, some parents helped kids in our neighborhood organize a peaceful protest attended by 9News. I just finished speaking with Becky Grubb who is South Suburban Parks and Recreation’s Communications Manager. Becky has issued me a public statement that I’m including in this address. According to Becky, SSPR will be setting up a meeting in the next few weeks with our neighbors to voice your concerns regarding the bike jumps at TrailMark Park. We will post the date of the meeting as soon as we are informed by SSPR. Our HOA Board strives on being a presence for our community, while we also value the safety of our community as well. Regardless of which side you support of these bike jumps, I respectfully ask that you please give South Suburban Parks and Recreation the opportunity to hear out our community. Thank all of you who have approached our Board regarding this issue. Thank you, Ken Colaizzi, President, Social Committee Liaison, TrailMark HOA, Littleton, CO 80127, president@trailmarkhoa.org, https://www.trailmark.org. VIEW PUBLIC STATEMENT FROM SSPR
Thursday, October 7th, 5:00-7:30 pm, TrailMark Park. FOOD TRUCKS: Mama Jo’s Biscuits & BBQ, Sweet Cow. ORDER AT THE TRUCK. Please respect those who live on that street. If garbage cans are full, please bring your trash home. Food truck selections subject to change. Due to weather, events may be canceled. Please check trailmark.org for cancellation information.
From the Safety Committee and the HOA Board: “Sorry Folks, the Bike Park is Closed”
Over the last year, the youth of the TrailMark Community has designed and created a “bike park” near the park’s playground area. The HOA Board and South Suburban Parks and Recreation (SSPR) were made aware, and at the time (spring of 2021), we all agreed it was a good thing and didn’t pose a safety issue. However, in the last few weeks, additional contributions, such as parents hauling dirt into the community and building large jumps and obstacles, have posed a new challenge to the community and SSPR. The safety of our residents is always at the forefront of decisions that involve the community. On Tuesday, October 5, 2021, your HOA Board met with the head of Parks and Recreation for SSPR to evaluate the current status of the bike park. The jumps and obstacles that have been added pose a high safety risk, and SSPR is going to level, regrade and fence the area in an attempt to allow vegetation to grow back. For further comments, or concerns regarding this issue, please contact Dave Brueggeman at South Suburban Parks and Recreation at 303-953-7628 (updated), or by email to daveb@ssprd.org. Thanks for your understanding.
TMMD Notice
A quorum of members of the TMMD Board will be meeting with a contractor on Tuesday Oct. 5, 2021 at 8:00 am at the stairs on Independence south of TrailMark Parkway. Purpose of this meeting is to obtain a bid for repairs.
Light the Night for Fallen Firefighters
All of us in TrailMark are fortunate because we have a fire station here in our neighborhood. Many of us have no idea the sacrifices that these firefighters and their personal families undertake to keep all of us safe on a daily basis. The National Fallen Firefighters Foundation is asking citizens countrywide to light up our homes in red from September 26th to October 3rd in honor of all of the fallen firefighters. https://www.firehero.org/events/memorial-weekend/about/light-night-fallen-firefighters/ This article hits one of our residents exceptionally hard this year. HOA President Ken Colaizzi and his wife Brooke will be attending this year’s National Fallen Firefighters Memorial Weekend, October 1st-4th in Emmitsburg, Maryland. Unfortunately, Brooke’s father, Chuck Albrandt, passed away in 2019 in a line of duty death as a firefighter with Poudre Fire Authority in Ft. Collins. After serving nearly 42 years with Poudre Fire, Chuck’s name will be inscribed on the fallen firefighters memorial this year because the ceremony was canceled last year due to Covid. In honor of all of the fallen firefighters, and to pay respect to all of the firefighters who sacrifice their lives every day to keep us safe, please consider lighting up your house in red. Pictured: Fallen firefighter Captain Chuck Albrandt and his family. Photos by Ken Colaizzi
Movie Night and 1st annual Chili Cookoff Fundraiser
Saturday, October 2nd, 6:00 Chili Cookoff, 7:00 Princess Bride, Hogback Hill Park. Since our last movie night was so rudely interrupted by the sprinkler system, we’d like to make it up to you with a Sprinkler-Free Make Up Movie Night featuring TrailMark’s very close 2nd choice winner: The Princess Bride. Additionally, please plan to participate in the 1st Annual Chili Cookoff Fundraiser in support of the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation. As previously posted, Sept 26 – October 3 is Light the Night for Fallen Firefighters. By lighting your porch or yard in red during this designated week you can show your support and honor these heroes. We’d like to take this a step further and cap this tribute week off by hosting a fundraiser with 100% of the proceeds going directly to the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation. Enter the TrailMark Chili Cookoff for your chance to win one of 3 – $50 gift cards or the grand prize “Fan Favorite” for your chance to win a $100 gift card. Firefighters from our very own Station #19 here in TrailMark will be there to judge the competition. Additionally they will have their Fire Engine with them for engine demos as well as having fire hats, tattoos and glow sticks for the kids. The Chili cookoff starts at 6:00 with the feature movie to follow at 7:00. Bring a lawn chair, a blanket and a cozy sweater! Popcorn will be provided, and Cub Scout Pack 4 will also be selling their delicious popcorn! Don’t have a winning recipe? That’s OK. We need tasters too! Make a donation to the Foundation and participate in “tasting” the entries, then cast your vote for “Fan Favorite.” There will be bread, hot beverages and chili toppings for all of you tasters out there. Suggested donation is $5 for 2 chili choices or $10 for 4 chili choices but a donation in any amount will gladly be accepted. There is no cost to enter the Chili cookoff with your recipe. Click here for contest rules and to enter for a chance to win. ENTRIES ARE DUE BY TONIGHT, OCTOBER 1st! Just want to be a chili taster? Make your donation here with credit card or PayPal OR pay with cash at the event. We are expecting 18-20 different chilis! Sponsored and Hosted by TrailMark realtor and resident, Lori Ross, Dubrova & Associates at Revv Real Estate
In Memory of Curt Fankhouser
Curt Fankhouser, our friend and neighbor, left us suddenly on September 2, 2021. He was a true humble servant, whose service on the TMMD Board saved our community residents hundreds of dollars in taxes. Curt served on the TMMD from 2012-2020 and during his time, the tax levy went from 35 mills/year to 3 mills/year. At Curt’s suggestion, and approved by the board, the debt was paid off with interest savings each year by using reserves to make the payment early in the year and thereby avoiding 11 month’s worth of interest. The fund balance was also used to make a portion of the debt payment, so more savings for the residents of TrailMark. Curt was a great board member who cared deeply about the neighborhood. His oversight and attention to the detail in the district made TrailMark a great place to live as well as more affordable by lowering taxes. When it was time to replace the privacy fence, he did a great job of leading the project; negotiating a good contract and following up throughout the work. Curt also served on the Star Canyon Patio Homes Board from 2002 – 2005, as their second HOA president. He and his wife, Mariel could be seen walking the trails daily. We will all miss his friendship and wonderful smile!
Posted October 1, 2021
Driving: Knowing when to say when
By Einar Jensen, Risk Reduction Specialist, South Metro Fire Rescue. For many Coloradans, driving is a sacred form of independence. Surrendering that privilege can feel sacrilegious, but there may come a time when choosing not to drive is the better choice. Ideally, we will make such a decision ourselves, but it takes courage to acknowledge our limitations as we age. Solid self-management can maintain and improve our independence and trust while also reducing risks to ourselves and others. Aging comes with expected changes to our health: reduced vision, reduced hearing, weakening joints and muscles, and slower reflexes, for example. Each of these changes impact our ability to drive safely. It’s essential that we recognize and act on signs that a loved one is no longer able to drive safely. It’s also essential we consider whether these signs apply to us. Approximately 90% of the critical information needed to drive safely relates to vision, according to Driver’s Alert, the company that created the 1-800 number to report unsafe driving practices among companies with fleets of vehicles. Cataracts, glaucoma, and other conditions reduce the efficiency of our sight as we age. Annual eye exams are a good way to monitor changes to vision. Walk around your loved one’s vehicle and look for scratches or dents that could indicate minor collisions with buildings, poles, and other vehicles. If such scratches or dents are present, respectfully inquire about them. Watch for some of the following changes in driving behavior: Does the driver sit comfortably at the wheel or lean too far forward? Is she distracted easily? Is he aware of road signs, pedestrians, and the actions of other motorists? Does she tailgate often? Does the vehicle drift into adjacent lanes? Does he wait too long to respond to traffic lights or other signals? When it’s time for this potentially awkward conversation, approach it with respect and curiosity. Ask the driver about her comfort level while driving or if he’s noticed any changes to his or other’s behavior. Discuss your observations but without being accusatory. Focus on future solutions rather than past problems. One solution may be a driver safety class. The South Metro Safety Foundation offers several classes for drivers of all ages including Adult/Senior Driving Skills and an innovative Skid Car Class that utilizes a vehicle engineered to simulate winter driving conditions. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, at least 700 drivers aged 65 and older are injured and twenty are killed each day. Don’t let yourself or your loved one become another tragic statistic. When it’s time to stop driving, make the courageous choice. For more safety information, visit www.southmetro.org. Register for driver safety classes at www.southmetrofoundation.org.
Posted October 1, 2021
Bobcat Sighting
A bobcat has been roaming the neighborhood. Please be safe. Should you encounter a bobcat, you should keep as much distance between you and the animal as possible: Immediately protect children and pets. Back away from the bobcat slowly. Avoid running away because that could trigger a pursuit response.
Posted September 27, 2021
Senior Citizen Happy Hour rocks Hogback Hill
HOA Treasurer Phil Kinney and his wife Joy sponsored a senior citizens happy hour for our TrailMark seniors on Saturday. Joy decorated all of the tables with homemade fall decorations. Each resident who attended brought an appetizer to share. Approximately two dozen senior citizens jumped in and ate some tasty goodies and shared some good stories. Our Social Committee will continue to work with our HOA for more senior citizen get togethers in 2022. A big thank you to Phil and Joy Kinney for putting on such a memorable event. Our HOA sure appreciates our senior citizens and would like to thank each of you for attending today. All of you brighten our neighborhood! Photos by Phil Kinney and Ken Colaizzi
Posted September 25, 2021
Senior Citizen Happy Hour and Appetizers September 25th
The TrailMark Social Committee is inviting the senior citizens of TrailMark to attend a Happy Hour and Appetizer event on Saturday, September 25th at 4:00 pm at Hogback Hill Park. Please bring an appetizer to share, and bring your own drink. Also, seating at Hogback Hill is limited. Please bring chairs if you can. Senior Citizens who attended the August event helped spark this September get together. Come out and get to know some of your fellow neighbors, share some lifelong stories, and meet some of your HOA Board Members. Yard games and table games will be at the event, so come prepared to have fun! The TrailMark Social Committee encourages carpooling because there is limited parking at Hogback Hill Park. Some who live close to the park may choose to walk to Hogback Hill. We expect this event to go from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. If you consider yourself a senior citizen, then please attend. We promise, no one will be checking ID’s or ages. The TrailMark Social Committee and the HOA Board assumes no responsibility or liability in regards to Covid or other concerns. Attendees assume all risks attending this event.
A letter from our HOA President
September 22, 2021 – Dear TrailMark Residents, On Tuesday, September 21st, our Social Committee planned a very fun night at the Corn Maze at the Botanic Gardens at Chatfield Farms. We had a little over 400 residents attend this annual Fall event. The Social Committee deserves a huge pat on the back for organizing the extremely talented face painters, wonderful hay rides, and yummy kettle corn. Most families thoroughly took advantage of the beautiful fall evening and embraced the corn maze. Today, the manager of the Botanic Gardens at Chatfield Farms notified our HOA of some damage that some of our residents caused to the corn maze. Our Board was very embarrassed to receive this kind of feedback because these actions have definitely blemished our reputation as a great neighbor to the South. The manager reported to us today that our HOA will be responsible for $200 worth of damage to the Botanic Gardens at Chatfield Farms because of this… “Kids were seen removing corn, throwing it up and over the maze (this could have seriously hurt someone). They were also removing entire stalks and caught inside the pumpkin patch. At Chatfield Farms, we hold our clients accountable for any and all damages.” If any of you know of any of these children who caused these damages, our HOA would appreciate you talking to these kids about this destructive behavior. Our Social Committee has already discussed raising the cost next year to cover security deposits that are out of our control. The Social Committee has also considered changing the rules next year to no kids under 16 allowed without an adult. For the record, I have sent a personal apology on behalf of our entire neighborhood to the manager at the Botanic Gardens of Chatfield Farms in hopes to rectify this situation. Hopefully, we can work together as a great community and mend these wounds. We don’t want a few bad apples to ruin it for the whole neighborhood. Thank you, Ken Colaizzi, President, Social Committee Liaison, TrailMark HOA, Littleton, CO 80127, president@trailmarkhoa.org, https://www.trailmark.org. TrailMark residents enjoyed wonderful hay rides, yummy kettle corn and impressive face painting. Photos by Ken Colaizzi
TMMD Regular Zoom Meeting
Tuesday, September 21st, 6:30 pm. Zoom Meeting info, Agenda
TrailMark Night at the Corn Maze
Tuesday, September 21st, 5:00-8:00 pm, Denver Botanic Gardens at Chatfield Farms. $5 per person. CASH ONLY. Kettle corn, hay rides, barrel rides and face painting are included! There are no lights at the Corn Maze this year, so please bring flashlights if you plan on staying past sundown (7 pm). Kettle corn sponsored by Armour Roofing & Exteriors
The HOA Board would like to express our appreciation to the Design Review Committee (DRC) members for going above and beyond, to assist homeowners whose properties sustained damage from the September 3rd hail storm. To assist homeowners in expediting needed repairs, the DRC announced last week that they will review hail damage requests out-of-cycle, so homeowners can get repair work scheduled and materials ordered. The DRC’s offer to provide this level of assistance is greatly appreciated. Our many thanks to the DRC members for taking even more time from their busy schedules to support our homeowners! Neighbors helping neighbors!
Posted September 20, 2021
Free Paint Recycling
benefiting Elks Youth Activities. Sunday, September 19, 2021, 10:00 am-2:00 pm, 5748 S Curtice St, Littleton. Get rid of your old, unwanted paint. Clean up your garage, shed, and basement and keep paint products out of the landfill. Recycle for free; voluntary cash donations are greatly appreciated and will benefit the Littleton Elks #1650 Youth Activities committee. Products accepted: Paints: acrylic, latex, oil.* 5 gallon cans or smaller. Sample sizes too! Unlimited amounts. Product must be in original, labeled, unleaking containers. *ACCEPTED: Latex paint (acrylic), Oil paint (alkyd), Stains, Shellacs, Lacquers, Sealers, Varnishes, Urethanes, Textured coatings. NOT ACCEPTED: Aerosol (spray) paint, Paint thinner, Solvents, Cleaning agents, Drywall mud, Roof tar. Please: Stay in your car, Turn off your engine, Pop your trunk. Open to the public. Drop off in the south parking lot across from the Elk’s Lodge. Enter from W. Alamo Ave. between S. Rapp Street and S. Curtice Street. Not an HOA sponsored event.
Regarding the recent Storm Damage
From your Design Review Committee (DRC): TrailMark experienced an intense hail storm on Friday, September 3rd. Many houses sustained damage and are expecting to require roof and/or solar replacements and repairs, and other more minor repairs. To assist homeowners, the Design Review Committee would like to offer assistance to help move the process forward, and minimize delays. Per our CCRs, yes, you must submit a request to the DRC for a roof / solar replacement or repair. What documents are needed? 1. Home Improvement Request Form – Provide the shingle manufacturer, shingle style (i.e., asphalt…), type (i.e., three tab), and color. Provide a manufacturer brochure and indicate shingle and color selection. 2. IF you live on open space – Home Improvement Yard Access Form. 3. IF you need solar system replacement/repair – TrailMark Solar Device Checklist. REMINDER: All required City of Littleton building permits must be obtained. Flashing, roof jacks, conduit, radon piping, vents, and chimneys must be painted the color of the surface upon which they rest. Due to short timelines to get these replacements/repairs completed, the DRC will review roof & solar projects out-of-cycle, meaning that the homeowners will not have to wait until the next scheduled DRC meeting. The DRC will strive to review requests within 48 hours of receipt by the DRC. To ensure expeditious review, please ensure that all required documents are included so the request may be reviewed without delay. Send your request to designreview@trailmarkhoa.org.
Posted September 17, 2021
Newsletter Correction
This month’s newsletter shows September 16th as being a food truck day. However, the next Food Truck Thursday is not until October 7th. The food truck schedules have changed to their winter calendars. There will be just one Food Truck Thursday per month beginning this month.
