2015 Archives

Because the articles on this page are dated, the links may not be working. We apologize for any inconvenience.

TrailMark Tracks
Holiday 2015 Newsletter – Sign up for email notifications (newsletter, neighborhood information, safety alerts, etc). Deadlines and Publication Dates and Information

Alpine Waste & Recycling now accepts Styrofoam curbside
Click here for a complete list of recyclable items. Posted 12/28/15

Important Message from Colorado Management Regarding Payment Coupon Letter
Download File
Posted December 22, 2015

Garbage & Recycling Pick-Up this Week: Wednesday, December 16
TrailMark’s garbage pick-up has been delayed to Wednesday 12/16, due to snow. http://alpinewaste.com/

Council Votes on Proposed Fire Station Tuesday – TrailMark Residents Encouraged to Attend
Tuesday, December 15th, 6:30 pm at the Littleton Municipal Building, 2255 W. Berry Ave, Littleton
On Tuesday, December 15th, the Littleton City Council will convene a public meeting in which a presentation of the plans, contracts, financing will be given. The Council will cast their FINAL VOTE for the fire station during this public meeting. Please consider attending this meeting – Littleton Municipal Building at 2255 W. Berry Ave, Littleton, 1st floor, 6:30 PM. City Council Member Debbie Brinkman was at the Special TrailMark Meeting Monday, December 14th. Ms. Brinkman says she cannot stress enough that SHOWING UP IN PERSON is important. If you cannot attend, an email to Debbie Brinkman stating your vote for or against the facility is encouraged. (dbrinkman@littletongov.org) Represent TrailMark!!! We look forward to seeing you there! TrailMark HOA

SPECIAL COMMUNITY MEETING – Subject: Proposed Fire Station at TrailMark
Monday, December 14th, 6:30 pm at the TrailMark Learning Center
The TrailMark HOA is convening a Special Community Meeting Monday, December 14th at 6:30pm at the TrailMark Learning Center.  Littleton Fire Chief Chris Armstrong and City Manager Michael Penny will attend to present information and answer questions about the proposed fire station at the entrance to TrailMark. On December 15th, the Littleton City Council will convene a public meeting in which a presentation of the plans, contracts, financing will be given.  People who are interested in learning more of the details should attend.  The Council will cast their final fire station vote during this public meeting. Please consider attending this meeting – December 15th, municipal building at 2255 W. Berry Ave, Littleton, 1st floor, 6:30 PM. For those of you who cannot attend the Dec. 14th and/or Dec 15th city council meeting, a sign-up sheet will be available at the TrailMark Night at the Lights (Dec 9th) and at the special community meeting (Dec 14th) to share your viewpoint.  Sign in sheets will be provided to the city council on December 15th. REMINDER: Littleton City Council is casting their final vote on the plans at their public meeting on Dec 15th.  Represent TrailMark!!! We strongly encourage everyone to attend these informative meetings. Please take advantage of this time to get questions or concerns addressed. We look forward to seeing you there!

Station 19 Fact Sheet: TrailMark’s Proposed Fire Station
Download File
Posted 12/14/15

TrailMark Night at the Lights
Wednesday, December 9, 5:30-8:30 pm at Denver Botanic Gardens at Chatfield
$5 per person. Includes 3D glasses. Santa and hot chocolate will be in the barn. To volunteer, contact Juli Hill at social@TrailMarkhoa.org

2nd Annual TrailMark Food Drive
Sunday, December 6th, 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. at TrailMark Park
TrailMark’s 2nd Annual Community Cupboard Food Drive is being held Sunday, December 6th, 8-11am, at the kiddie park on Trailmark Parkway. Dan Locke of TrailMark has asked Sunny Puckett to join him in this food Drive. She will have hot chocolate and cookies for those who come by. The Food Donations this year are going to the Jeffco Action Center who help over 28,000 people in Jefferson County to stay in their homes and Dutch Creek Elementary, who send home food like macaroni, rice, noodles, top ramin, peanut butter, etc. to families in need on the weekend.