2nd Kids Bike Ride with Rob Donovan was fun for all
Resident Rob Donovan sponsored the 2nd TrailMark Kids Bike Ride on Saturday, September 11th. Approximately two dozen kids and parents participated in the bike ride. On the first bike ride in June, the kids expressed that it wasn’t long enough. Thanks to the kids’ input, Rob was able to make the bike ride longer today and the kids were able to go for a long bike ride around TrailMark on the Two Brands Trail. The bike ride was nearly an hour long and covered 5 miles. Board President Ken Colaizzi supplied Capri Suns and ice cold water at the end of the ride. Rob donated amazing peanut butter and jelly pouches to regain some more energy after the ride. Needless to say, the bike ride was a huge success. Rob Donovan has offered to approach the HOA Board and the Social Committee so we can plan more Kids Bike Rides in 2022. Thank you, Mr. Rob Donovan, for a job well done with the children of TrailMark! Photos by Ken Colaizzi
Posted September 11, 2021
Second Kids Bike Ride with Rob Donovan
Saturday, September 11, 9:00 a.m., TrailMark Park. Back by popular demand!! The kids of TrailMark have twisted Mr. Donovan’s arm to sponsor and lead another Kids Bike Ride through the trails of TrailMark. Please be at the park a few minutes early. The kids bike ride starts at 9:00 am. Mr. Donovan requires helmets on all bike riders. Helmets are mandatory! Only pedal bikes will be allowed on the bike ride. No scooters, or electric scooters permitted. This is a fun kids bike ride – not a race. Please come and enjoy an early morning bike ride with Mr. Donovan. This bike ride is designed for kids only. However, if parents would like to join the ride, you are more than welcome and encouraged. The ride will be approximately 60-90 minutes. Cold drinks will be provided for all bike riders at the end of the bike ride which will conclude at TrailMark Park. Please make sure all finished drinks end up in the park trash cans. The TrailMark HOA wishes to thank Mr. Donovan for sponsoring this event and sharing his expertise and skills with the children of TrailMark. Event sponsored by Rob Donovan Coaching
HOA Zoom Board Meeting
Thursday, September 9th, 7:00 pm. Join Zoom Meeting
https://zoom.us/j/97651949131?pwd=ZGE0c1M0SGJHYUd6NXdzOUZFdnEvZz09. Meeting ID: 976 5194 9131, Passcode: 315810. One tap mobile, +16699009128,,97651949131# US (San Jose), +12532158782,,97651949131# US (Tacoma). Dial by your location, +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose), +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma), +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston), +1 646 558 8656 US (New York), +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC), +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago), Meeting ID: 976 5194 9131. Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/acgDQAeiV0. Agenda. All are welcome.
Delay Day Delay
GFL was not able to complete the trash/recycling pick-up today. Something went wrong with the truck. The driver will be back tomorrow to complete his round in the morning. Map: Only the streets in yellow are affected. Please bring your bins inside for the night. Thank you!
Posted September 8, 2021
Garbage pick-up Delayed
Garbage and recycling pick-up will be delayed from September 7th to September 8th due to the Labor Day holiday.
Changeover of Mail Carriers
You may have noticed a flyer or two on the mailboxes in TrailMark. Our mail carriers, Melissa and her husband Donavan, are moving on in their careers. They have found a better opportunity that is closer to where they live with better hours. Melissa has been a big part of our community for 14 years, and Donavan has been with us for a year. They will be missed.
Posted September 3, 2021
Food Truck Thursday
Thursday, September 2nd, 5:00-7:30 pm, TrailMark Park. FOOD TRUCK: Uptown & Humboldt. ORDER AT THE TRUCK. Please respect those who live on that street. If garbage cans are full, please bring your trash home. Food truck selections subject to change. Due to weather, events may be canceled. Please check trailmark.org for cancellation information.
Safer driving includes fitting your vehicle to your needs
By Einar Jensen, Risk Reduction Specialist, South Metro Fire Rescue. Reducing vehicle crashes and decreasing the severity of crashes that do occur are two of South Metro Fire Rescue’s strategic community risk reduction campaigns. Each time you sit in a vehicle as a passenger or driver, you have an opportunity to impact whether the vehicle crashes and, if it does, the severity of injuries you sustain. This article briefly summarizes vehicle ergonomics, which is the study of how we occupy and fit in our vehicles. Mirrors – Although newer vehicles have warnings that alert drivers to vehicles in adjacent lanes, drivers can adjust their mirrors to eliminate these blind spots. Next time you sit in your vehicle: Adjust the rearview mirror to cover your straight view behind the vehicle. Lean your head to the center and adjust the right mirror outward so you can barely see the side of your vehicle. Lean your head to the left so it is even with the window and adjust your left mirror outward until you can barely see the side of your car. As a result, this wider view will provide an uninterrupted sight of vehicles approaching from behind. Seat Position – Adjust your seat to create at least 10-12 inches between your chest and the steering wheel. Sitting too close prevents the seatbelt and airbag from working properly during a crash. Tilting the seat may provide additional space. Other points to consider: The steering wheel should point to your chest rather than your neck or head. Position the seat so you can place your entire foot on the pedals. Raise the seat so your eye level is at least three inches above the steering wheel. The top of the headrest should be between the top of your ears and the top of your head. Seatbelts – Adjust your seatbelt so the lap belt is snug and low on your hips. Most vehicles allow you to adjust the height of the shoulder belt, so it doesn’t touch your neck. Don’t place the shoulder belt under your arm or behind your torso. In either of those cases, it won’t protect you in a crash. For additional safety information visit www.southmetro.org or email your questions to ReducingRisk@southmetro.org.
Posted September 1, 2021
Please Note:
The Annual Meeting is coming up in November. We need people to return proxies so please be on the lookout for mail with the meeting notice, 2022 budget, and proxy.
Posted September 1, 2021
Wildfire Risk & Preparedness
TrailMark is surrounded by the risk of a wildfire. Read here about what to do before and during a possible wildfire. https://co-pub.coloradoforestatlas.org/#/
Posted September 1, 2021
Concert Mini-Festival
(TrailMark Concert Series) – Sunday, August 29th, 3:00-7:15 pm, Hogback Hill Park. 3 bands! Jay Casmirri, Cindy and the Protractors, Thunder and Rain. Relax with your neighbors and enjoy the scenery while listening to music from three local bands. Bring your own food and drink, or visit the Capital City Wraps food truck! Hey Kids! We’ll have Bounce Houses!
Family Photo Day Series #3
Two openings TODAY! (click here) Friday, August 27th, 6:00-8:00 pm near the Fire Station. Sign up for ONE time slot and bring your family for one free family pose. THIS IS NOT A FULL SESSION. Please respect the photographers’ time and generosity. Additional poses may be available for purchase IF TIME ALLOWS. There are 4 family slots available per 30 minute time. Please adhere to social distancing guidelines and wait for your family to be called up by the photographer. Please only sign up if you can commit to being there!
Tuesday trash pick-up begins at 7 am; Contact GFL directly for missed pick-ups
The HOA recently had a meeting with GFL, our trash contractor, regarding contract and service concerns. Homeowners and residents are reminded that GFL starts their TrailMark route on Tuesdays at 7:00 am. To ensure that GFL picks up your trash and/or recycling, you must have your trash and recycle containers on the curb by 7:00 am. If your trash or recycling has not been picked up by the end of the day (generally 6:00 pm) on a Tuesday, please call GFL at 303-744-9881. Reminder – As a safety measure and per HOA policy, trash/recycle containers are not permitted to be placed outside on Monday evenings. This is to avoid unwanted wildlife visitors such as bears, raccoons and other critters, and to minimize trash blowing throughout the neighborhood as we experience winds. Thank you for doing your part to help TrailMark, GFL and their drivers!
Posted August 23, 2021
TrailMark’s “first-ever” Senior Citizen Meet and Greet a great success!
This morning, the HOA Board hosted our first-ever Senior Citizen Meet and Greet at Hogback Hill Park. Secure-All Security Doors provided Krispy Kreme Donuts and Starbucks Coffee for all the guests. Approximately 20 guests attended this introductory event. A while back, a senior citizen in the neighborhood suggested to the HOA Board that our social committee plan a few events during the year for the senior citizens in our neighborhood. The HOA Board enthusiastically loved the idea and created the “first-ever” Senior Citizen Meet and Greet event that was planned for today, August 22nd. The event was a great success! Attendees were able to converse with each other, make new friends, and meet their HOA Board Members. HOA Board Members present today were: Ken Colaizzi (President), Sally Janssen (Vice President), and Bill Kuenning (Secretary). With the help of Linda Jagiello of the communication committee and Deahna Visscher from the social committee, the HOA Board was able to create a foundation with the senior citizens in our community. There will be more senior citizen events planned in the near future. Some ideas that were discussed today were croquet, cribbage, bridge, pinochle, bingo, and Happy Hour. Please watch the TrailMark website and newsletter for details on future events. Senior citizens provided the HOA Board some great feedback today. The Board has decided that the next senior citizen event will be an afternoon or early evening event. The HOA Board wishes to thank all who attended today. We look forward to planning more senior citizen events in the future.
Posted August 22, 2021
TrailMark’s first Senior Citizen Meet and Greet
Seniors – In appreciation of World Senior Citizen’s Day, come meet some of your fellow senior citizen neighbors on Sunday, August 22nd at 9:00 a.m. at Hogback Hill Park. Secure-All Security Doors is sponsoring coffee and donuts for all attendees. Please come enjoy a donut and coffee, and get to know some of your fellow neighbors. The TrailMark HOA hopes that senior citizens come share some of your lifelong stories with one another, and take advantage of this great opportunity to meet and greet some of your fellow neighbors. If you consider yourself a senior citizen, then please attend. We promise, no one will be checking ID’s or ages. The TrailMark HOA is pleased to approve such a great community building event. Sponsored by Secure-All Security Doors
TrailMark Movie Night
UPDATE: TrailMark weather is supposed to be just fine by 7. Kona Ice still coming at 7:15. Movie Night is still on! Saturday, August 21st, 7:15 pm (dusk), Hogback Hill Park. Showing Raya and the Last Dragon on the big screen under the stars. Bring the family, a blanket or chair, and prepare for an evening of family fun for all ages! Arrive early for prime seating. Movie will start at dusk. (You may want to bring mosquito repellent.) Complimentary refreshments will be provided including Kona Ice from 7:15-8:15, popcorn, candy and water. Also there will be glow sticks for the kiddos, trivia and FREE GIVEAWAYS* just prior to the movie starting. The parking lot at the park will be reserved for those with mobility issues and for the Kona Ice truck but we will have a “golf cart shuttle” available for rides to your cars or doorstep if needed following the movie (We know it’s hard for some of the younger kids to make it very late). Feel free to call or text me if you need a ride before the movie as well. Contact Lori Ross with questions. (303) 437-4563 *FREE GIVEAWAYS! Here is a list of some of the donations/gifts for movie night, and their donors. 2 gift certificates for Crave Nutrition and Blend donated by TrailMark resident Craig Thurber, 2 massages donated by massage therapist and TrailMark resident Kendra Randolph, 1 complementary radon test donated by Legacy Home Inspections and TrailMark resident Tom Kartheiser, 5 free signed professional prints of TrailMark by TrailMark resident Andy Marquez, 1 full set of eyelash extensions donated by licensed aesthetician and TrailMark resident Brittney Ure, One free room of carpet cleaning with purchase of one room of carpet cleaning donated by CT Solutions and TrailMark resident Shane Norris, 6 miscellaneous kids goodie bags which include Chick-Fil-A gift card donated by TrailMark resident Janet Wehymiller, 2 $50 Starbucks gift cards donated by Secure-All Security Doors and TrailMark resident Ken Colaizzi. Plus we’ll have free Kona Ice donated by Andy Jorgensen of Synergy One Lending. Thank you to all who donated! Event sponsored by Lori Ross, Broker Associate, Revv Real Estate Brokers
New GFL Recycling Flyer
GFL has a new flyer of acceptable and unacceptable items. Please disregard the old flyers from Alpine Waste.
Posted August 20, 2021
Food Truck Thursday
Thursday, August 19th, 5:00-7:30 pm, TrailMark Park. FOOD TRUCKS: Dude Bro Taco, Sweet Cow. ORDER AT THE TRUCK. Please respect those who live on that street. If garbage cans are full, please bring your trash home. Food truck selections subject to change. Due to weather, events may be canceled. Please check trailmark.org for cancellation information.
Thank you for not feeding us (wildlife) bread
WHY NOT? Bread makes our tummies hurt and makes us ill. Bread does not contain the right nutrition or calories that we need to survive. It makes us think we are full and then we don’t eat the food we need. It also pollutes our water and causes nasty surface algae, which kills our fish friends and gives us diseases. WHAT SHOULD WE EAT? Half-cut seedless grapes, chopped lettuce, birdseed, peas, corn and oats.
Posted August 18, 2021
GFL is in the neighborhood but they are reporting that a lot of bins are not out yet.
Posted August 10, 2021
TrailMark Night at Pirates Cove
Thursday, August 5th, 6:30-8:30 pm, Pirates Cove. Join us for a night of swimming at Pirates Cove! Rescheduled from July 31st. Cost: $5/person, age 3 and up. CASH ONLY. Pay at the door. PIRATES COVE IS STILL ON! Bring your own drinking water, soda, etc. Pirates Cove will not have any for sale due to the Englewood E-Coli outbreak. But the pool water is fine, so we are still on!
Food Truck Thursday
Thursday, August 5th, 5:00-7:30 pm, TrailMark Park. FOOD TRUCK: Mac & Cheezary ORDER AT THE TRUCK. Please respect those who live on that street. If garbage cans are full, please bring your trash home. Food truck selections subject to change. Due to weather, events may be canceled. Please check trailmark.org for cancellation information.
An unfortunate incident with a positive outcome
August 4, 2021 – Dear TrailMark Residents, This afternoon, we had an unfortunate accident here in TrailMark. A car drove over our most northern median, located just north of Cambridge on TrailMark Parkway. Littleton Police is still working the scene and investigating the cause of the accident. Our landscape contractor, LCS, has been notified to remedy the damage to our freshly landscaped median. Unfortunately, there is considerable damage and cobble stones were scattered all over TrailMark Parkway. Phil Kinney and I helped clean up the scattered cobble stones from TrailMark Parkway so cars can drive. There were about 8 teenage boys who jumped off of their bicycles and helped Phil and I clean up the mess. It was great to see teenagers stop and help in a time of need. Thank you boys – that was a Class Act! Please know that our HOA will continue to work cooperatively with Littleton Police and LCS to get this situation repaired. Thank you, Ken Colaizzi, President, Social Committee Liaison, TrailMark HOA, Littleton, CO 80127, president@trailmarkhoa.org, https://www.trailmark.org. (photo) TrailMark bicycle group helping clean up damage from an accident – Photo by Phil Kinney
Drivers: Reminder to Stop when School Bus Lights are Flashing
As we start a new school year, we would like to remind residents that when the school bus lights are flashing RED, drivers must stop from every direction. Colorado law states: “You must stop your vehicle at least 20 feet before reaching a school bus that is stopped with its red lights flashing whether it is on your side of the road, the opposite side of the road, or at an intersection you are approaching. You must remain stopped until the flashing red lights are no longer operating. Watch carefully for children near the school bus and children crossing the roadway before proceeding.”
Posted August 1, 2021
TrailMark Hogback Hill Trail Extension
During the last week of July, South Suburban Parks and Recreation (SSPR) completed an extension to TrailMark’s trail system by installing a trail from the Hogback Hill basketball courts to the sledding hill benches. This new addition was funded through the South Suburban 2021 Matching Gifts Program, and will make walking to the sledding hill benches safer, while providing beautiful views of the surrounding area. The project was originally suggested by former CAC members Rick Handley and Wayne Lupton. Sally Janssen, HOA Board Vice President, and Mary Kreeger, Common Area Committee (CAC) Chairman, assumed leadership of the project and worked diligently to get the project approved and completed. A shoutout to Sandy Farish, CAC member, for preparing the grant application. The HOA Board and community thank all for your contributions and volunteerism!! Your commitment to our neighborhood makes TrailMark the wonderful community it is! Thank you!!
Posted August 1, 2021. Photos by Phil Kinney
Black Bear Trail Reopens
Seasonal closures for wildlife protection at Cathedral Spires Park, Clear Creek Canyon Park (Mile Marker 270), North Table Mountain Park (Rim Rock Trail), and South Table Mountain Park (Lava Loop Trail), as well as Black Bear Trail at Deer Creek Canyon/Hildebrand Ranch Parks are lifted on August 1. More Information
From the TrailMark Metro District (TMMD)
Happy Summer from the TrailMark Metro District! It has been a warm one and that can affect the water quality in the TrailMark ponds and reservoirs. Water temperatures are now in the 80’s which causes more algae and reduced water clarity. The Metro District hires Aquatic Associates to manage the water areas in TrailMark. You may see a truck, trailer and boat accessing Fairview Reservoir to do water treatments. This is a permitted boat – and the only boat that should ever be on the water. Treated areas include Fairview #1, Fairview #2 (the Beaver Pond) and Pond G (in the large open space) and Pond A (near the daycare center). Pond G had required outlet work last summer that keeps the water about 2 feet lower than previous levels but now at levels as designed. The annual fence painting work is complete except for additional post replacements that will happen in the next few weeks. Due to the age of the fence, more and more posts need to be replaced. If you have a weak post in your yard, please let us know.
Mosquitos are ferocious this summer. The District has its water monitored and larvae treated to reduce breeding. Other areas of standing water that might be breeding ground are outside the District’s control. The TMMD continues to meet virtually on the third Tuesday of odd months. The next meeting, September 21st , will feature beginning discussions for the 2022 Budget. The agenda and meeting link can be found on the TrailMark website. The TMMD Board wishes you a safe and enjoyable summer.
Posted August 1, 2021
In Alignment with CDC Guidelines, JCPH Strongly Encourages Wearing a Mask Indoors, Regardless of Vax
Jefferson County, Colo. — On July 27, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued new guidance recommending mask wearing for the general public, including those who are fully vaccinated, in areas where there is substantial COVID-19 transmission. Read full article here
Painting and Repairs at Hogback Hill Park
South Suburban Parks and Recreation refreshed the parking stripes and installed a new barrier at Hogback Hill Park. Thank you, South Suburban Parks and Recreation (SSPR)!
Posted July 27, 2021
Summer Concert SeriesRebecca Folsom Band – Sunday, July 25th, 5:30-7:30 pm, Hogback Hill Park. Relax with your neighbors and enjoy the scenery while listening to music from some good local bands. There will be bounce houses for the kids, and the Colorado Pig Rig food truck!
Laminating COVID-19 Vaccination Cards
If you are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and in possession of your vaccination card, you may take your card to Office Depot/Office Max to get it laminated for free. You will need to have it copied first since the stamps on the card are on thermal paper and will turn black when put through the laminator. Office Depot/Office Max is offering this free service through July 25, 2021. It generally takes about 5 minutes while you wait. If you destroy or lose your card, you should be able to obtain a replacement through your vaccine provider.
Vandalism at TrailMark Park
July 24, 2021 – Dear TrailMark Residents, This morning a TrailMark resident reported that the Porta Potty at TrailMark Park had been vandalized over night. As many of you know, the porta potties are contracted through South Suburban Parks and Recreation and are not the property of the HOA. Since South Suburban Parks and Recreation is closed on Saturdays, this concerned resident reported this vandalism to the HOA. I have been in contact with the porta potty company and South Suburban Parks and Recreation to report this troubling issue. We must get this cleaned up immediately for people to safely use again. As you can see in the photos, the vandal loaded the entire porta potty with mud, dirt, rocks, and pine needles. This porta potty is now out of service because of the vandalism. As a reminder, if you ever see anyone tampering with the porta potties, or vandalizing in general, please report it immediately to Littleton Police at 303-794-1551. For vandalism in TrailMark or Hogback Hill Park, you may also call the South Suburban Parks and Recreation Ranger at 303-435-8227. The Ranger is on call 24/7, 365 days a year. We need everyone in the neighborhood to help cease these recent acts of vandalism. Any help you can extend our way will help each and every one of us. Thank you, Ken Colaizzi, President, TrailMark HOA, Littleton, CO 80127, president@trailmarkhoa.org, https://www.trailmark.org
Propane leaks can ruin your grilling plans
By Einar Jensen, Risk Reduction Specialist, South Metro Fire Rescue. Every day is a great day for grilling in our state. Meats, corn, fruit kabobs, pizza; the only limit to grilling is one’s imagination… and safety. Most grills are fueled by natural gas (which is primarily composed of methane) or propane (liquified petroleum gas). Both of these gases are colorless and odorless. They’re also highly flammable. As a result, each is packaged into a safer product before reaching consumers. A chemical (ethyl mercaptan) is added to provide an odor, which enables humans to notice leaks more quickly. Unfortunately, it’s easy to forget about these dangers when the equipment is working properly. Leaking propane caught fire and destroyed a home in Roxborough on July 17, according to West Metro Fire Rescue. Several crews from South Metro Fire Rescue responded to that incident. Leaking propane also ruined Independence Day for five families in Centennial. That fire started at a grill on the back side of the apartment building and extended into the building’s attic. One resident was transported to a hospital for injuries and all five families were displaced. Follow these simple tips to grill safely: Only use grills outside. Place grills at least 10 feet away from doors, windows, and siding. Check tank and grill connections before each use. Check the connections and use thick soapy water to identify any leaks in the hose. If you smell mercaptan, close the cylinder valve by turning it clockwise or close the pipe inlet by turn that valve clockwise. Immediately extinguish all open flames. Do not use lights, telephones, cell phones, or other powered appliances near the grill. Get the grill and fuel tank or pipe checked by a qualified service technician before using it again. Contact the propane or natural gas retailer to schedule an inspection. Do not try to repair valves, regulators, or hose. Stay close to the grill while cooking so you can react quickly and safely if fire expands beyond the grill. Wearing an oven mitt or glove, turn off the heat if it is safe to do so. Then turn off the fuel at the bottle or the valve on the pipe from the home. If you can’t turn off the heat or fuel, move away from the grill and call 911. South Metro Fire Rescue’s Risk Reduction Specialists created a video with other grilling safety tips: www.facebook.com/SouthMetroPIO/videos/254979045417339/ With safety handled, you can unleash your culinary imagination. For other safety tips, check out www.southmetro.org and South Metro Fire Rescue’s YouTube channel.
Posted July 22, 2021
Median work has begun
Work has started on the medians of TrailMark. Please remember to drive slow and careful around these LCS workers. Photos by Phil Kinney and Ken Colaizzi. Click on any image to view full-size.
Posted July 20, 2021
Volunteer in TrailMark – A new web page
There’s a new page on the website! The Volunteer in TrailMark page can be found under the “committees” tab. Check it out –
Posted July 20, 2021
TMMD Regular Zoom Meeting
Tuesday, July 20th, 6:30 pm. Zoom Meeting info, Agenda
A letter from our HOA President
July 18, 2021 – Dear TrailMark Residents, It was brought to my attention this morning that our landscaper, LCS, will be starting the scheduled median renovations on Tuesday, July 20th. LCS will be here approximately 2 weeks renovating our medians. Please use extreme caution and decrease your speed while driving. Many LCS workers will be in the street and helping direct traffic during this time. In the end, TrailMark’s median landscape will be getting a refreshed new look. LCS and our entire HOA Board appreciate your patience and help with your cooperation. Thank you, Ken Colaizzi, President, TrailMark HOA, Littleton, CO 80127, president@trailmarkhoa.org, https://www.trailmark.org
Family Photo Day Series #2
Saturday, July 17th, 6:00-8:00 pm near the Fire Station. Sign up for ONE time slot and bring your family for one free family pose. THIS IS NOT A FULL SESSION. Please respect the photographers’ time and generosity. Additional poses may be available for purchase IF TIME ALLOWS. There are 4 family slots available per 30 minute time. Please adhere to social distancing guidelines and wait for your family to be called up by the photographer. Please only sign up if you can commit to being there!
Food Truck Thursday
Thursday, July 15th, 5:00-7:30 pm, TrailMark Park. FOOD TRUCKS: Smokin’ Bones. ORDER AT THE TRUCK. Please respect those who live on that street. If garbage cans are full, please bring your trash home. Food truck selections subject to change. Due to weather, events may be canceled. Please check trailmark.org for cancellation information.
The CAC needs Volunteers to help keep our Community Beautiful
You don’t have to be a horticulturalist, but rather, just someone who loves plants and growing beautiful things. TrailMark’s Common Area Committee puts that finishing touch on our Community plant life, and has a great time putting those green thumbs on our flowerbeds and greenery. Come join us… Bring your love of plants! Just send an email to the Common Area Committee – commonarea@trailmarkhoa.org, and say that you would like to help! Photos by Phil Kinney: Pene and Mary marking trees and shrubs for trimming or removal. PLEASE VISIT THE VOLUNTEER PAGE
Posted July 10, 2021
Please trim low-hanging branches which might impede pedestrian traffic on our sidewalks
Posted July 9, 2021
HOA Zoom Board Meeting
Thursday, July 8th, 7:00 pm. Join Zoom Meeting, https://zoom.us/j/97346541709?pwd=MlhSTzIwbjQwVmFCWWNGSVJNdm9YQT09. Meeting ID: 973 4654 1709, Passcode: 815855. One tap mobile, +16699009128,,97346541709# US (San Jose), +12532158782,,97346541709# US (Tacoma). Dial by your location, +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose), +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma), +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston), +1 646 558 8656 US (New York), +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC), +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago), Meeting ID: 973 4654 1709. Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/aBWcWhEhB. Agenda. All are welcome.
Regular Garbage Pick-up Day – Tuesday, July 6th
No delay due to the Independence Day Holiday.
July 4, 2021
This morning at TrailMark Park, the HOA was pleased to work alongside our Social Committee to showcase our annual 4th of July Kids Bike Parade. Thank you to the Social Committee for hitting a home run with an outstanding, festive parade. Also thank you to Secure-All Security Doors for providing Krispy Kreme Donuts, Wave the Grain Gluten-Free Donuts, and Starbucks Coffee. HOA President, Ken Colaizzi and HOA Treasurer, Phil Kinney were hard at work handing out donuts and coffee to all attendees. The Social Committee provided a bouncy castle, face painting, and yummy Otter Pops. It was nice to see kids and parents enjoying the 4th of July like we all used to remember. The South Metro Fire Truck wasn’t able to lead the parade, so HOA President Ken Colaizzi led the Kids Bike Parade with his decorated truck. Kids were able to ride at their own pace with their beautifully decorated bicycles and scooters. We usually do two laps for the parade, but we were able to squeeze in one extra lap for the kids’ sake! All in all, the kids had the time of their lives! There were lots of donuts eaten, lots of Otter Pops eaten, lots of faces decorated, and lots of laughs! Again, thank you to our entire HOA for allowing this event to take place. Most of all, thank you to our talented Social Committee for planning such a memorable event for our TrailMark kiddos. Today was definitely a day to remember here in TrailMark on our country’s 245th birthday. Happy 4th of July to all!! Photos by Phil Kinney and Ken Colaizzi (Click on images to enlarge.)
Using Fireworks can transform Celebrations into Disasters
By Einar Jensen, Risk Reduction Specialist, South Metro Fire Rescue. When I was a child, I vividly remember when a “safe” firework jumped from the road where it had been ignited into my younger sister’s lap more than 20 feet away. She escaped the frightening encounter without any physical injuries, but thousands of children and adults aren’t that lucky. Although the injury rate has decreased over the last twenty years, thousands of adults and children are injured each year. In fact, one third of injuries occur among children aged 15 and younger. The consequences of fireworks use aren’t limited to the people using them. Two-thirds of patients injured by fireworks are bystanders. All fireworks are dangerous despite their appearances. Sparklers, for example, burn at more than 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit, easily igniting hair, clothing, and vegetation. Speaking of vegetation, the wildfire risk this summer is significant throughout Colorado. Remember all those rainstorms in our area back in May? The string of hot dry days in June negated the benefits of that rain. There is now plenty of fuel—organic and built—that is ripe for burning. All fireworks devices that leave the ground are illegal in Colorado unless they are used by companies that have permits from the State of Colorado and their local fire departments. Only a handful of products are legal in Colorado: cone and cylindrical fountains, ground spinners, torch and colored fire, dipped sticks, sparklers, snakes, glow worms, trick noisemakers, and some other novelties. None of them are designed to leave the ground. As my family discovered, however, even ground-based fireworks can have their moments of flight and those moments can turn a safe celebration into disaster all too quickly. The best way to prevent injuries and fires related to fireworks is to leave fireworks displays to trained professionals. If you see people using illegal fireworks or using legal ones in an unsafe manner, contact your local law enforcement office. If someone starts a fire or is injured, call 911 immediately. For information on other summer safety topics, visit www.southmetro.org.
Celebrating the 4th of July
The HOA Board wishes all homeowners and residents a Happy 4th of July, and to celebrate Independence Day safely and within the law. The following is provided as a courtesy to all: Fireworks in Littleton – TrailMark falls within the city limits of Littleton, therefore, the city rules apply. “The sale or use of fireworks in the city limits of Littleton is illegal. The city has a zero-tolerance policy and those who are found lighting or selling fireworks in the city, including firecrackers and sparklers, will be ticketed. If you see or hear fireworks, report it to the Littleton Police non-emergency number at 303-794-1551.” Read more here. Fireworks and Pets – Protect Your Pets: According to our animal control officers, more dogs get lost around July 4th than any other time of the year. Keep your pets properly confined to avoid escape due to fear of fireworks. Have your dog’s license and identification up to date so that, in the event your pet does escape, Animal Control can facilitate a quick return. Leave the Fireworks to the Professionals – Attend a public fireworks display. Check the local papers and/or websites for information about public celebrations in your area. Here is one site: https://kdvr.com/news/local/where-to-watch-colorados-2021-4th-of-july-fireworks/
4th of July Bike Parade
Sunday, July 4th, 9:00 am, TrailMark Park. Dress up your bikes, wagons and scooters for the Annual TrailMark 4th of July Bike Parade! Be sure to stay afterward and enjoy the fun at TrailMark Park (playground) including popsicles for the kids and coffee and donuts for the adults! Event sponsored by Secure-All Security Doors
Chatfield Botanical Gardens and South Suburban Parks & Recreation would appreciate it if homeowners would not dump debris into the open spaces that they do not own.
Posted July 1, 2021
Recycling Items
TrailMark’s garbage and recycling service company has recently transitioned from Alpine Waste & Recycling to GFL Environmental. Please note that the items collected for recycling are still the same. Click on these images for a printable flyer.
Posted July 1, 2021
HOA Assessments Due July 1st
As a reminder, HOA Assessments are due July 1st. If you have any questions, please contact Mat Birkeness at Community Resource Services. TrailMark HOA Board
Food Truck Thursday
Thursday, July 1st, 5:00-7:30 pm, TrailMark Park. FOOD TRUCKS: What Would Cheesus Do, Tula’s Tapas, Repiccis. ORDER AT THE TRUCK. Please respect those who live on that street. If garbage cans are full, please bring your trash home. Food truck selections subject to change. Due to weather, events may be canceled. Please check trailmark.org for cancellation information.
June 25, 2021
Dear TrailMark Residents, This morning three of our HOA Board Members found the basketball court at Hogback Hill to be vandalized and littered with fireworks and trash from last night. As many of you know, the basketball court belongs to South Suburban Parks and Recreation. Our management company has alerted SSPR regarding the property damage to the basketball court. Littleton Police has also been made aware of the damage and destruction to the basketball court. The HOA Board spent 15 minutes cleaning up burnt fireworks, burnt napkins, burnt Chick-Fil-A cups, and burnt grass on the basketball court this morning. With the current dry conditions, this is very serious and we can’t have people playing with fire. These individuals also left a considerable amount of trash and alcoholic beverages throughout the picnic area as well as the basketball court. We need your help with this situation because this is very dangerous and unacceptable! Our entire HOA Board is begging you homeowners to assist us with keeping our parks, basketball court, and soccer field clean and vandal free. If any of you see individuals lighting fireworks, or destroying the property at Hogback Hill Park or TrailMark Park, please notify the Littleton Police Department non-emergency line immediately. Homeowners can report vandalism and fireworks in progress to Littleton Police at 303-794-1551. Thank you, Ken Colaizzi, President, Social Committee Liaison, TrailMark HOA, Littleton, CO 80127, president@trailmarkhoa.org, https://www.trailmark.org
Burnt Grass
Many homeowners have contacted our management company as well as the HOA Board asking the cause of the recent burned grass in our neighborhood. The HOA has been working cooperatively with LCS, our landscaping contractor, to rectify this concern. Three of the sprinkler clocks are broken, and LCS is scheduled to replace them and get the water up and running soon. Our HOA board and our management company are planning to have an on-site meeting with LCS this week to address this issue and make sure all areas are getting watered. For those who attended the concert last night, the soccer field at Hogback Hill Park is owned by SSPR and is not property of the HOA. Therefore, LCS and the HOA have no authority to tackle the burnt grass on the soccer field. Our management company has alerted SSPR of the issue. Unfortunately, the combination of broken sprinkler clocks and scorching hot temperatures has not been friendly to our lawns. Again, our HOA and management company are in the process of getting this resolved. Thank you for your patience.
Posted June 21, 2021
New List of Routine Home Maintenance / Repairs not requiring DRC Review
The Design Review Committee (DRC) continually seeks to streamline the review process for proposed home improvement projects. Thus, the DRC developed a list of routine maintenance and repair items for which a homeowner is not required to submit a request review to the DRC. The parameters established in the attached document must be met before determining that the submittal of the standard Home Improvement Request Form is not required.
Additional items may be added to this list from time to time. The most current list will be posted on the HOA website under Documents & Forms at HOA Documents & Forms – TrailMark. Homeowners are responsible for reviewing this list as they plan maintenance and repairs, to ensure that they do not violate the parameters documented in our community covenants whereby project review is required.
Posted June 21, 2021
Summer Concert Series
FINALEYES. Sunday, June 20th, 5:30-7:30 pm, Hogback Hill Park. Relax with your neighbors and enjoy the scenery while listening to music from some good local bands. The Mac N Noodles food truck will be at the concert tonight!!! Come get some yummy food! Then enjoy a snow cone from the Kona Ice truck compliments of Janie and Guy! Event sponsored by Janie & Guy of Keller Williams Realty Urban Elite
2021 Summer Concert Series dates announced
June 20th: FINALEYES (5:30-7:30 pm), July 25th: REBECCA FOLSOM BAND (5:30-7:30 pm), August 29th: Mini Festival – 3 bands, with headliner THUNDER AND RAIN (3:00-7:15 pm), Hogback Hill Park in TrailMark. Relax with your neighbors and enjoy the scenery while listening to music from some good local bands. More details to come! All TrailMark events will follow whatever current CDC and Jeffco COVID-19 guidelines are in place.
TrailMark Kids Bike Ride enjoyed by all
The HOA Board wishes to thank Mr. Rob Donovan for sponsoring the first ever kids bike ride through the trails of TrailMark on Saturday, June 19th. The kids’ bike ride started at 9:00 a.m. at TrailMark Park. Approximately two dozen kids participated in the bike ride. A few parents were brave enough to tag along and enjoy the beautiful ride as well. The bike ride ended around 9:45 a.m. back at TrailMark Park. At the end of the bike ride there were five coolers of ice cold water and Capri Suns. Needless to say, most of the kids drank several Capri Suns as it was clearly the drink of choice. This was a very successful event and Mr. Donovan has offered to sponsor another Kid’s Bike Ride in the near future. It is nice to see our residents give their time and expertise to kids who live in TrailMark. The HOA is very gracious and welcoming to a future Kids Bike ride. Thank you again, Mr. Donovan for a job well done!
Posted June 19, 2021
TrailMark Kids Bike Ride with Mr. Donovan
Saturday, June 19th, 9:00-10:00 am. Meet at TrailMark Park at 9:00 am. Kids Bike ride begins at 9:00 am. TrailMark resident Mr. Rob Donovan is a professional bike rider and coach and has volunteered to supervise and conduct the first ever TRAILMARK KIDS BIKE RIDE. Mr. Donovan will lead all of the kids on a very “kid friendly” bike ride experience through the trails of TrailMark. A map has been provided for the 3-1/2 mile adventure. Parents are welcome to join their kids on this fun bike ride. We estimate the bike ride to last about one hour. The Kids Bike Ride will end at TrailMark Park at approximately 10:00 am. HOA President Ken Colaizzi and Rob Donovan are project managers for this event and are providing cold drinks at the end of the ride. There is no cost involved – so please come out and enjoy our beautiful neighborhood and get some exercise. Mr. Donovan has kindly asked us to publish a few rules for the Kids Bike Ride… 1. All riders must be on a pedal bike. 2. No scooters, electric scooters or Striders. 3. HELMETS ARE MANDATORY. 4. This is not a race – it’s a fun bike ride with Mr. Donovan. Please be considerate of other bike riders. 5. Please listen to all volunteers for your safety. 6. After enjoying your cold drink at the end of the ride, please throw all trash away in the park trash cans. All TrailMark events will follow whatever current CDC and Jeffco COVID-19 guidelines are in place. Event sponsored by Rob Donovan Coaching
TrailMark Open Space Mowing
The HOA Board is aware of concern regarding the lack of mowing in TrailMark’s open spaces. For your information – These grassy areas are on South Suburban Parks and Recreation (SSPR) property, and thus, are their mowing responsibility. Normally, meaning drier conditions, SSPR mows three (3) times per year or every six (6) weeks, starting in the spring. If we get a lot of precipitation in the fall, they will mow a fourth time. Given the recent rains, SSPR has delayed bringing their large mowing equipment because of potential damage from the heavy equipment on soft soils. SSPR anticipates drier days ahead and plans to be in TrailMark the week of June 14-18 to complete that mowing cycle. If you have further questions, please contact SSPR at 303-798-5131 to be directed to the appropriate office.