From the Safety Committee
Hi TrailMark Neighbors,
A few months ago the Safety Committee inquired if there were any issues around the neighborhood that needed to be addressed. A few concerns were raised, approved by the HOA board for investigation, and then brought to the City’s attention for further study.
4-Way Stop at S Johnson Street and S Johnson Way
I am sure some of you have now seen the new stop signs at Johnson and Johnson. This was one of the intersections that was specifically mentioned as a cause for safety concern. The City determined that due to the curvature of the streets, this intersection required a 4-way stop. These were installed yesterday by the City Of Littleton. Our apologies on not giving further notice, but we weren’t notified in advance of the final decision or install date.
No Parking Sign at S Dover Way and W Trailmark Parkway
Neighbors were concerned about cars who parked on S Dover Way, just off Trailmark Parkway, for use of the pond and trails. The cars were creating blind spots for pedestrians and drivers. A no parking sign was installed yesterday.
The intersection of S Holland Street and W Finland Drive
Neighbors are concerned about this intersection for speed, safety, and lack of signage. This is also the location of a bus stop. A study by the City of Littleton is scheduled to be conducted to see if any further measures are possible (speed table, stop sign, etc). Once the study has been finalized, results will be shared with the community at the next HOA meeting. If you have interest in being emailed the results of this study and any possible safety measures for this intersection, please email safety@trailmarkhoa.org. Posted December 4, 2015

Newsletter Content Deadline
Tuesday, November 17

Snow Removal Reminder
Please be aware that Littleton City Code section 8-1-4 requires owners or occupants of property, including vacant lots, to remove snow and ice from adjoining sidewalks within 24 hours after every snowfall. To report violations call Code Enforcement at (303) 795-3831 or (303) 795-3808. Posted November 16, 2015 on TrailMark Nextdoor by Community Development Mark Barons from City of Littleton

Annual HOA/TMMD Board Meeting
Thursday, November 12 at the TrailMark Learning Center, 9743 S Carr Way
6:00 Registration, 6:15 HOA Budget, 6:30 TMMD Budget, 6:45 HOA Annual Meeting for Election of Officers. Everyone is welcome.

Rumor Control by Nextdoor
Community Development Mark Barons from City of Littleton
Rumor: Is it true that a fire station is being planned for TrailMark?
Answer: Yes. TrailMark is a neighborhood within the City of Littleton where concerns about service delivery (snow plowing, fire and EMS response, parks and trails) have persisted for many years. TrailMark is located a significant distance away from existing city services and the challenge has been to address the appropriate long-term level of service delivery. Lockheed Martin has been in discussion with the city to take over fire/medical services in March, 2016. Staff has been working for most of the year on the feasibility of constructing a building to house fire/medical, an office for law enforcement and additional bays and space for public works, police, and South Suburban Parks and Recreation for maintenance. Staff expects to bring a construction contract, a contract with Lockheed (for medical and fire response), and the appropriations request to the city council at its December 1 meeting. Discussions are ongoing but capital and operational costs are expected to be divided between Lockheed Martin, the City of Littleton, and the Littleton Fire Protection District.
Posted October 27, 2015 on TrailMark Nextdoor