June 17, 2021
Dear TrailMark Residents, Last night, the HOA Board was notified by a resident that they had accidentally started a fire causing some damage to the HOA, TMMD and SSPR properties. Our HOA Board wanted to let our residents know that we are fully aware of the situation and circumstances. Currently, our Management Company, TMMD, and SSPR are working with the homeowner to rectify the issue. Thank you, Ken Colaizzi, President, Social Committee Liaison, TrailMark HOA, Littleton, CO 80127, president@trailmarkhoa.org, https://www.trailmark.org
Food Truck Thursday
Thursday, June 17th, 5:00-7:30 pm, TrailMark Park. FOOD TRUCKS: Spicy Kitchen, Sokare, Divine Ice Cream. Order at the Truck. Please respect those who live on that street. If garbage cans are full, please bring your trash home. Food truck selections subject to change. Due to weather, events may be canceled. Please check trailmark.org for cancellation information.
TrailMark Garage Sale
Friday, June 11th and Saturday, June 12th, 7:30 am-2:00 pm throughout TrailMark. Please join Sunny Puckett and Kristi Bringle for this year’s Garage Sale on June 11th & 12th, from 7:30 am-2:00 pm each day! Lots of participants! Here’s the map, and even more not listed! All TrailMark events will follow whatever current CDC and Jeffco COVID-19 guidelines are in place.
Family Photo Day Series
Friday, June 11th, Saturday, July 17th, Friday, August 27th. We have 3 amazing resident photographers offering 3 opportunities to get a free family portrait taken in our beautiful neighborhood. Sign up for ONE time slot between 6:00 and 8:00 pm and bring your family for one free family pose. THIS IS NOT A FULL SESSION. Please respect the photographers’ time and generosity. Additional poses may be available for purchase IF TIME ALLOWS. If you like the result, consider hiring one of these lovely ladies to do a full session with your family! *Note: There are 4 family slots available per 30 minute time. Arrive early in your time slot and be first in line. When you arrive please adhere to social distancing guidelines and wait for your family to be called up by the photographer. Wait time, therefore, should be no more than about 25 minutes! Please only sign up if you can commit to being there! All TrailMark events will follow whatever current CDC and Jeffco COVID-19 guidelines are in place.
TrailMark Garage Sale
Friday, June 11th-Saturday, June 12th. 7:30 am-2:00 pm throughout TrailMark. Please join Sunny Puckett and Kristi Bringle for this year’s Garage Sale on June 11th & 12th, from 7:30 am-2:00 pm each day! Email trailmarkgaragesale@kristibringle.com with your address no later than June 1st to be added to the map!! However, anyone can participate! Everyone that submits their address to us will be entered into a drawing to win a $50 Los Dos Portillos gift card! We only have 5 of them so act fast! All TrailMark events will follow whatever current CDC and Jeffco COVID-19 guidelines are in place.
Friendly Reminder from the Jeffco Sheriff’s website
LEASH LAW – Dogs allowed to roam the streets are not only a nuisance and dangerous to the public, but are in constant danger from cars, irate people, and even other dogs. For these reasons, all dogs must be on a leash or confined on the owner’s premises at all times. Dogs in violation of the leash law may be detained by a citizen, turned over to Animal Control, and impounded at the Table Mountain Animal Center. Impoundment and board fees must be paid by the owner before the dog can be released. Failure to claim an impounded dog does not relieve the owner of liability for payment of all fees. PENALTIES – In addition to impoundment fees, owners can be issued a summons for a violation of county regulation. Each violation of a regulation constitutes a separate offense. The maximum penalty for a Class II petty offense is $1,000. Fine schedules provide for increased fines for subsequent violations during any three-year period. Jefferson County Leash Law
Posted June 8, 2021
New Swimming Pool Standard approved
The HOA Board, after much work on the part of the DRC, approved a new TrailMark swimming pool standard. The Board determined that the new standard is a complement to our beautiful community, and adheres to our goal of preserving TrailMark as a premier community. Developing this standard required many hours of research, consultation with experts, community input, and much Board and community discussion. It is posted on the HOA website at trailmark.org. The HOA Board and community wish to compliment and thank the members of the Design Review Board for their considerable time and commitment to our TrailMark community. Job well-done! View Swimming Pool Standard here
Posted June 7, 2021
Food Truck Special Event: Crawfish Boil
Saturday, June 5th, 12:00-4:00 pm, TrailMark Park. FOOD TRUCKS: Crescent City, Rebel Cookie Dough. DEADLINE HAS PASSED – Pre-ordering ends on Thursday, June 3rd at 10:00 am. Order Crawfish Boil tickets at ccceats.com. IF YOU WANT CRAWFISH YOU MUST PRE-ORDER! Regular truck service from Crescent City will also be offered at the truck, no pre-ordering necessary. Rebel Cookie Dough is window service, the day of the event. No pre-ordering necessary. Please respect those who live on that street. If garbage cans are full, please bring your trash home. Food truck selections subject to change. Due to weather, events may be canceled. Please check trailmark.org for cancellation information. All TrailMark events will follow whatever current CDC and Jeffco COVID-19 guidelines are in place.
Garbage Pick-up delayed due to Memorial Day holiday
TrailMark’s garbage & recycling pick-up will be delayed from Tuesday, June 1st to Wednesday, June 2nd due to the Memorial Day holiday.
Important Phone Numbers all in one place
Find a list of important phone numbers on the home page of the website (scroll down, right-hand column). Or go to the website’s Who to Contact page for more detailed contact information!
Posted June 1, 2021
Home Fire Safety: Preventing Garage Fires
By Einar Jensen, Risk Reduction Specialist. South Metro Fire Rescue Although cooking is the most common source of home fires here in South Metro Fire Rescue’s jurisdiction and across the nation, those fires typically are small. Fires that start in the garage, on the other hand, occur less frequently, but tend to cause more damage because they can burn secretly for several minutes before occupants or anyone else notices the blaze. Residents also tend to store more expensive items within garages than kitchens. The most common factors that lead to fires in garages, according to SMFR Lead Investigator Don Titzler, include electrical wiring that overheats, overcharging batteries, and improper disposal of smoldering ashes. Each of these fires can be prevented by following some simple tips. Electrical Safety – Major appliances (refrigerators, dryers, washers, etc.) should be plugged directly into a wall receptacle outlet. Don’t use extension cords and plug strips. Arc-fault circuit interrupters (AFCIs) shut off electricity when arcing occurs. Have a qualified electrician install them in your home and your garage. Call a qualified electrician or your landlord if you have frequent problems with blowing fuses or tripping circuit breakers, or if wall outlets are discolored or warm. Battery Charging – Use a proper battery charger/discharger. Use a fireproof safety bag, metal ammo box, or other fireproof container when charging, discharging, or storing lithium batteries. Do not leave charging batteries unattended. Disposal of Ashes – Only dispose of ashes that are cold to the touch. If they aren’t cold, they contain enough heat to start a fire if enough fuel and oxygen are present. When disposing of ashes from a fireplace or fire pit, place them in a fireproof container outside of your home. If the fireproof container is metal, place it on dirt, concrete, or asphalt to prevent heat from conducting to adjacent combustible surfaces. For information on home fire prevention and other safety topics, visit www.southmetro.org or contact us at ReducingRisk@southmetro.org.
Posted June 1, 2021
Hummingbirds are back in TrailMark!
Here are some helpful tips and links to keep them safe, and your viewing a lot of fun. A) Nectar feeding – Making up your own nectar for your feeders is not only cost effective but can also better protect our tiny visitors throughout the Spring, Summer and Fall. Feeding Warnings – Dyes, brown sugars and honey are bad for the birds. Dyes are not necessary and can cause some metabolic problems. Brown and non-cane sugars can contain other ingredients and are not digested well. Honey contains bacteria, and possibly fungus spores, which can harm the birds (even to the point that they cannot eat, and perish). Sugar to Use – Only use Pure CANE White Sugar. Nectar mixture – Anything from 4 parts water to 1 part pure cane sugar, to 4 parts water to 2 parts pure cane sugar. Whereas it is not necessary to heat up your nectar mixture of pure cane sugar and water, bringing it to a rolling boil, letting it cool and then storing it in the refrigerator will better protect the birds from highly harmful bacteria and fungus. Cleaning feeders – Make sure that your feeders are cleaned often. It is not necessary to use soap or alcohol, but if you do, just make sure that the feeders have been very well rinsed. Warm water is good. Hot water can distort the plastic parts of a feeder. Also, do not leave a batch of nectar out for more than a week or if it looks cloudy. The nectar should always look crystal clear. Never put hot or warm nectar into a feeder. It is bad for the birds and can distort the plastic feeders. Always put clean nectar into a clean feeder. B) Feeding Times – In Colorado, feed from about 5:30 am to 8:45 pm, when they tend to make their last run before retiring for the night. Start feeding in April and continue through the first or second snow storm. Your feeders will help migrating birds and will not stop them from migrating. C) Feeder Habits—Safety – **Take your feeders in at night because wild animals, especially bears, love them. Place feeders where cats cannot have access to them. Hanging the feeders on fishing line can also deter squirrels. If bees and yellow jackets start to take over your feeders, just separate multiple feeds, and the birds will find their way. D) Feeders and Placement – Feeders with perches allow the hummingbird to rest, while feeding. Placing multiple feeders distant from each other can allow more birds to feed, because, otherwise, territorial breeds will try to hoard the feeders. E) Insecticides – Do not use insecticides in your yard (especially in the trees), because hummingbirds eat insects and sap, and it does not take a lot of insecticide to harm their tiny systems. F) Some Fun Resources – https://www.seabirdsanctuary.org/what-do-hummingbirds-eat/, https://www.seabirdsanctuary.org?s=Nectar
Posted June 1, 2021
Knowledge Share Fair & Book Exchange CANCELLED
The event that was scheduled for May 22nd is has been CANCELLED due to lack of interest.
Knowledge Share Fair – CANCELLED
Date: May 22, 2021, Time: 9am-Noon, Location: Hogback Hill Park. Description: The event will be a time for adults to get together as neighbors and friends to share skills, talents and knowledge as well as swap books. A time to build community through getting to know our neighbors better through the sharing of our skills, talents and abilities. The social committee will work together with individuals, with information to share and books to swap, to create a space for sharing at the park. This event is intended for adult individuals sharing as a neighbor in the community and not as part of a business or as a vendor. What We Need: Volunteers with skills, talents and knowledge they believe is useful to the community. Please email the social committee by May 1, 2021 at social@trailmarkhoa.org to volunteer and tell us about your knowledge, talent or skill. Some examples of skills, talents and knowledge: Gift Wrap/Ribbon Tying – the person providing this information would bring their own ribbon, gift wrap, etc. to demonstrate their skill. Beetle Prevention – the person providing this information could bring handouts of the information they are sharing for later reference. Acrylic Pour Painting – the person demonstrating this would bring their own paints, canvases, etc. to demonstrate how the technique is done. They would not bring supplies for other people to try it. It would only be for demonstration purposes. People attending could make videos of the demo on their phones. What to Bring: Volunteers sharing information should bring a table, chair and/or pop-up tent. If they don’t have those items, let us know and we will look to the community to donate them for the day. We also ask the individuals to bring their own supplies and information to support the knowledge, skill or talent they would be sharing. For the book swap, we ask individuals to bring their books to the park prior to 9:00 am the day of the event so they can be arranged on tables. Any un-swapped books will be donated. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN CANCELLED.
Food Truck Thursday
Thursday, May 20th, 5:00-7:30 pm, TrailMark Park. FOOD TRUCKS: OG Burgers, Sweet Combforts. Order at the Truck. Please respect those who live on that street. If garbage cans are full, please bring your trash home. Food truck selections subject to change. Due to weather, events may be canceled. Please check trailmark.org for cancellation information. All TrailMark events will follow whatever current CDC and Jeffco COVID-19 guidelines are in place.
TMMD Regular Meeting
Tuesday, May 18th, 6:30 pm via Zoom. To Join By Phone, +13462487799, Meeting ID: 960 6216 7164, Password: 669726. Agenda
Jefferson County to Move to Level Clear May 16
Jefferson County, Colo. – Beginning May 16, Jefferson County will move to Level Clear on the Simplified Dial, per JCPH’s Public Health Order 21-001. Under Level Clear, the county will enter a 90-day observation period during which businesses will be able to operate at 100 percent capacity with no additional restrictions, except for indoor mask requirements or other requirements implemented by the State of Colorado or Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE). This move is part of a Metro Denver regional approach to phase into a full reopening as safely as possible while efforts continue to help more residents get vaccinated against COVID-19. Read full article here
TrailMark Graduation Car Parade
Saturday, May 15th, 4:15-5:00 pm throughout TrailMark. CALLING ALL TRAILMARK GRADUATES, High School, College or above! Join us for a Graduation Car Parade on Saturday, May 15th from 4:15-5:00 pm. Have your cars/trucks decorated and ready to go, for a social-distancing car parade through the neighborhood to show off your graduate to all the neighbors! Line up on South Holland facing Hogback Hill Park. If you plan to participate, please fill out this form. …AND ALL TRAILMARK RESIDENTS! Come outside and support the 2021 graduates! The parade will start on South Holland right at 4:15pm and expect to last about 45 minutes. Please come out with your noise makers and smiles to cheer on the TrailMark graduates! Here is a map of the route to plan a good spot to view the parade!
HOA Zoom Board Meeting
Thursday, May 13th, 7:00 pm. Join Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/95169993906?pwd=R281alZaU05vNW1yVSt6aThaU3FUZz09. Meeting ID: 951 6999 3906, Passcode: 729586. One tap mobile: +12532158782,,95169993906# US (Tacoma), +13462487799,,95169993906# US (Houston). Dial by your location: +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma), +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston), +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose), +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC), +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago), +1 646 558 8656 US (New York). Meeting ID: 951 6999 3906. Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/aewcBlM9u1. Agenda. All are welcome.
There will be a Second State Park Pass voucher pick-up
Monday, May 10th, 6:30-9:00 pm, 9831 S. Flower Ct. Please plan to be there if you missed the first one! Details – https://www.trailmark.org/colorado-state-park-pass.html
TrailMark Dumpster/Donation Day a huge success
May 8, 2021 – Dear TrailMark Residents, I wanted to thank everyone who participated in the TrailMark Dumpster/Donation Day today. It was a HUGE success! Residents were able to donate unwanted items to Goodwill, or dispose of those Spring cleaning items into one of five dumpsters. Our HOA had planned for 2 dumpsters, but due to the amount of rubbish, we had to call in 3 more dumpsters. The HOA wants to send out a bunch of thank yous for your involvement today. Forgive me if I forgot your name, but today’s volunteers were: Residents: Jim Thinnes, Linda Jagiello, Mary Kreeger, Brooke Colaizzi, Wayne Lupton, Rick Handley, David Hughes. HOA Board Members: Ken Colaizzi, President; Sally Janssen, Vice President; CJ Haberkorn, Member at Large; Bill Kuenning, Secretary; Phil Kinney, Treasurer. Our Covenant Compliance: Susie Ellis (CPS). Our HOA Manager: Mat Birkeness (CRS). Also, a big special thank you goes out to Linda Fields for suggesting this event’s location. Thank you Linda because it was an ideal location and traffic was able to flow smoothly and safely. We sure appreciated you giving us such a good idea!! Our event also sparked four children entrepreneurs today. These 4 children set up a lemonade stand to cool all of the participants’ thirsts. With their parents’ permission, thank you to: Domenic Colaizzi, Sabrina Colaizzi, Liam Jones, Darcy Jones. Again, thank you to all of you who peacefully donated or disposed of your unwanted items. This event was so successful, that our HOA Board will be talking about organizing another dumpster day coming again soon. Please attend our HOA Board Meeting this Thursday, May 13th on Zoom. Thank you, Ken Colaizzi, President, TrailMark HOA, Littleton, CO 80127, president@trailmarkhoa.org, https://www.trailmark.org
State Park Pass Voucher Pick Up
Saturday, May 8th, 9:00 am-12:00 noon. Information
Dumpster & Donation Day
Saturday, May 8th, 8:00 am-12:00 noon, South of 9975 W Baden. Two huge GFL Dumpsters to throw out those unwanted items that are too large for your weekly trash container (GFL Waste Material Guidelines). A semi sized Goodwill Trailer to accept donations of your unwanted (re-usable) items. Goodwill’s lists of acceptable and not acceptable donations. Goodwill is providing receipts for donations of re-usable items. Please don’t leave your trash or donated items around the dumpsters or Goodwill trailer if no one is present. Drive northbound on TrailMark Parkway until it turns into West Baden Drive. Continue driving westbound on Baden Drive until you reach 9975 West Baden Drive. Drop off your trash and donations. Then, please exit by driving southbound on South Johnson Street or West Cambridge Place (map). TrailMark Residents Only. COVID-19 GUIDELINES will be strictly followed for everyone at this event. (Masks are no longer required in outdoor spaces. Read Jeffco Public Health article here.)
Dumpster & Donation Day
Back by popular demand! The TrailMark HOA Board is excited to announce another Dumpster and Donation Day. In the Fall of 2020, the HOA Board sponsored a Dumpster and Electronic Donation Day and it was a huge success. Several neighbors have asked the HOA Board to please sponsor and organize a Spring Dumpster Day. Through many suggestions and comments from the Fall 2020 event, the HOA Board learned that several homeowners would also like to see a donation option for homeowners who would like to donate old clothes, gardening tools, etc. The HOA Board agreed and has organized a Spring event that will allow homeowners the opportunity to dispose of items in the dumpster, or donate their unwanted (re-useable) items to Goodwill. The entire HOA Board invites you to participate in our Spring 2021 Dumpster/Donation Day here in TrailMark. The details….. Who? You of course!! Please round up your old stuff and do the Spring Cleaning you keep saying you will do every weekend. What? We will have two huge GFL Dumpsters to throw out those unwanted Spring cleaning items that are too large for your weekly trash container (GFL Waste Material Guidelines). We will also have a semi sized Goodwill Trailer to accept donations of your unwanted (re-usable) items. Goodwill has offered their trailer Free of charge to our community as long as we have some volunteers to accept donations. Please see Goodwill’s lists of acceptable and not acceptable donations. Goodwill is providing receipts for donations of re-usable items. Goodwill and GFL have both asked the HOA to please publish that you are not allowed to dispose of your trash or donations until the event is open. In other words, please don’t leave your trash or donated items around the dumpsters or Goodwill trailer if no one is present. Where? Just South of 9975 West Baden Drive. In order to drop off your unwanted items, you must drive northbound on TrailMark Parkway and stay on the road until it turns into West Baden Drive. Continue driving westbound on Baden Drive until you reach 9975 West Baden Drive. Drop off your trash and donations. Then, please exit by driving southbound on South Johnson Street or West Cambridge Place. This will keep all residents safe from cross traffic, allow traffic to flow smoothly, and keep the event organized. Linda, our internet guru, has provided a map of the location for safe and easy travels. When? Saturday, May 8th, 2021 from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Why? This event was created for homeowners to get rid of unwanted items. Many of these items are too large to put into your weekly trash or recycle receptacle. So please mark your calendars for Saturday, May 8th, 2021 between 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. How? Residents of TrailMark are allowed to partake in this Dumpster/Donation event. The TrailMark HOA Board would like to extend this wonderful event to TrailMark residents only. HOA Board Members and volunteer residents will be working the event. We have also put a call into Littleton Police for their assistance with traffic mitigation. If you see Littleton Police Officers that day, please follow their directions and thank them for keeping our neighborhood safe. We are thankful to work cooperatively with the Littleton Police Department. We look forward to seeing many of you on Saturday, May 8th for our Dumpster/Donation Day!! Thank you, Ken Colaizzi, President; Sally Janssen, Vice President; Bill Kuenning, Secretary; Phil Kinney, Treasurer; CJ Haberkorn, Member at Large; Your 2021 TrailMark HOA Board. COVID-19 GUIDELINES will be strictly followed for everyone at this event. (Masks are no longer required in outdoor spaces. Read Jeffco Public Health article here.)
Careless Driving
May 6, 2021 – Dear TrailMark Residents, Over the past month, our HOA Board has received numerous complaints about careless driving throughout TrailMark. Most of the complaints that have been reported are in regards to speeding, reckless driving, and running stop signs. We even had a report of a vehicle doing “burnouts” on TrailMark Parkway near TrailMark Park. As many of you know, traffic enforcement is not a responsibility of our HOA. However, the safety of our community and our citizens is very important and a high priority to this HOA Board. In the past week, I have had two conversations with the Commander of Traffic Enforcement for the Littleton Police Department regarding these traffic complaints here in TrailMark. The Commander assured me yesterday that immediate, and frequent traffic enforcement will take place in TrailMark. There was a Littleton Police officer running radar on TrailMark Parkway last night! On behalf of our entire HOA Board, I wanted to give every resident a kind reminder that Littleton Police will be in our neighborhood and watching our driving habits. For the safety of everyone, please obey the traffic laws, watch for pedestrians and bicyclists, and try to keep your speed under 30 mph. Our HOA Board wants to see no one get hurt or injured because of unsafe driving. Furthermore, I would like to give you all a friendly warning – because I don’t want to see any of you get a traffic ticket either. Please drive safely. If you witness any traffic violation please report it to Littleton Police at 303-794-1551. Thank you, Ken Colaizzi, President, Social Committee Liaison, TrailMark HOA, Littleton, CO 80127, president@trailmarkhoa.org, https://www.trailmark.org
Food Truck Thursday
Food Truck Thursday, Thursday, May 6th, 5:00-7:30 pm, TrailMark Park. FOOD TRUCKS: Meatball, Dos Manos, Repiccis. ORDER AT THE TRUCK. Please practice social distancing. Stand 6 feet apart. Please, no large groups/crowds at the park. Respect those who live on that street. Food truck selections subject to change. Due to weather, events may be canceled. Please check trailmark.org for cancellation information. COVID-19 GUIDELINES will be strictly followed for everyone at this event. (Masks are no longer required in outdoor spaces. Read Jeffco Public Health article here.)
Jefferson County Public Health releases updated Mask Order, aligns with the State on requirements
Jefferson County, Colo. – Governor Jared Polis extended the State mask order that allows for fewer restrictions on mask-wearing in certain circumstances. In an effort to keep regulations uniform across the Denver Metro Area, Jefferson County Public Health (JCPH) will update and renew its current mask order to align with the state’s order. JCPH’s amended order is effective May 5, 2021 and, until further notice, is set to expire or be updated on June 6, 2021. Key changes to the order include: Masks are required in public indoor settings where 10 or more unvaccinated individuals or individuals of unknown vaccination status are present. Masking is not required in indoor public spaces if 80% or more of the individuals present are fully vaccinated (two full weeks after obtaining all required doses of a vaccine) and can provide proof of vaccination. Masking is not required in indoor public spaces if there are 9 or fewer individuals who are not fully vaccinated or whose vaccination status is unknown. Masks continue to be required in Pre-K-12 schools, public areas of county or municipal government facilities, congregate care facilities, prisons, jails, medical and healthcare settings, during travel (per CDC requirements) and personal service settings regardless of the vaccination status of the individuals present. Face coverings are required for all individuals in a Mass Indoor Gathering (more than 100 unvaccinated people or people whose vaccination status is unknown gathered in a room indoors). Individuals are encouraged to socialize in outdoor spaces when possible as outdoor gatherings are safer than indoor gatherings. Masks are not required in outdoor spaces. Read full article here.
Posted May 5, 2021
Home Improvements – PLEASE READ:
The DRC (Design Review Committee) reviews exterior homeowner improvement, change and modification requests the 1st and 3rd week of every month. All applicable documents, brochures, paint chips, plot plans/yard diagrams, etc. must be received by the management company not later than 12:00 noon, the Friday prior to the DRC meeting. Send to designreview@trailmarkhoa.org.
Posted May 1, 2021
Bears are waking up and foraging.
TrailMark – Be Vigilant!! Remember: Colorado is bear country! Please Do Your Part to Keep Bears Wild!! Be Bear Aware!! – Bear Facts for Homeowners: Taking steps to avoid attracting bears with food or garbage is the best way to prevent bears from becoming a nuisance. Bears follow their super-sensitive noses to anything that smells like food. They can follow scents from up to five miles away. Per TrailMark trash service policy, keep garbage cans secured until the morning of collection day. Do not place trash cans on the street/curb until the morning of trash service. Normal noise made walking on a trail should alert a bear to your presence, prompting it to leave before you see it. If you see a bear, use common sense: Never approach the animal; observe it only from a distance. Make it aware of your presence by clapping, talking, singing, or making other noise. Keep dogs leashed. Make children “bear aware!!” Never feed bears!!!!!! If you see a bear or have evidence of a bear (such as bear scat), please notify Colorado Parks and Wildlife. They gather information for reports and advise the local officer if removal is necessary. Contact Colorado Parks and Wildlife at: Colorado Parks and Wildlife, 6060 Broadway, Denver, CO 80216, (303) 291-7227. Only People Can Prevent Problems with Bears. BE SAFE!! BE BEAR AWARE!!!
Posted May 1, 2021
Red Flag Warnings and Wildfire Conditions
By Einar Jensen, Risk Reduction Specialist, South Metro Fire Rescue. As winter loosens its grip on our region, there will be more Red Flag Warnings in weather forecasts. Red Flag Warnings describe conditions that make wildfires worse but in themselves do not cause wildfires. Fire, remember, needs three ingredients: oxygen, heat, and fuel. Before a solid fuel can burn, it must be dry and it must contain enough heat that its molecules break apart into the fuel’s gaseous form. When a heat source is applied to a solid fuel, the fuel absorbs heat. Initially that heat causes any remaining water content to evaporate as steam. In a process called pyrolysis, the dry fuel absorbs more heat that causes its molecules to vibrate rapidly enough to fragment into the fuel’s gaseous form. It’s this gaseous form that burns in a flame. There are three components of a Red Flag Warning: low humidity, hot air temperatures, and strong winds. Each of these components contributes to fire danger; together they can supercharge wildfires into raging infernos capable of destroying neighborhoods and injuring or killing people. Relative humidity is the amount of moisture in the air. When air moisture is higher than fuel moisture, solid fuels absorb moisture from the air. However, when humidity is lower than fuel moisture, the air absorbs moisture from solid fuels. Thus, weather conditions with low relative humidity steal moisture from solid fuels increasing the speed at which they absorb heat for pyrolysis. Air holds more moisture as its temperature increases because the air expands. Hotter air temperatures also preheat fuels, create tougher working conditions for firefighters, and can drive winds. Wind results from temperature-induced air movement in the atmosphere. Wind can replace saturated air with dry air around fuels and fan flames with more oxygen. Strong wind can push wildfires into unburned fuels, push fire downslope, and carry embers—airborne chunks of burning fuel—downwind to create new wildfires. South Metro Fire Rescue and other agencies often increase staffing or adjust the positioning of resources during Red Flag Warnings because of the potential for wildfires to grow and spread more rapidly than usual. However, it’s critical that residents and visitors also adjust their behavior when the National Weather Service issues a Red Flag Warning. Those are the wrong days for agricultural burns, campfires, fireworks, or careless actions with heat sources. Given the region’s current drought conditions and anticipated weather patterns, we expect several Red Flag Warnings this summer and autumn. For information on wildfire preparedness and other safety issues, visit www.southmetro.org or contact us at ReducingRisk@southmetro.org.
Posted May 1, 2021
From the DRC – Exterior Homeowner Improvements
The Design Review Committee (DRC) had a busy month as 30 homeowner improvement request forms were reviewed in April. If you are thinking about an exterior home project for this late Spring or Summer, below you will find a few helpful reminders and links to homeowner forms. Exterior Home Projects are such improvements as: Painting, Landscaping, Roofs, Solar, Radon Mitigation, Fences, Driveways, Walkways, etc. The DRC reviews requests the 1st & 3rd week of every month. Your request and accompanying documents, such as paint chips, must be received by the management company by 12:00 noon on the Friday prior to the DRC meeting, to ensure your request is complete and can be reviewed without delay. Per Article 4 of our Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for TrailMark, prior approval is required for any (exterior) property improvement. The HOA process begins with submitting the Home Improvement Request Form to the Design Review Committee (DRC) prior to initiating any project. Find the appropriate forms on the TrailMark HOA website: https://www.trailmark.org/hoa-documents-amp-forms.html; a. Download the Home Improvement Request form at:
https://www.trailmark.org/uploads/3/9/0/8/39089355/hoa_home_improvement_request_form_201704.pdf; b. If you live on open space, you must submit the Yard Access Form: https://www.trailmark.org/uploads/3/9/0/8/39089355/hoa_home_improvement_yard_access_form_201704.pdf; c. Review the TrailMark Design Guidelines to determine what is required, before you submit a request: https://www.trailmark.org/uploads/3/9/0/8/39089355/trailmark_design_guidelines_2002.pdf; d. Additional Design Guideline addendums for the following may be found at https://www.trailmark.org/hoa-documents-amp-forms.html, Doors, Driveway Installation/Replacement, Fencing, Garage Door Standard, Solar Panel installation Guidelines, Exterior Paint Colors; e. Documents should be submitted to Community Resource Services of Colorado via mail, email, or fax. Please forward all relevant documents to the following: Community Resource Services of Colorado, LLC, 7995 East Prentice Avenue, Suite 103E, Greenwood Village, CO 80111; Office: (303) 381-4960, FAX: (303) 381-4961, designreview@trailmarkhoa.org. If you have any questions, please send them to designreview@trailmarkhoa.org
Posted May 1, 2021
Oh, our Furry Residents that like to Bark and Jump
The HOA has again been made aware of inappropriate dog behavior – barking at all hours during the day and night and/or jumping against fences. Please be aware that the HOA has no authority to intervene in these issues. If a homeowner decides that a dog’s barking and/or fence jumping is excessive, one may address it with the dog owner, or report the incident to the Littleton Police Department by calling 303-794-1551, providing specific addresses, or at least, a general location. The Police Department will alert animal control for further action. In the meantime, dog owners, please be aware of your dog’s behavior and how it might impact others. While some barking is natural, excessive barking is not. Excessive barking and/or fence jumping can be irritating and often threatening to other homeowners. Please be a good neighbor and take action if warranted.
Posted May 1, 2021
Retaining Wall Repair
A TrailMark homeowner who lives on South Everett Way was kind enough to alert the HOA of a potential hazard in regards to the retaining wall behind their home. This retaining wall was originally installed by Shea Homes and is located between the north side of TrailMark and the Botanic Gardens. The homeowner reported that many of the top pieces of the wall were coming loose on this 20 foot tall wall. According to the homeowner, the top stones have come loose due to age, and because some kids choose to walk along this high wall. Walking on top of this wall is dangerous and definitely not recommended. Mat Birkeness, our property Manager at CRS, and Ken Colaizzi our HOA President made a site visit to inspect the damage to the retaining wall on Tuesday, April 13th. Mat offered to set up a contractor to come out and glue the top stones back to the wall. Unfortunately, with contractors being in high demand this time of year, Mat was not able to get a firm date of when a reliable contractor could come do the repairs. Ken offered to come over and glue the top stones that were loose with construction grade adhesive. As Ken reported, “Wow – it’s high up on this wall.” It took Ken two days, but needless to say, our HOA President stepped up and completed the job for our neighbors and volunteered his time and materials to our TrailMark residents. Thank you, Ken Colaizzi, for helping the TrailMark residents with a FREE repair, and thank you to HOA Treasurer, Phil Kinney, for snapping photos of the endeavor. Congratulations on a job well done! Photos by Phil Kinney
Posted May 1, 2021
TrailMark Social Events 2021 updated
Mark your calendars for a fun-filled year! Check social media and future newsletters for more details on each event. You can also subscribe to our google calendar here, which will provide updates as dates and times are subject to change. 1st and 3rd Thursdays, 5:00-7:30 pm – Food Truck Thursdays, TrailMark Park. April 2nd-4th – Easter Egg Hunt Window Walk, throughout TrailMark. April 3rd – Easter Bunny Photo Op & Egg Pick Up, Sign Up Genius time slots, Hogback Hill Park. May 15th, 4:15-5:00 pm – TrailMark Graduate Car Parade, Sign up, TrailMark. June 5th, 12:00-4:00 pm – Food Truck Special Event: Crawfish Boil, TrailMark Park. June 11th-12th, 7:30 am-2 pm – Neighborhood Garage Sale, Get on the Map, TrailMark. June 11th, 6-8 pm – Family Photo Day #1, Sign Up Genius time slots, TrailMark. June 19th, 9-10 am – Kids Bike Ride, TrailMark Park. June 20th, 5:30-7:30 pm – Summer Concert Series – Finaleyes, Hogback Hill Park. July 4th, 9 am – 4th of July Bike Parade, TrailMark Playground. July 17th, 6-8 pm – Family Photo Day #2, Sign Up Genius time slots, TrailMark. July 25th, 5:30-7:30 pm – Summer Concert Series – Rebecca Folsom Band, Hogback Hill Park. July 31st, 6:30-8:30 pm – Pirate’s Cove Night, $5/person CASH ONLY. *Aug 7th, time TBD – Movie Night, Hogback Hill Park. Aug 27th, 6-8 pm – Family Photo Day #3, Sign Up Genius time slots, TrailMark. *Aug 29th, 3:00-7:15 pm – Summer Concert Series Mini-Festival, Thunder and Rain and 2 other bands, Hogback Hill Park. Sept 21st, 5-8 pm – Chatfield Botanic Gardens Corn Maze, $5/person CASH ONLY. *Oct TBD, 10 am – TM5K and Family Fun Run, Hogback Hill Park (more info and sign ups to come). Dec 7th, 5-8 pm – Chatfield Botanic Gardens Night at the Lights, $5/person in advance & $10/person at the door CASH ONLY. *Dates Subject to Change
Posted May 1, 2021
Click or Call Before you Dig
If you’re digging deep or even just a few inches, you must contact Colorado 811 to have underground utilities marked. iDig811 is designed for residential and professional excavators to easily and quickly submit a utility request online.