Rumor Control by Nextdoor
Community Development Mark Barons from City of Littleton
Rumor #1: “Wal-Mart and Sam’s Club are coming to Littleton.”
Answer: Maybe or maybe not. This rumor has been around for awhile and there appears to be some new stories around Walmart and Sam’s Club already being approved in the city for the property at the south western corner of Santa Fe and Mineral. The city has not received any plans or application for building permits. Goes without saying then, that the City has not received any requests for tax incentives. Discussions between a private property owner/seller and a potential buyer don’t usually include the city. In the mid-1980’s the 130+/- acre property was approved as a Planned Development into 11 different parcels, entitled “Santa Fe Park.” The 11 parcels range in size from 1.6 acres up to approximately 20 acres. Nine of the 11 parcels were zoned Commercial, and two of the 11 parcels were zoned Residential. A wide array of commercial uses are allowed, including retail, office, restaurants and bars, hotels, automotive service stations, parking structures, small animal clinics, health clubs and schools. The commercial parcels also allow some residential uses. In the mid-1990’s an amendment was approved to add golf and similar recreational activities as more allowed uses. Any application for development on this property would be subject to the Planned Development requirements set forth in 1984 and 1994, and other applicable city zoning regulations (such as building height, setbacks and construction materials).
Rumor #2: “The majority on council are paying Wal-Mart to come to Littleton with at least $5 million in urban renewal subsidies.”
Answer: Not true. While the city council approved four urban renewal areas in Littleton, there are no formal discussions, applications or plans to subsidize a Wal-Mart, Sam’s Club or any other retailer.
Rumor #3: “TrailMark has on average 36 emergency calls per year. This station will cost the citizens of Littleton $167,000 per emergency call.”
Answer: Not true. The staff is researching the feasibility of locating a multi-purpose facility in the TrailMark neighborhood. It would include Littleton Fire Rescue staff and have room for other functions such as snow plowing, street maintenance, park maintenance, law enforcement, etc. The staff is in discussion with other agencies to share operations and funding.
Posted October 27, 2015 on TrailMark Nextdoor

Summary of Meet & Greet and Emergency Facility Plans
SUBJECT:  Meet & Greet on Saturday, October 10 at the TrailMark Playground Park
Hosted by:   Debbie Brinkman, District 4, Littleton City Council (TrailMark Representative)
                    Bruce Stahlman, At-Large Member, Littleton City Council
                    Andrea Brown, running for an At-Large Member seat, Littleton City Council
Background:  For the last 10-12 years, TrailMark residents have expressed and appealed to the City of Littleton to provide better emergency response to TrailMark, stating statistics below that which was provided to the rest of Littleton. In response, the City entered into an Inter-Governmental Agreement (IGA), in 2013, with West Metro Fire and Rescue (WMFR). The contract provided for first responder fire and emergency medical services by WMFR for the TrailMark and Loch Moor subdivisions. (WMFR’s station is closer to TrailMark and Loch Moor than Littleton Fire & Rescue’s (LFR’s) closest station.) The agreement also provided LFR employees use of West Metro’s state-of-the-art training facility and participation in training sessions.  In exchange for these services/benefits, the City was paying approximately $317k/year. During the term of the contract, while response times to TrailMark generally improved about 1-2 minutes, the City deemed this not significant enough to justify the $317K, thus started exploring options. Debbie Brinkman and Bruce Stahlman, staunch TrailMark supporters, actively participated in seeking solutions. In July 2015, the TrailMark HOA board were advised that the City had notified West Metro of their intent to terminate the IGA, effective March 2016, and in meetings with Debbie Brinkman and Michael Penny (Littleton City Manager), were advised that they were in negotiation solutions for TrailMark but due to the sensitivity of the negotiations, were not at liberty to provide much detail. What they did advise was that they were in negotiations to obtain land at the TrailMark entrance to provide amenities for TrailMark such as recreational facilities, bays for a fire truck, snow plow, or police annex. At the September TrailMark homeowners meeting, Michael Penny discussed potential plans for TrailMark, specifically with regard to emergency services, that it is the goal to have the City Council approve a 1.25 million dollar facility to house fire/medical/public works/police/south suburban on the Shea property (north side of TrailMark Parkway at the main entrance) and be open for business by June of 2016. He also advised that two Council  members have been pushing for improved service delivery – Debbie Brinkman and Bruce Stahlman. Further updates will be provided as information is available. October 10 Meet & Greet with Debbie Brinkman, Bruce Stahlman, & Andrea Brown: As promised, Debbie Brinkman and Bruce Stahlman visited TrailMark to provide homeowners with a project update. This update included maps and the conceptual design for the new TrailMark fire station and ancillary buildings for other City of Littleton facilities. Attached you will find (1) an overhead map depicting the location of the fire station, and parking relative to TrailMark Parkway; (2) site plan; (3) the building conceptual design with the fire station on the far right. The intent of the structure is to address long requested Municipal service delivery for TrailMark. Therefore, the depicted structure will have parking space for police, public works, and possibly South Suburban Parks and Recreation, in addition to the fire station. Parcel C, the City of Littleton owned land, is the furthest away from homes and will allow quick access from TrailMark as well as immediate medical and fire response into the neighborhood. The facility is approximately 7,000 square feet and will house fire/medical staff, a police office and is a three bay station to allow for support of additional municipal equipment to service the neighborhood.
As mentioned in a previous message to TrailMark residents, the City had been looking at The Shea property on the north side of the main entrance but cost, timing and location moved the City away from further consideration especially since the City already owns the land on the south side.
Regarding who the fire station would support, the City is negotiating with Lockheed Martin for providing them with fire and medical response. In addition, the City also provides fire and medical response to the Littleton Fire Protection District property north of 470 and Wadsworth.  Sterling Ranch will provide their own services and West Metro will continue to service their current areas. Next Steps: While homeowner opinion varies on the desirability of having such a facility at TrailMark, i.e., better emergency support versus potential noise – having this facility is not a done deal. The City Council needs to approve the funding and tentatively will consider the funding as follows:

  • Dec. 1 Council meeting – 1st reading for Lockheed Martin contract, construction contract, and funds transfer
  • Dec. 15 Council meeting – 2nd reading and public hearing for same 

Updates will be posted when firmed up.
Homeowners may attend these meetings and may speak to address concerns and support for this project. It is imperative that homeowners participate in the process. If you have any questions about the proposed facilities, I encourage you to reach out to Debbie Brinkman or Bruce Stahlman to express your views. Otherwise, please make an effort to attend the city council meetings.
Respectfully submitted,
Sally Janssen, Homeowner & TrailMark HOA Board Member
Posted October 16, 2015

From the City of Littleton
(as posted on the City of Littleton website)
The city and South Suburban Parks and Recreation (SSPR) have started a planning process for the future of parks, recreation and trails in Littleton. Per the discussion with Michael Penny at the last homeowners meeting, the city has hired consulting firm Greenplay LLC to assist in the nine-month planning effort that will culminate in a road map for investment in parks, recreation and trails infrastructure. As part of the information gathering stage, the city and SSPR will host a number of public meetings and focus groups on specific topics to gain citizen and user input. The discussions will be specific to the topics identified, while the evening meetings will be open to any topic relating to parks, recreation, and trails in Littleton. Note in RED (below), the TrailMark meeting:

  • Wednesday, October 21
    • 3:30 p.m. – Youth sports focus group in the Community Room at the Littleton Center, 2255 West Berry Avenue.
    • 6 p.m. – Public meeting at TrailMark Learning Center, 9743 South Carr Way.
  • Thursday, October 22
    • 3 p.m. – Senior focus group at the Buck Recreation Center, 2004 West Powers Avenue.
    • 6 p.m. – Public meeting at the Buck Recreation Center.
  • Wednesday, October 28
    • 4 p.m. – Golf and tennis focus group at Littleton Golf and Tennis Center (the Bubble), 5800 South Federal Boulevard.
    • 6 p.m. – Public meeting at the Carson Nature Center classroom, 3000 West Carson Drive.