Posted May 1, 2021
2021 Bulk Colorado State Park Pass Purchase
APRIL 24 – LAST DAY TO ORDER! Text Deahna at 720-201-0311 to arrange payment. It is too late to mail your check. Save 30% on your Annual State Park Pass (regularly $80) by sending payment of $57 by April 24, 2021 to Deahna Visscher at 9831 S. Flower Ct, Littleton, CO 80127. Make checks payable to Deahna Visscher. Please include your full name, home address, and phone number with your order. After much encouragement from neighbors, this year Deahna is adding a $1 handling fee to cover her time, gas, and efforts. IMPORTANT DETAILS: Vouchers will only be ordered for those whose payment has been received by the due date of April 24, 2021. Deahna will deposit checks and purchase the bulk vouchers after the due date. Pick up for vouchers will be Saturday, May 8, 2021 from 9:00am to 12:00pm. Your purchase is for a voucher that you will redeem at the state park visitor center for your park pass. Vouchers can only be redeemed once. Vouchers are non-refundable. Vouchers cannot be replaced. Vouchers are not valid for entry to a park past the initial redeeming for park pass. Once the voucher is redeemed for an annual pass, the customer must adhere to the rules and regulations of that pass type. Vouchers will expire at the end of the month a year from the date of purchase. Example: a voucher purchased March 3, 2021 expires March 31, 2022. The pass, for which the voucher is exchanged, is valid until the end of the month a year after redemption. Example: a voucher was purchased March 3, 2021. It was redeemed May 1, 2021. The pass is valid until May 31, 2022. Detach the receipt from the voucher and keep it. This can be used if you need a new pass if a car was stolen, or if you need to have your windshield replaced, etc. Replacement cost of the pass is the same as any other pass, currently $5.00. The sticker affixes on the inside of your windshield on the passenger side. You still have to pay the normal fee at the gate for the dog park pass for Chatfield and/or Cherry Creek reservoirs. Vouchers are ONLY for the Annual Affixed Vehicle Pass. Visit the link below to purchase family, senior and specialty passes. For more information on the Colorado State Park Rules and Regulations, visit https://cpw.state.co.us/buyapply/Pages/ParksPassInfo.aspx. NOTE: Additional passes for the same household can be purchased at any state park entrance for $40.00. Bring your pass and the registration for the second vehicle with you to any park entrance for purchase. Do NOT pay Deahna for additional passes for your household.
Drivers: Reminder to Stop when School Bus Lights are Flashing
We would like to remind residents that when the school bus lights are flashing RED, drivers must stop from every direction. Colorado law states: “You must stop your vehicle at least 20 feet before reaching a school bus that is stopped with its red lights flashing whether it is on your side of the road, the opposite side of the road, or at an intersection you are approaching. You must remain stopped until the flashing red lights are no longer operating. Watch carefully for children near the school bus and children crossing the roadway before proceeding.”
Posted April 23, 2021
Split Rail Fence Painting in Filing 3
APRIL 19, 2021 UPDATE – Prep work is under way with weather challenges affecting the project. Approximately 30 new fence posts need to be replaced, as well as rail replacement and the final painting. The photo was taken looking East-Southeast. This is the southern boundary of TrailMark. TrailMark is planning to begin painting the split rail fence in Filing 3. This includes the “Filing 3” area on the map, as well as Star Canyon Condos and Patio Homes, and the fencing along the southwest of the neighborhood. Please remove any foliage, branches or bushes that may interfere with the painting of the outside surface of your split rail fence that faces the open space. This includes any wire fencing or chicken wire on the outside of your fence. If you wish to place this on your fence to keep little dogs in and big snakes out, it needs to be on the inside of the split rail fence. It is impossible to properly prepare the outside surface with this wire in place. If it is not removed, the paint crew will remove it and set it inside your fence. There are a number of loose or rotten posts that will be replaced prior to painting, along with a good number of rails that require replacement. We plan to begin the prep phase by mid-March and commence painting as soon as it is warm enough in April.
Posted March 4, 2021; Updated April 10 & 19, 2021
Letter of Gratitude from Mr. Olson
HOA board president Ken Colaizzi received a heart felt emailed letter of thanks from Randy Olson in regards to his garage sale and the support that he received. We wish Mr. Olson well in his future endeavors. Ken, I want to thank you and the board for allowing and publicizing the garage sale on 4/17 and 4/18 as I sadly leave the wonderful TrailMark Community that I have been fortunate to be a part of these past 18 years. My departure from TrailMark demonstrated to me what a marvelous community it is, as demonstrated by the many members of TrailMark that responded to and participated in the garage sale. It demonstrated to me, in these somewhat divisive and confrontational times, that this community has an undeniable cohesiveness and willingness to be of service to the members of the TrailMark Community. Gratitude is the word I have chosen to express my feelings to all that lent a hand in the implementation and success of the sale. Gratefully, Randy Olson
Posted April 19, 2021
A Request to support our Veteran Neighbor
Dear TrailMark Residents, I just wanted to alert all of you that we had a special request regarding an elderly neighbor of ours here in TrailMark. Mr. Olsen, who is a Korean War Vet, has to put his house up for sale soon in order to move into a place that will help take care of him. Mr. Olsen has approached the Board asking for permission to have a garage sale this coming weekend, April 17th and 18th. I have already spoken to the management and compliance companies regarding this urgent issue. As expected, we have the full support from them and our HOA Board regarding this two day garage sale. HOA board member Phil Kinney is really good friends with Mr. Olsen and plans on helping him during the garage sale. Mr. Olsen’s garage sale is at 9786 W Baden Drive and will be this Saturday, April 17th and Sunday, April 18th. I would like to publicly say that if there’s anything we, as a Board, can do to help this elderly Veteran, I would like us to give our full support to him and his family. These aren’t easy times for him and a little help from some of his fellow neighbors could be the best gesture for him relocating. I plan on stopping by during his garage sale to not only wish him well in his move, but to sincerely thank him for his service to our country. Thank you all, Ken Colaizzi, President, Social Committee Liaison, TrailMark HOA, Littleton, CO 80127, president@trailmarkhoa.org, https://www.trailmark.org
Calling All Volunteers….
A few more VOLUNTEERS NEEDED this Saturday! Please email president@trailmarkhoa.org. We need volunteers to help at the HOA Dumpster / Donation Day on Saturday, May 8th from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. We would need all volunteers to follow current Covid-19 protocols that day. (Masks are no longer required in outdoor spaces. Read May 5th article here.) Volunteers will help direct homeowners who are disposing of trash, donating goods to the Goodwill trailer, and possibly helping organize donations within the Goodwill trailer. If you can volunteer, please email Ken Colaizzi at president@trailmarkhoa.org. Thank you to anyone who will be able to assist the HOA Board during this great event for TrailMark.
Posted April 15, 2021
Food Truck Thursday
Thursday, April 15th, 5:00-7:30 pm, S. Field Way near TrailMark Park. FOOD TRUCK: Taco Choi. Order through each business’s website by clicking on a link above, or use the Truckster phone app. (Instructions are listed below.) PLEASE ORDER AFTER 5 PM. Please practice social distancing. Order food at home. Send 1 person to pick it up. Stand 6 feet apart. Go home to eat. Please, no congregating at the park. Respect those who live on that street. For trucks that use Truckster: Download the Truckster app, hit magnifying glass at the bottom, type in the truck name, click on menu button. Other truck links: Go straight to the ordering button. (Some ice cream trucks don’t have an online ordering option.) Links will go live at 5pm. You can’t order until the truck turns the ordering system on. The truck will message you back and tell you when your order will be ready. Then come pick up your food while adhering to social distancing. Food truck selections subject to change. Due to weather, events may be canceled. Please check trailmark.org for cancellation information. COVID-19 GUIDELINES will be strictly followed for everyone at this event.
Jefferson County Public Health issues local Public Health Order to lead County through Recovery
Jefferson County, Colo. – Jefferson County Public Health (JCPH) today issued a new public health order (PHO 21-001) to help guide the county through the recovery phase of the COVID-19 pandemic and into a full reopening. Under the new PHO 21-001, there are two phases to reopening: Phase 1 – Moving Toward a Full Reopening (April 16-May 15): Businesses and individuals can operate under Dial 3.0’s Level Blue capacity limits and simplified mitigation requirements for 30 days. There will be no movement during this 30-day period. Review the order for specific mitigation requirements and capacity limits for businesses and activities. Phase 2 – Observation Period (May 16-August 15): Jefferson County, along with other Metro Denver counties, will move to a new Level on the Dial — Level Clear — which has no restrictions. In Level Clear, businesses will operate at 100 percent capacity with no mitigation requirements, although indoor mask requirements may still apply. During the observation period, rather than focusing on incidence rates or test positivity rates, JCPH will closely monitor hospitalizations, a health metric indicative of severity of COVID-19 infections. It is expected that by late May vaccination coverage should be sufficient to control COVID-19 transmission in Jeffco. However, if needed, JCPH can apply capacity limits based on hospitalization rates as described in the order. Read full article here.
Posted April 14, 2021
GFL is our Trash and Recycling company
You will no longer be seeing the Alpine logo and information in our communications outlets. Alpine has been transitioning to GFL Environmental over the past couple of years and the changeover is complete. Please refer to our Garbage & Recycling page for more information. We are waiting for an updated list of items that are accepted for recycling from GFL. When we receive it, we will post it on our social media outlets.
Posted April 12, 2021
Culverts and storm sewers are dangerous places to play
Recently, it has been noticed that there are kids playing in and around the culvert and storm sewers in the neighborhood, specifically the ones that are near Star Canyon, that go under the road and toward the Beaver Pond. This is not a safe practice. As the leaves of last season continue to decompose, and less than normal oxygen levels may be present inside these structures, it can cause an Immediate Dangerous to Life and Health atmosphere. Additionally, with the nice weather, we will soon be joined again by our resident animal friends who have been hibernating all winter, which commonly use these systems for safe refuge. Please remind your kids to maintain an awareness and to not play near or enter them.
Posted April 11, 2021
Jefferson County moves to Level Yellow on the Dial 3.0 Framework
Effective Friday, April 9 at 6 a.m. Jefferson County will be moved to Level Yellow on the Dial 3.0 Framework by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE). General Guidance for our community. Under Level Yellow everyone must take these actions: Individuals in Jeffco are required to wear a mask in indoor public setting where 6 ft. distancing cannot be maintained from non-household members. When you go out, follow physical distancing requirements (6 feet of space between yourself and others). People who have COVID-19 symptoms should get tested, and must isolate unless they have a negative test result. Please read how to isolate. There is no longer a state limit on personal gathering sizes under levels green, blue and yellow. The state will follow CDC’s guidance on personal gatherings. The CDC still strongly recommends avoiding larger gatherings and crowds to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Welcome, New Residents!
There is a new web page that welcomes TrailMark’s incoming residents and offers essential information for a smooth transition. View it here.
Posted April 7, 2021
Easter Bunny Photo & Egg Pick-up fun for All!
The entire HOA Board would like to thank the TrailMark Social Committee for organizing, volunteering, and helping with our successful Easter Bunny event this morning at Hogback Hill Park. Did you know that our TrailMark kids collected around 2,000 eggs? Parents, kids, and dogs took pictures and gave lots of high fives and fist bumps to the Easter Bunny. A special salute goes out to President Ken Colaizzi for stepping up and playing Easter Bunny – he had fun too!! Happy Easter to all and enjoy the time with your family.
Posted April 3, 2021
Easter Bunny Photo & Egg Pick Up
Saturday, April 3rd, 9:00-11:30 am at Hogback Hill Park. In lieu of a traditional Easter Egg Hunt, come take your picture with the Easter Bunny! Bring your baskets to fill with eggs to hide for fun at home! Timeslots available between 9:00-10:00am and 10:30-11:30am. PLEASE only sign up for 1 time slot PER FAMILY (“Quantity”: 1). There are 5 slots available per 15 minutes (i.e. about 3 minutes per family to get a picture and eggs), please be respectful of everyone’s time and keep to your time slot. Please observe social distancing between families and wear masks. Event sponsored by Secure-All Security Doors
Easter Egg Hunt Window Walk
Back by popular demand! Participate in our Easter Egg Hunt Window Walk! Just post an image of an Easter egg (or eggs) in a visible window before Friday, April 2nd. They can be hand-colored, or printed, or whatever you create! Families can then walk around TrailMark throughout Easter weekend while searching for the hidden images! Happy Hunting!
From the DRC (Design Review Committee)
In March the Design Review Committee reviewed 20 requests, a total of 41 for 2021 thus far. The DRC’s vision and philosophy is to encourage consistent design expression while allowing homeowners individual expression when making home improvements. When the DRC reviews home improvement requests, the committee must consider the impact the proposed change will have on the community as a whole and determine whether the change compliments and continues to blend with the community’s natural surroundings and maintains a cohesive, attractive appearance, as outlined by Shea in the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CCR’s). When we drive, walk and bike through TrailMark and we see spectacular views and houses and yards that compliment the community and the natural surroundings, we are seeing that the Design Review Committee is following the vision set forth in the TrailMark CCR’s. The DRC continues with the development of a swimming pool standard and a standard for minor repairs not requiring DRC approval.
Posted April 1, 2021
It’s Time to Clean Your Dirty Dryer Ducts
By Einar Jensen, Risk Reduction Specialist, South Metro Fire Rescue. For many of us, spring cleaning begins in earnest in April. Targeting clutter in the garage and closets makes sense after a long winter and our global pandemic. It’s also a great time to target fire hazards. When was the last time you cleaned the lint screen in your clothes dryer? Most people clean the screen after every load. That’s the best practice, especially if your clothes shed as much as mine. When was the last time you cleaned the duct work that vents air from your dryer? Lint, hair, and dust that collect in that ductwork is flammable. Worse, it collects along a channel for superheated air. Remember, only three components are needed for a fire: oxygen, heat, and fuel. The fuel absorbs heat. Initially that heat causes any water content to evaporate, and then it causes solid fuels to disintegrate into their gaseous form. With adequate heat, those gaseous particles can ignite. The ductwork from your dryer isn’t strong enough to prevent flames from escaping into walls. Fires in dirty duct work can grow into the dryer and laundry room, ignite the exterior wall, and spread fire within wall spaces. A duct full of lint, such as the one in the photograph, also reduces the efficiency of your dryer, which means you spend more money on energy. This spring, save money and prevent fires by cleaning the lint from inside and outside your dryer. For information on other safety issues, visit www.southmetro.org or contact us at ReducingRisk@southmetro.org.
Posted April 1, 2021TMMD Annual Update
Here’s the annual update from the TrailMark Metro District (TMMD).
Posted April 1, 2021Updates on the COVID-19 Vaccination Process
Colorado is currently vaccinating eligible Coloradans for Phase 1A, 1B.1, 1B.2, 1B.3 and 1B.4. After all of Phase 1 is complete, we will proceed with Phase 2. If you are part of an eligible group, we encourage you to make an appointment now if possible. Please know that because vaccine supply is very limited, it may take several weeks to get the vaccine. Learn about the COVID-19 vaccine and how to get it once you are eligible.
Posted April 1, 2021
Food Truck Thursday
Thursday, April 1st, 5:00-7:30 pm, S. Field Way near TrailMark Park. FOOD TRUCKS: Sizzle. Sweet Combforts. Order through each business’s website by clicking on a link above, or use the Truckster phone app. (Instructions are listed below.) PLEASE ORDER AFTER 5 PM. Please practice social distancing. Order food at home. Send 1 person to pick it up. Stand 6 feet apart. Go home to eat. Please, no congregating at the park. Respect those who live on that street. For trucks that use Truckster: Download the Truckster app, hit magnifying glass at the bottom, type in the truck name, click on menu button. Other truck links: Go straight to the ordering button. (Some ice cream trucks don’t have an online ordering option.) Links will go live at 5pm. You can’t order until the truck turns the ordering system on. The truck will message you back and tell you when your order will be ready. Then come pick up your food while adhering to social distancing. Food truck selections subject to change. Due to weather, events may be canceled. Please check trailmark.org for cancellation information. COVID-19 GUIDELINES will be strictly followed for everyone at this event.
Please stay off Monuments and Water Feature
Friendly Reminder: Rock climbing may be fun and kids are naturals at it, but the decorative monuments in TrailMark and the water feature in Star Canyon were not designed nor built for this purpose. Please remind your children to stay off of these structures.
Posted March 8, 2021; Updated March 31, 2021
Jeffco Open Space Now Hiring for its Trail Stewardship Team
Jeffco Open Space’s Trail Stewardship Team (TST) is a rewarding employment opportunity for Jefferson County youth to work on trail maintenance and natural resource restoration in our parks. Applications for Crew Members are open until March 31. Get more information and apply.
Jefferson County is under Level Blue on the Dial 3.0 Framework
Beginning March 24, Jefferson County is under Level Blue on the Dial 3.0 Framework by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE). General Guidance for our community – Under Level Blue everyone must take these actions: Individuals in Jeffco are required to wear a mask in indoor public settings, as well as outdoor public settings where 6 ft. distancing cannot be maintained. When you go out, follow physical distancing requirements (6 feet of space between yourself and others). People who have COVID-19 symptoms should get tested, and must isolate unless they have a negative test result. Please read how to isolate. There is no longer a state limit on personal gathering sizes under levels green, blue and yellow. The state will follow CDC’s guidance on personal gatherings. The CDC still strongly recommends avoiding larger gatherings and crowds to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Food Truck Thursday
Food Truck update: Davy Jones is running late. They will be ready to serve at 5:30. Thursday, March 18th, 5:00-7:30 pm, S. Field Way near TrailMark Park. FOOD TRUCKS: Davy Jones Fryer. Order through each business’s website by clicking on a link above, or use the Truckster phone app. (Instructions are listed below.) PLEASE ORDER AFTER 5 PM. Please practice social distancing. Order food at home. Send 1 person to pick it up. Stand 6 feet apart. Go home to eat. Please, no congregating at the park. Respect those who live on that street. For trucks that use Truckster: Download the Truckster app, hit magnifying glass at the bottom, type in the truck name, click on menu button. Other truck links: Go straight to the ordering button. (Some ice cream trucks don’t have an online ordering option.) Links will go live at 5pm. You can’t order until the truck turns the ordering system on. The truck will message you back and tell you when your order will be ready. Then come pick up your food while adhering to social distancing. Food truck selections subject to change. Due to weather, events may be canceled. Please check trailmark.org for cancellation information. COVID-19 GUIDELINES will be strictly followed for everyone at this event.