For more information and an opportunity to provide your input should you not be able to attend one of the meetings above, go to https://www.littletongov.org/index.aspx?page=232&recordid=7636
Provide your feedback. Click on OpenLittleton.org, and go to “community input for parks and recreation and trail planning” to take a VERY brief survey. Note: You need to create an account by providing your name and address (this info does not have to be publicly displayed with your survey responses.) You need to confirm/verify your email address shortly after creating your account in order for your responses to be counted. BE COUNTED IN THIS DISCUSSION!!!
Posted October 6, 2015

Meet & Greet to Reference Plans for TrailMark
TrailMark Neighbors –
During the September 10 TrailMark homeowner’s meeting, Michael Penny, Littleton City Manager, presented an update on municipal services the City is planning for TrailMark. In that regard, we are happy to announce that Debbie Brinkman, our City Council Representative, will hold a Meet and Greet on Saturday, October 10 from 9-11am at TrailMark Park (the playground park). During this Meet and Greet, Debbie will tell us about Littleton’s TrailMark plans and will show us the architectural drawings that were discussed during the September 10 meeting. If you’re interested in hearing what City of Littleton has in mind for our neighborhood, mark your calendar and plan to be at the Meet and Greet. Come prepared with your questions!! Posted October 1, 2015

Neighborhood Wildlife Alert!
A large porcupine was spotted on the path around the Beaver pond this week. Please keep your dogs safe by keeping them on a leash! Quills are dangerous. Also, raccoon activity has been spotted in the same area – a mom with 3 young ones. Posted September 22, 2015

Volunteers Needed for City’s Snow Squad!
You may have one or more neighbors in need of assistance with shoveling snow this winter. Make a difference – volunteer for the city’s Snow Squad!!  It’s guaranteed you’ll make someone’s day (and winter)! Contact the Aging Well Resource Center at 303-795-3980 or cmokw@littletongov.org
Posted September 22, 2015

TrailMark Night at the Corn Maze
Tuesday, September 22, 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm at Denver Botanic Gardens at Chatfield
Entrance fee is $2 per person, cash or check, FREE Face Painting, Kettle Corn, Hay Rides and Barrel Rides!

Oktoberfest Block Party
Sunday, September 20, 3:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Please join us on South Holland Street for an “Oktoberfest” block party from 3-7pm on Sunday, September 20th!
We will have two bounce houses (one for the toddlers, one for the bigger kids), face-painting from 3-5pm, and unlimited free shave ice between 5-6pm. We will be providing brats, snacks and non-alcoholic drinks. In the evening, we plan to pull out the fire pit and roast mallows. Please bring:
1) Lawn chairs, and any games or fun toys to share during the event.
2) For the adults, we thought it would be fun to have a beer sharing table: bring a 6 pack of your favorite to share with your neighbors!
3) An appetizer, side, or dessert would be greatly appreciated!
Last name A-H, please bring an appetizer, Last name I-P, please bring a side, Last name Q-Z, please bring a dessert
Thank you and we look forward to celebrating! Prost! S Holland Street

Household HazMat Roundup

Hazardous Waste Roundup and Recycling Event
Saturday, September 19, 8:00 am – 2:00 pm at Englewood Service Center, 2800 S. Platte River Drive, Englewood, Colorado 80110
Cost: $20 per car; TVs & monitors extra
The cities of Englewood and Littleton will hold their annual Household Hazardous Waste Roundup Saturday, September 12 and Saturday, September 19, 2015 from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Englewood Service Center, 2800 S. Platte River Drive in Englewood (on the east side of the South Platte River). This event is open to City of Littleton (city limits map) and City of Englewood residents only. Residency will be verified at the event. Please follow the link for for a complete list of accepted items… http://www.littletongov.org/index.aspx?page=232&recordid=7503

TMMD Regular Meeting

Tuesday, September 15, 2015, 6:30pm at the TrailMark Learning Center, 9743 S Carr Way
Meeting Agenda

Dogs, Leashes and the Safety of TrailMark

In response to several reported incidents of unleashed dogs in the community, homeowners are reminded that the City of Littleton requires that, outside of designated off-leash parks and when outside the property owner’s yard, dogs must be leashed at all times.  Dogs found to be unleashed may be reported to City of Littleton Animal Control.  For the safety of TrailMark residents and the dogs, please take care to keep your pets leashed.
City of Littleton Animal Control:  303-794-1551
Posted September 10, 2015

City Manager Michael Penny updates TrailMark on Emergency Service, Recreation

Michael Penny, Littleton City Manager and TrailMark Resident, spoke at the HOA meeting on September 10. Read the meeting minutes here.