Garbage Pick-up Delayed to Wednesday, March 17th
TrailMark’s garbage & recycling pick-up will be delayed from Tuesday, March 16th to Wednesday, March 17th due to the snow event. From GFL Environmental of Colorado: Due to the severe winter weather we will be closed March 15th. We will resume services on March 16th. Please be advised that residential service will be delayed one day. Please stay safe and warm.
TMMD Regular Meeting
Tuesday, March 16th, 6:30 pm.
Join Zoom Meeting – https://zoom.us/j/96062167164?pwd=VzZzSHh0WVdNMm4yWXg0MVdKRmJ4UT09. To Join By Phone +13462487799. Meeting ID: 960 6216 7164, Password: 669726
Thank You to the City of Littleton
The following letter was sent to the City of Littleton by our HOA President Ken Colaizzi, in appreciation of the clearing of the streets in TrailMark after the March 14th blizzard. March 15, 2021 – Dear City of Littleton, On behalf of all of our residents in TrailMark, our entire HOA Board would like to extend the most sincere thank you to all of your crew for plowing all of our streets throughout TrailMark. Many of us HOA Board members have been contacted from multiple residents who have thanked us profusely about how well the streets were taken care of by the City of Littleton. I realize it takes a lot of time, man power, and energy to come plow the streets, but our entire HOA Board is grateful for your endeavors today. We appreciate all of you! Thank you, Ken Colaizzi, President, Social Committee Liaison, TrailMark HOA, Littleton, CO 80127, president@trailmarkhoa.org, https://www.trailmark.org
TMMD: Star Canyon fences to be painted and repaired
This spring, Filing 3 and Star Canyon Condos and Patio Homes will have split rail fences painted and repaired as part of the annual maintenance program. Filing 3 will have the outside of the fence painted and residents are responsible for the inside. Star Canyon areas will have the inside of the fence painted by their respective HOA. The paint crew will not need to enter yards but will instead shield yards as they paint the outside. PREPARATION: Homeowners are responsible for removing any vegetation that may be growing on the fence or any materials that are attached or leaning on the fence. PAINT COLORS: If any homeowner would like to paint their side of the community fence or a private fence, the stain must be the approved TrailMark color. The product used now is Sherman Williams latex solid stain with color S-W 9090 “Caribe” which matches to the previous color that was discontinued.
Posted March 1, 2021; updated March 14, 2021
Blizzard help
If you know someone who needs any kind of help during this blizzard/winter weather, or if anyone has help to offer, our Facebook and NextDoor pages each have a post that is open for commenting.
Posted March 14, 2021
A Message from LCS, our snow removal service
The National Weather Service has issued a blizzard warning in effect until midnight tonight. Per our Snow Clearing Services Agreement: We will be sending home all shovel crews for the duration of the blizzard conditions for their safety. Shovel crews will return in the early morning hours after the blizzard warning has expired. Plow and heavy equipment crews will continue working through the storm. We ask for your patience once crews return, shovelling services will take longer than usual to perform due to the heavy, high-accumulation snowfall we are experiencing. We will be working as fast as possible to get everything cleared.
Posted March 14, 2021
Commercial Vehicle Policy
Our HOA Board is excited to announce that the Board unanimously passed the Commercial Vehicle policy at the Board meeting on March 11th. The new TrailMark Commercial Vehicle Policy is currently effective as of March 11th, 2021. Commercial Vehicle Policy
HOA Zoom Board Meeting
Thursday, March 11th, 7:00 pm. Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/91269544461?pwd=azdLSWQxbFU1MzJveFhNOTJOYTBnUT09. Meeting ID: 912 6954 4461. Passcode: 302213. One tap mobile, +12532158782,,91269544461# US (Tacoma), +13462487799,,91269544461# US (Houston). Dial by your location, +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma), +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston), +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose), +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC), +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago), +1 646 558 8656 US (New York), Meeting ID: 912 6954 4461. Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/adnt4Gl7VE. Agenda. All are welcome.
From LCS, our Snow Removal Company
Snow totals are currently forecasted at 19”-32” between Friday night and Monday afternoon, with continual snow falling throughout the entire weekend. Winds will average 10-20 mph with gusts up to 35 mph on Saturday and Sunday. We are currently under a Winter Storm Watch from 12AM Saturday through 6AM Monday, and we anticipate this to be escalated by the time that the snow starts falling. We will be rotating through properties as fast as possible but may have significant time delays due to the adverse weather conditions and high accumulation. Crews will also be taking breaks throughout the storm. Services will be prioritized for properties with plowing and driveway clearing before we will be completing sidewalks. Properties will require multiple passes until clear. We can ensure that all sidewalks will be cleared within the City and County requirements, which is within 24 hours of the snow completely stopping. We advise homeowners to plan to stay at home for Saturday and Sunday unless absolutely necessary. This will be a long and intense storm. We ask for your patience and understanding as services are being completed. Please stay safe! – The LCS Team
Posted March 11, 2021
TrailMark Swimming Pool Standard
The HOA/DRC has developed a community-wide swimming pool standard and is asking for your input to the proposed standard regarding backyard pools. To see more information and view the standard, go to our Swimming Pool Standard page. Please submit your comment(s) to designreview@trailmarkhoa.org. Comments will be considered as we continue to refine the standard into a final document. All comments should be received at designreview@trailmarkhoa.org not later than March 5, 2021.
Food Truck Thursday
Thursday, March 4th, 5:00-7:30 pm, S. Field Way near TrailMark Park. Food Trucks: Dos Gringos, Sweet Cow. Order through each business’s website by clicking on a link above, or use the Truckster phone app. (Instructions are listed below.) PLEASE ORDER AFTER 5 PM. Please practice social distancing. Order food at home. Send 1 person to pick it up. Stand 6 feet apart. Go home to eat. Please, no congregating at the park. Respect those who live on that street. For trucks that use Truckster: Download the Truckster app, hit magnifying glass at the bottom, type in the truck name, click on menu button. Other truck links: Go straight to the ordering button. (Some ice cream trucks don’t have an online ordering option.) Links will go live at 5pm. You can’t order until the truck turns the ordering system on. The truck will message you back and tell you when your order will be ready. Then come pick up your food while adhering to social distancing. Food truck selections subject to change. Due to weather, events may be canceled. Please check trailmark.org for cancellation information. COVID-19 GUIDELINES will be strictly followed for everyone at this event.
Notice of Hearing
Case Type: Rezoning. Case Number: 20-118864RZ. Case Name: American Furniture Warehouse. Where: Jefferson Corporate Center Ex Sur 5, Lot 2D. General Location: West Toller Drive and West Ute Avenue. Case Manager: Alicia Halberg, 303-271-8778, ahalberg@jeffco.us. Purpose: To amend the existing Planned Development (PD) zone district to allow a 190,000 square foot furniture sales and warehouse facility. Planning Commission: Wednesday, Feb 10, 2021 at 6:15 p.m. Board of County Commissioners: Tuesday, Mar 02, 2021 at 8:00 a.m. Public Testimony will be taken at these Hearings. In order for written comments to be included in the Staff packets that are provided to Boards/Commissions, please submit your comments at least one week prior to the scheduled hearing. Location of Hearings: Virtual hearing online due to Covid-19. Link to online hearing available at http://planning.jeffco.us on the hearing date. If planning to testify, please send a copy of any materials to the case manager at least 24 hours prior to the hearing. Documents for this case can be accessed through the Planning & Zoning Website – http://jeffco.us/planning-and-zoning/active-cases/ or by contacting the case manager.
Protect Yourself and Your Family by becoming WinterWise
By Einar Jensen, Risk Reduction Specialist, South Metro Fire Rescue. Frankly, I appreciated winter much more when I was a child. Snow days, sledding, ice skating, snow forts, snow angels, watching steam rise from the creek behind my parents’ home. Now it also means icy roads and sidewalks, fire hydrants buried in snow, heating bills, and frostnip. Presidents’ Day Weekend was particularly busy for South Metro Fire Rescue’s firefighters because of winter-related emergencies including ice rescues, home fires caused by fireplace ashes, falls, and broken commercial sprinkler pipes, but those emergencies are prevalent throughout the colder months. The Community Risk Reduction Bureau of SMFR has started a new program to curb those emergencies and protect both our community and our firefighters: WinterWise. Participation in WinterWise is open for individuals as well as neighborhoods, apartment complexes or buildings, commercial areas, and schools. Participation has several steps: Contact us at ReducingRisk@southmetro.org to express your interest in participating. Collaborate with a Risk Reduction Specialist to conduct a safety survey of your neighborhood, campus, or complex. Host or attend a 30-minute presentation on winter safety delivered by the Community Risk Reduction Bureau. These presentations are available virtually using Zoom or other platforms. Collaborate with your Risk Reduction Specialist to provide a newsletter or website post on winter safety topics pertinent to your needs. Meet the following outcomes of this program: 80% of pets are leashed while adjacent to frozen bodies of water; 90% of sidewalks are cleared of ice and snow within 24 hours of the most recent snowfall; 80% of fire hydrants are cleared with a 36-inch radius within 24 hours of the most recent snowfall; Signage is posted near frozen bodies of water noting hazards; and Other outcomes as agreed upon with your Risk Reduction Specialist. SMFR personnel will conduct observations of your area to determine whether those objectives are met. We are working on signage or other rewards to note WinterWise successes. For information on WinterWise and other risk reduction topics, visit www.southmetro.org or contact us at ReducingRisk@southmetro.org.
Posted March 1, 2021
From the DRC: Exterior Home Projects from Proposals to Approvals
Spring is around the corner! Hooray! If you anticipate spring, summer or fall exterior home projects, now is the perfect time to put those plans and your request together and submitted to the Design Review Committee (DRC) – painting/staining, roofing, landscaping, windows, decks/patios, fences, driveways, etc. ALL project forms and documents completely describing your project must be submitted to the DRC. The DRC reviews project proposals the 1st and 3rd week of every month. We highly recommend that you submit your Homeowner Request Forms and all relevant documents to the management company to ensure that your project gets the required review and approval, to allow you to stay on your project schedule. Documents must be submitted to the management company the Friday prior to the 1st and 3rd week reviews. Send all documentation to designreview@trailmarkhoa.org. Find the required forms, guidance, and contact information on the HOA website: https://www.trailmark.org/hoa-documents-amp-forms.html. TrailMark’s planning and design philosophy is to maintain a consistent, quality design expression, maintaining the original high prairie and foothills environment, in design and color. By adhering to this philosophy, your request will receive an expeditious review. Home Painting: For those planning exterior home painting, TrailMark has paint sample books with forty-nine (49) approved paint schemes. Contact the management company at designreview@trailmarkhoa.org to review our paint scheme sample books. TrailMark’s paint schemes are centered on earth tones. As a point of clarification, you must submit the Homeowner Request Form and identify the paint scheme you have selected prior to initiation of your paint project. If you wish to create your own paint scheme you must submit paint chips obtained from paint stores. Copies of paint chips are not accepted because of color distortion. Worth Repeating: The DRC reviews homeowner requests the 1st & 3rd week of each month. Please ensure that your request is received by the management company the Friday prior to the DRC review week, so your complete request can be reviewed without delay. If you have any questions, please send them to designreview@trailmarkhoa.org. The DRC reviewed 13 homeowner requests during the month of February. 11 requests were approved while 1 was not approved and 1 request, which had multiple projects listed, was partially approved. 1 homeowner request required a DRC member to visit the homeowner to gather additional information and see the proposed site, prior to approval. In addition to holding two DRC meetings to review homeowner requests that were submitted during the month of February, the DRC held a Zoom meeting for the purpose of sharing information about the committee with TrailMark homeowners. The DRC shared information about the DRC’s philosophy and goals, the DRC process, current initiatives, future endeavors, and several other topics. In addition, during the Zoom meeting, the DRC addressed questions that were emailed to the committee prior to the meeting. Thank you to those that were able to attend and as always, if you have any questions please send an email to designreview@trailmarkhoa.org.
Posted March 1, 2021
Commercial Vehicle Policy
The clarification regarding commercial vehicles allowed in TrailMark was discussed at the January meeting. The DRAFT policy will be posted on the website for a one month period review. Any questions or feedback that residents may have regarding this policy, please fill out the form below not later than March 1, 2021. A formal vote will be taken in March to finalize the commercial vehicles allowed in TrailMark. View commercial vehicle draft policy here.
Jefferson County moves to Level Blue
Beginning Feb. 26 at 6 a.m., Jefferson County is under Level Blue on the Dial 2.0 Framework by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE). General Guidance for our community – Under Level Blue everyone must take these actions: Continue to stay home as much as possible. Vulnerable people at high risk of severe illness from COVID-19, such as older adults, must continue to only leaving home for medical care and essential activities. When you go out, follow physical distancing requirements (6 feet of space between yourself and others). Do not go to work if you are sick. People who have COVID-19 symptoms should get tested, and must isolate unless they have a negative test result. Please read how to isolate. Individuals in Jeffco are required to wear a mask in indoor public settings, as well as outdoor public settings where 6 ft. distancing cannot be maintained. Limit private gatherings to 10 individuals max from no more than 2 households.
DRC Special Meeting Thursday, February 25th
Invitation to the 2/25/2021 ZOOM, DRC Special Session. The Design Review Committee will hold a Zoom Meeting on 2/25/2021, from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm. The purpose of the meeting is to provide information about the DRC to the TrailMark Homeowners. The agenda is as follows: Introduction, TrailMark HOA/DRC Philosophy based on CCR’s, DRC’s Purpose/Goals, The DRC Process, Design Guideline Updates, Current Initiatives/Future Plans, DRC Grandfathered Issues, The DRC Emergency Application Process, Homeowner Submitted Questions, Closing. Please send a question or two (per household) related to the topics above, to the DRC not later than noon, 2/17/2021. Email questions to: designreview@trailmarkhoa.org. Following the information sharing session, the DRC will address the questions received via email. To respect everyone’s time, please limit questions to topics that relate to the community as a whole and not individual design requests. Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/99640877222?pwd=c2pONk1BdlRET09XTGo3VHdScjdMdz09. Meeting ID: 996 4087 7222, Passcode: 295971. One tap mobile +13462487799,,99640877222# US (Houston), +16699009128,,99640877222# US (San Jose). Dial by your location, +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston), +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose), +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma), +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago), +1 646 558 8656 US (New York), +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC). Meeting ID: 996 4087 7222. Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/aL1bvGkS1. Thanks and hope to see you in attendance!
Fire Hydrants need clearance
During the WinterWise program with Risk Reduction Specialist Einar Jensen (South Metro Fire Rescue), Einar brought up a safety precaution to those who have fire hydrants in their yards… After a heavy snowstorm, fire hydrants throughout the neighborhood should be cleared 3 ft. around, so that if needed, firefighters wouldn’t have to spend time digging out before connecting their hoses. In an emergency, every second counts.Posted February 19, 2021
An invitation to you: WinterWise
February 18th at 6 p.m. Presentation will be via a Zoom Link sent to your email. We Coloradans love the snow and enjoy many of its benefits: free moisture, sports activities, or just staying cozy inside our homes. However, snow and cold can add layers of danger to our families. In January 2016, the South Metro Fire Rescue community experienced tragedy when three teenaged boys fell through the ice on a pond in Parker. Two of the boys died. In December 2020, an unleashed dog died after falling through ice into a pond in Highlands Ranch. Ice also causes problems on roadways and sidewalks. According to the CDC, approximately 1 million Americans are injured annually as the result of falling on ice and snow. Tragically, these injuries are fatal for about 17,000 people each year. Our firefighters have additional challenges when accessing fire hydrants, roads, or homes during snowstorms because of heavy snow and slippery ice. Please join us on February 18 at 6 p.m. for our WinterWise program where you can learn tips for improving your safety and helping our firefighters during the snowy season. Sign Up: https://forms.gle/u7XeqgRcRVF1NS3e8. Einar Jensen | Risk Reduction Specialist | South Metro Fire Rescue | 9195 E. Mineral Ave. | Centennial, CO 80112 | www.southmetro.org | Office: 720-989-2273 | Mobile: 303-598-0421 | einar.jensen@southmetro.org
Food Truck Thursday
Thursday, February 18th, 5:00-7:30 pm, S. Field Way near TrailMark Park. FOOD TRUCK: Schnitzelwirt. Order through each business’s website by clicking on a link above, or use the Truckster phone app. (Instructions are listed below.) PLEASE ORDER AFTER 5 PM. Please practice social distancing. Order food at home. Send 1 person to pick it up. Stand 6 feet apart. Go home to eat. Please, no congregating at the park. Respect those who live on that street. For trucks that use Truckster: Download the Truckster app, hit magnifying glass at the bottom, type in the truck name, click on menu button. Other truck links: Go straight to the ordering button. (Some ice cream trucks don’t have an online ordering option.) Links will go live at 5pm. You can’t order until the truck turns the ordering system on. The truck will message you back and tell you when your order will be ready. Then come pick up your food while adhering to social distancing. Food truck selections subject to change. Due to weather, events may be canceled. Please check trailmark.org for cancellation information. COVID-19 GUIDELINES will be strictly followed for everyone at this event.
Management Transition
We are excited to announce a change in the HOA management from Angie Kelly to Mat Birkeness. Mat has been working closely with Angie over the last year. TrailMark and CRS will miss Angie’s experience and professionalism and wish her the best in her future endeavors. Angie has decided to change lines of work and will be working with franchises moving forward. Mat will continue to be a tremendous asset to the community and Board. Mat may be reached at
mbirkeness@crsofcolorado.com.Posted February 17, 2021
A Change to the HOA Facebook page
The HOA Board would like to announce an immediate change to the HOA Facebook page. Unanimously, the HOA Board has voted to make the TrailMark HOA Facebook page for information purposes only. Public commenting will no longer be an option. The HOA Board feels that this is the best answer for now to protect our community from posts that have misinformation, insults, and disrespectful comments. Please remember that all homeowners are always invited and encouraged to attend our bi-monthly meetings. During the meetings, homeowners are permitted to address the HOA Board for 3 minutes regarding any issue of interest. Please come to our next HOA Board meeting on March 11th, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. Watch for the upcoming Zoom link to be posted soon. You may also email our entire HOA Board any time of day by sending your suggestions, concerns, or compliments to
board@trailmarkhoa.org. We welcome your feedback anytime! On behalf of the entire HOA Board, we appreciate and respect each and every one of you. Thank you, Ken Colaizzi, President, TrailMark HOA
Posted February 17, 2021
Regular Garbage Pick-up Day – February 16th
No delay due to the Presidents’ Day Holiday.