TrailMark HOA Board Meeting

Thursday, September 10, 2015, 6:30pm at the TrailMark Learning Center, 9743 S Carr Way
Meeting Agenda All are welcome.

Community Message Regarding Solicitors

An important message from the Littleton Police Department
Sending solicitors and salespeople out into the community is a common business practice. Often times, they are selling products or services, looking for donations, or handing out information. While they can be bothersome and annoying, many types of residential solicitation has been upheld by the courts as being a form of speech protected by the First Amendment to the Constitution. However, there is nothing that says that residents are required to answer their doors or entertain their offers. Often times, after major storms that cause significant damage in the community, neighborhoods will be flooded with solicitors, looking for customers. It is strongly suggested that you, as citizens, be particularly wary of individuals coming to your door soliciting work on your house or yard. This could include landscaping, driveway resurfacing, roofing, or tree trimming, among many other jobs. Typically, legitimate businesses of this nature allow their customers to seek them out, and do not go door to door, trying to gain business. NEVER allow yourself to be pressured into signing a contract, engaging in a business agreement, or allowing the person or company to immediately start work on your property. It is also strongly suggested that you not let the salesperson into your home. If you would like to entertain their offer, suggest the sales person give you their information. A salesperson for a legitimate business will carry literature about their services, and their contact information. Insist that you will research the business before making any commitment whatsoever. This same concept applies to those solicitors seeking donations. Many legitimate religious or charitable groups get a significant portion of their funding through door-to-door solicitation. Again, if you feel comfortable, feel free to listen to what they say, but NEVER give them money up front. Simply suggest that you would like their information so you can research them, and may make a donation at a later time. In this day and age of the internet and social media, very few legitimate organizations will not have a website you can go to research them.
A few things to remember:

  • Do not allow a stranger into your home for any reason. Talk to the person through your door, or, if you feel comfortable with them, step outside to have the conversation.
  • Do not allow yourself to be pressured to sign a contract or engage in any type of agreement.
  • Do not allow a contractor to begin work on your property immediately.
  • Don’t be afraid to tell the solicitor that you are going to research their business. Ask for their information. Legitimate businesses will always carry information to give to potential customers.

Finally, if you are ever confronted with someone being pushy, aggressive, confrontational, or they won’t do what you ask, i.e. leave your property, you can always call the police. We are always willing to respond and check them out.
Posted September 9, 2015 on “NextDoor” by Community Development Mark Barons from City of Littleton

Garbage & Recycling pick-up

 will be delayed until Wednesday, September 9th due to the Labor Day holiday.

Sign Regulations

Friendly reminder: HOA rules state that signs, with the exception of sales or lease signs, are not allowed in TrailMark. This includes political signs. However, Colorado State law limits the HOA’s powers when it comes to political signs. State law requires that we allow political signs to be posted on property for the time period of up to 45 days before the election date, and up to 7 days after the election date. Please be sure to stay within the time frame, if you plan on posting an election sign. Colorado Management will be sending violation letters to those homeowners who do not comply. Thank you. Posted September 1, 2015

TrailMark in the News

Denver Post, Monday, August 31

TrailMark Concert Series presents Coverado

Sunday, August 30, 5:30 pm at Hogback Hill Park
Last Concert of the Summer! Free Face painting, Balloon Animals, Bounce houses! Italian Ice and Pizza for sale! Come join our friends and neighbors for some good music! To volunteer, contact Juli Hill at social@TrailMarkhoa.org