2021 South Metro Fire Rescue Citizens Academy
Letter and Application; 2021 Citizens Academy Schedule. Apply now for this behind-the-scenes tour of your fire department! The application period for this highly sought-after opportunity closes on February 15.
Snow Removal of Common Sidewalks
The HOA has contracted for snow removal of common area sidewalks with a 2” trigger. This means that the average snowfall (measured in four different areas in the neighborhood) needs to be 2” for the contractor to automatically clear the snow. We have received some calls regarding this recently in which the snowfall near one resident is 2” but the sidewalks are clear elsewhere in the neighborhood. The Board has heard the concern and is looking at remedies for this in which some areas may be cleared regardless of snowfall elsewhere. No formal decisions have been made, but discussion is taking place. Also, please note that any calls regarding snow removal questions need to go to the property manager. Please do not call the contractor directly.
Posted February 1, 2021
What’s the DRC up to?
Check the newsletter each month to see how the DRC (Design Review Committee) is updating our design guidelines to address the aging of the neighborhood. After receiving requests from residents for a paver option on their driveway, the DRC created an updated guideline to include some paver options for driveways in addition to the standard concrete driveways. Paver driveways will incorporate into the neighborhood by keeping the original grey color scheme as well as a simple design of either a basket weave, or running bond. Read the complete guideline here: https://www.trailmark.org/uploads/3/9/0/8/39089355/driveway_install-replace_std.pdf
Posted February 1, 2021
Special Meeting Highlights
For those who missed the HOA Special Meeting on January 21st, here are the highlights: A. The 2021 HOA Board approved the 2020 HOA Board’s recommendation to hire Susie Ellis with Community Preservation Specialists (CPS) to continue our covenant enforcement for the 2021 year. B. Residents were allowed to listen and better understand how our covenants and declarations are enforced. Susie Ellis gave many examples in TrailMark. C. Attendees were allowed to participate in discussions with Susie Ellis regarding the covenants and declarations. D. The HOA Board entertained having a similar discussion with homeowners regarding the Design Review Committee (DRC) in February. The HOA is still working with the DRC to try and make this happen. Watch for an upcoming announcement regarding a DRC information meeting.
Posted February 1, 2021
Celebrate your heart in February by Learning CPR
By Einar Jensen, Risk Reduction Specialist, South Metro Fire Rescue. Imagine yourself at the grocery store, pushing the cart along an aisle scanning the shelves for the best deal on frozen spinach. A middle-aged man pushing a cart toward you stops, clutches his chest as sweat beads on his face, and slumps to the floor. One minute he was shopping for his wife and three children and now he’s dying in the frozen food aisle because his heart stopped. It can happen that quickly. A clerk calls 911. Firefighters are only minutes away, but those minutes may be the difference between life and death. Do you know CPR? Are you ready to assist this patient? Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) is a leading cause of death among adults in the United States, killing roughly 320,000 Americans annually, according to the American Heart Association (AHA). Generally considered a problem among the elderly, SCA also strikes middle-aged adults, teenagers, and children. Adopting healthier lifestyles—more exercise, better nutrition, cessation of smoking—can reduce the risk of SCA, but some factors such as family history and genetics can’t be mitigated. Prevention isn’t enough; patients also rely on bystanders—loved ones or strangers—to react promptly and safely make a difference. Learning how to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and operate an automated external defibrillator (AED) can make that difference. The South Metro Safety Foundation offers certification courses in CPR and AED use. Check out its schedule at www.southmetrofoundation.org. If the patient is an adult, bystanders also can use Hands-Only CPR. This technique is especially useful in the Era of COVID because you don’t need to deliver breaths to the patient. To perform Hands-Only CPR safely, follow these steps: Make sure the area is safe for you. You don’t want to become injured while saving the life of someone else. Tap and Shout. Tap the patient’s shoulders and shout at the person to check for level of responsiveness. A patient who talks, blinks, or moves still may need an ambulance, but CPR is only effective for unresponsive (dead) patients. Tell someone to call 911. If you are alone, call 911 on your cell phone and activate the speaker-phone mode. Tell another bystander to get an AED if one is available. Kneel beside the patient’s chest. Check for breathing. Look at the patient’s chest to see if it is moving, which would suggest the patient is breathing. If the chest is not moving… Place the heel of one hand on the lower half of the patient’s sternum: that’s the bone in the middle of the chest where all the ribs come together. Place your other hand on top of your first hand. Straighten your arms and position your shoulders directly above your hands. Push down about 2 inches and then release the pressure so the chest returns to its regular position. That was a compression. Perform compressions at the rate of 100-120 per minute. That’s a beat similar to the songs Stayin’ Alive, Uptown Funk, or Baby Shark. Continue doing compressions until help arrives (other bystanders or firefighters), or you are too tired to continue, or the scene becomes unsafe for you, or the patient recovers. Bystander CPR is an important link in the Chain of Survival, according to the AHA, because it improves the heart’s ability to respond to electricity from an AED, medications from paramedics, and surgery from nurses and doctors. For information on heart wellness and other risk reduction topics, visit www.southmetro.org or contact us at ReducingRisk@southmetro.org.
Posted February 1, 2021
Jefferson County Ordinances
A gentle reminder, Jefferson County has animal control laws in place to protect public health and safety. Please demonstrate responsible pet ownership. Leash Law Maximum Penalty $1,000, https://www.jeffco.us/DocumentCenter/View/437/Leash-Law-PDF?bidId=. Dog Feces Minimum Fine $30, https://www.jeffco.us/416/Myth-of-the-Poop-Fairy
Posted January 10, 2021; Updated February 1, 2021
Friendly Reminder about Holiday Decorations
All exterior holiday decorations utilized as season displays must be removed and properly stored by February 1, 2021. Non-season-specific colored light displays, for COVID, are welcome any time during the Pandemic.
HOA Board Annual Report 2020
The 2020 HOA Board wishes to present to the TrailMark Community, its Board of Directors’ and Committees’ Annual Report. This Annual Report describes our goals and accomplishments, in-progress activities, and future activity/initiative recommendations. Notwithstanding the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, the HOA Board has endeavored to preserve TrailMark’s unique values, and open and natural environment – through proactive landscape and water management, and covenant compliance, while providing efficient and comprehensive administrative management, which ensures a vibrant, inclusive and safe community. We believe that through this effective management, we have provided all of our homeowners and residents a quality, safe, well cared for, harmonious and sought-after community, in which to live and to raise their families. We diligently continued the tradition of appropriate progressive change, and developed strategies to explore kinder and more consistent covenant compliance. Prudent fiscal responsibility allowed for: common property improvements, better communications, numerous community activities, improved service contracts and the continuation of our industry-leading low HOA fees. We strengthened old initiatives and embarked on many new efforts that further enrich our TrailMark quality of property and life. TrailMark HOA 2020 Annual Report, TrailMark HOA Statement of GENERAL FUND: Revenues, Expenses, Balances, Budget and Actuals
Posted January 31, 2021
February is Girl Scout Cookie month!!
Please support your local troops and buy cookies. Girl Scout troops need your help during Covid-19. Thank you TrailMark residents! If you are a TrailMark Girl Scout, we invite you to post your ordering information on our Facebook post.
Posted January 28, 2021
TrailMark Social Events 2021
Mark your calendars for a fun-filled year! Check social media and future newsletters for more details on each event. You can also subscribe to our google calendar here, which will provide updates as dates and times are subject to change. Visit the Social Committee page to view the 2021 Google calendar. From there you can add events to your personal calendar in two clicks.
Posted January 22, 2021
Business sponsors needed for 2021 events
The Social Committee is looking for business sponsors for some of our 2021 events! In order to keep from raising dues or event entrance fees we are looking for sponsors for various portions of events. This could include paying for things like face painters at the summer concerts, 4th of July Parade or TM5K; paying for coffee and donuts at the 4th of July Parade; or even sponsoring the tractor and barrel rides at the Corn Maze or carriage rides at Night at the Lights. If you or your business is interested in helping to sponsor one or more of these events please email social@trailmarkhoa.org. We love putting on these amazing events for our neighbors, but with rising event costs we need your help! TrailMark Social Event Sponsorship Opportunities. Thanks so much!
Posted January 22, 2021
Special HOA Meeting
Thursday, January 21, 2021, 6:00 pm. Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/99046976252, OR Phone: 346-248-7799, (meeting ID: 990 4697 6252). The HOA Board is holding a special Zoom meeting this Thursday evening to continue the Covenant Compliance discussion. Given the discussion that took place at this past Thursday’s HOA meeting, the Board thought it was important to continue the conversation and not wait until March. Therefore, a special Board meeting will be held on Thursday at 6 pm solely to discuss covenant compliance. Let’s continue the discussion! Come with questions, concerns and compliments! Agenda. All are welcome.
Food Truck Thursday
Thursday, January 21st, 5:00-7:30 pm, S. Field Way near TrailMark Park. FARM TO TRUCK. Order through each business’s website by clicking on a link above, or use the Truckster phone app. (Instructions are listed above.) PLEASE ORDER AFTER 5 PM. Please practice social distancing. Order food at home. Send 1 person to pick it up. Stand 6 feet apart. Go home to eat. Please, no congregating at the park. Respect those who live on that street. For trucks that use Truckster: Download the Truckster app, hit magnifying glass at the bottom, type in the truck name, click on menu button. Other truck links: Go straight to the ordering button. (Some ice cream trucks don’t have an online ordering option.) Links will go live at 5pm. You can’t order until the truck turns the ordering system on. The truck will message you back and tell you when your order will be ready. Then come pick up your food while adhering to social distancing. Food truck selections subject to change. Due to weather, events may be canceled. Please check trailmark.org for cancellation information. COVID-19 GUIDELINES will be strictly followed for everyone at this event.
New Feature – ‘Compliance Reports’ page
Visit the Compliance Reports page for links to the reports that our covenant company provides to the board for each meeting.
Posted January 20, 2021
TMMD Zoom Regular Meeting
Tuesday, January 19th, 6:30 pm. ZOOM: https://zoom.us/j/96062167164?pwd=VzZzSHh0WVdNMm4yWXg0MVdKRmJ4UT09. To Join By PHONE: +1-346-248-7799. Meeting ID: 960 6216 7164, Password: 669726
Regular Garbage Pick-up Day
Tuesday, January 19th. No delay due to the MLK holiday.
Common Area Committee Takes Down Decorations
Thanks to everyone who helped! The decorations this year were extra perfect, and the comments that were received from residents say so, too!
Posted January 16, 2021
Introducing our 2021 HOA Board!
We would like to formally introduce you to our new board members: Ken Colaizzi – President; Sally Janssen – Vice President; Phil Kinney – Treasurer; Bill Kuenning – Secretary; CJ Haberkorn – Member at Large. Get to know our 2021 board by visiting our Board Members page.
Posted January 15, 2021
Navigating TrailMark’s Website
If you’re looking for anything regarding TrailMark, you will most likely find it on the website at TrailMark.org. At the very top of the website, there is a search box. Type in a few key words, and it will take you to page suggestions. Choose a page title and click on it. Search further by using the command, “Control F.” Also, everything that has been posted on the home page since 2014 can be found in the Archives. To get to the archives, hover over the home tab.
Posted January 15, 2021
HOA Zoom Board Meeting
Thursday, January 14th, 7:00 pm. ZOOM: https://zoom.us/j/94985971951 or CALL IN: 346-248-7799 (meeting ID: 949 8597 1951). Agenda. All are welcome.
Welcome 2021 Board!
Ken Colaizzi, CJ Haberkorn, Sally Janssen, Phil Kinney, and Bill Kuenning! Discussions are underway regarding officer positions and committee liaisons. These will be formally voted on by the New Board at the January 14, 2021 Board Meeting! The next Board Meeting will be January 14, 2021 at 7:00 pm. Zoom Information: https://zoom.us/j/94985971951 OR: Call in at 346-248-7799 (meeting ID: 949 8597 1951). Agenda. All are welcome.
Christmas Tree Recycling
Littleton and South Suburban Parks and Recreation (SSPR) will again be collecting and mulching Christmas trees from December 26 through January 10. Tree Recycling Information: https://www.littletongov.org/city-services/green-environmental-programs/christmas-tree-recycling. The following information has not been confirmed: A TrailMark resident notes that you may bring your tree to the Jefferson County Road and Bridge South Shop to be recycled (near Kipling and C470). This is done at no cost to residents – but remember, only real trees with no decorations will be accepted. You have until January 31 to drop it off. There is a 24-hour drop location outside the main gate of the shop, located at 9509 West Ute Avenue in Littleton.
Food Truck Thursday
Thursday, January 7th, 5:00-7:30 pm, S. Field Way near TrailMark Park. GYROS KING; WYLY COYOTE. Order through each business’s website by clicking on a link above, or use the Truckster phone app. (Instructions are listed above.) PLEASE ORDER AFTER 5 PM. Please practice social distancing. Order food at home. Send 1 person to pick it up. Stand 6 feet apart. Go home to eat. Please, no congregating at the park. Respect those who live on that street. For trucks that use Truckster: Download the Truckster app, hit magnifying glass at the bottom, type in the truck name, click on menu button. Other truck links: Go straight to the ordering button. (Some ice cream trucks don’t have an online ordering option.) Links will go live at 5pm. You can’t order until the truck turns the ordering system on. The truck will message you back and tell you when your order will be ready. Then come pick up your food while adhering to social distancing. Food truck selections subject to change. Due to weather, events may be canceled. Please check trailmark.org for cancellation information. COVID-19 GUIDELINES will be strictly followed for everyone at this event.
Jefferson County Moves to Level Yellow on State’s New Dial 2.0
On Feb. 5, 2021, Gov. Jared Polis and the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) announced a new Dial Framework for measuring county’s levels of openness called Dial 2.0. Under the new dial, which is effective on Saturday, Feb. 6 at 9 a.m., Jefferson County will now be under Level Yellow. According to the state, the new dial is in response to the downward trend in cases and increasing vaccination efforts, as well as in an endeavor to continue to suppress the disease while bolstering the economy. “In Jeffco, as we continue to vaccinate more of our community, we are taking important steps toward beating COVID-19. This move on the dial reflects that, but we want to remind our population that this fight isn’t over yet,” said Dr. Margaret Huffman, Director of Community Health Services at JCPH. “Please continue to do your part in keeping our community safe by wearing your mask, staying home when you can, keeping a six foot distance, washing your hands often and getting the vaccine when you are eligible.” Read the full article here.
Posted February 5, 2021
Jefferson County moves to Level Orange
JCPH has been notified that as of January 4, 2021, Jeffco is being moved to Level Orange on the Dial Framework by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE). Learn more.
Carbon Monoxide is a Secretive Enemy in Our Homes
By Einar Jensen, Risk Reduction Specialist, South Metro Fire Rescue. Carbon Monoxide (CO) is a product of incomplete combustion. Although it is a component of smoke, it is odorless and colorless and difficult to notice in small quantities without mechanical detectors. Burning any fuel — natural gas, propane, heating oil, kerosene, coal, charcoal, gasoline or wood — produces the gas. Chimneys and other ducts generally expel the unburned gases outside the home, but faulty ventilation of furnaces, hot water heaters, fireplaces, cooking stoves, and grills allow it to accumulate inside.
Firefighters refer to CO as a narcotic or asphyxiant gas because it depresses the central nervous system, which results in reduced awareness, intoxication, loss of consciousness and, in the worst cases, death. In fact, CO causes more deaths in fire situations than any other toxic product of combustion. Normally, the blood’s hemoglobin combines with and carries oxygen in a loose chemical combination called oxyhemoglobin. Too much or too little oxygen is toxic to our cells, but oxyhemoglobin delivers just the right amount for our cells to produce the energy they need to survive. Inhaling CO creates carboxyhemoglobin instead. In fact, it forms 200 times more readily than oxyhemoglobin and remains in the bloodstream for many years continually interrupting our cells’ ability to produce energy. Concentrations of the gas in our blood above five-hundredths of one percent (500 parts per million) are considered dangerous. When the level increases above one percent, unconsciousness and death can occur without physiological signs. Install detectors in sleeping areas because most CO poisonings outside of firefighting situations occur while people are sleeping and not aware of feeling sick. Kitchens and locations near cooking appliances are not good sites because grease and smoke accumulations can clog the sensing elements. Steam and water vapor can damage the sensing elements of detectors placed in bathrooms, saunas, and greenhouses. The volume of exhaust from most vehicles makes garages unsuitable for detectors. If a CO alarm activates in your home, go outside and call 911. It is an emergency. South Metro Fire Rescue’s firefighters will respond, treat any patients, and try to determine the source. If you have questions, please contact us at ReducingRisk@southmetro.org.
Posted January 1, 2021
What’s the DRC up to?
Check the newsletter each month to see how the DRC is updating our design guidelines to address the aging of the neighborhood. With this cold weather, you might be considering replacing your front door or installing a storm door. This is a great time to check out the updated styles that have been approved for both types of doors. A selection of front doors with windows have been included as well as a variety of storm doors. Check out the complete update here. The Design Review Committee reviewed 5 home improvement request forms during the month of December. This month’s lull in homeowner applications offered the committee the perfect time to put the last finishing touches on swimming pool standards which will be presented to the HOA Board. The DRC also used this opportunity to continue in the development of a list of minor repairs to the exterior of our homes which will not require DRC approval. The committee foresees this list being available to the public in the near future.
Posted January 1, 2021
HOA Assessments due January 1st
As a reminder, HOA Assessments are due January 1st. If you have any questions, please contact Angie Kelly at Community Resource Services. TrailMark HOA Board