City of Littleton’s Meet, Greet & Eat with City Council

Tuesday, July 28, 2015, 4-6 pm at TrailMark Park
Having fun is a requirement at Littleton’s Meet, Greet and Eat events this summer. Taking place in four outdoor Littleton locations, the program is designed to give citizens the chance to meet their neighbors and talk with the city manager and city council members. Every site will have displays from city departments, and staff will be on-hand to answer questions. Free pizza, ice cream and water will be available at all Meet, Greet & Eat events. Additionally, there will be a variety of fun activities for kids. For more information, call 303-795-3720. https://www.littletongov.org/index.aspx?page=232&recordid=6418

Emergency Response to TrailMark: West Metro Fire and Rescue Contract Terminated 

The TrailMark HOA Board has learned that the Inter Governmental Agreement (IGA) which provided TrailMark with emergency response from West Metro Fire & Rescue (WMFR) has been canceled. The city provided notice that this IGA will be terminated in March 2016. The City and WMFR entered into this contract in 2013. The contract provided for first responder fire and emergency medical services by WMFR for the TrailMark and Loch Moor subdivisions. (WMFR’s station is closer to TrailMark and Loch Moor than Littleton Fire & Rescue’s (LFR’s) closest station.) The agreement also provided LFR employees utilization of West Metro’s state-of-the-art training facility and participation in training sessions. In exchange for these services/benefits, the City was paying approximately $317k/year. The HOA Board will pursue this issue and will provide updates as information becomes available. Posted July 27, 2015

The HOA Board met Thursday evening, July 23rd with Mr. Mark Relph, Public Works Director for the City of Littleton.

Here are highlights of the discussions from the meeting:
1.  Crosswalks. Mr. Relph reviewed the current placement of crosswalks and noted that, based on the sidewalk locations and traffic flow, the current crosswalk set up is satisfactory. He also noted that the medians provide clear views of oncoming traffic, which is a primary safety concern.  
2.  Large cracks in the asphalt. Mr. Relph noted that the City is aware of the asphalt breakdown in TrailMark. He stated that the cracks were not primarily due to soil issues, but rather, due to the asphalt itself. Evidently, the original asphalt was not mixed correctly, which allowed it to break down and develop large cracks. The City is working with an asphalt specialty company who will be demonstrating the appropriate methods to fix these types of large cracks. It involves removing about 3 feet of the current asphalt, placing a special mesh in the removal area, and re-asphalting. The company will demonstrate this method to the City next week. Mr. Relph stated that he believes both the large cracks and smaller cracks will be fixed in the fall, weather permitting. If not this fall, for sure next spring. Mr. Relph also noted that some concrete work has already begun in TrailMark to fix broken curbs and gutter areas.  
3.  The Board informed Mr. Relph that the Safety Committee is currently investigating two unmarked intersections within TrailMark that residents are concerned about, and that the Safety Committee will be in contact to discuss next steps in deciding what, if any, remediation needs to take place.  
4.  Snow removal. There was discussion regarding the inadequate snow removal in TrailMark. Mr. Relph indicated that he would find out specifically what the City had contracted to be done in our neighborhood. The Board noted that very few streets are plowed; we would like to see more streets plowed and earlier plowing as well. Posted July 27, 2015

The HOA Board met with Mark Barons, City of Littleton’s Neighborhood Resources Coordinator and Ryan Thompson,
City of Littleton’s Mediation Program Coordinator.

Meeting Highlights:
1. We discussed how communications between the Neighborhood Resources Dept. and Littleton residents occur. Mr. Barons encouraged us to try out “Next Door,” a private, social media site (similar to Facebook), where Littleton community news is posted. Information regarding city events, police and fire department news, etc. is posted to this site. Residents can ask questions, provide feedback, and learn about what is happening using this site. He encouraged us to spread the word – there are currently 2,800 Littleton participants on Next Door already.  To join Next Door, go to https://trailmark.nextdoor.com/login/?next=/news_feed/.
2. If you look on the City of Littleton’s website, a Neighborhood Congress has been established for Littleton’s neighborhoods. The mission of Neighborhood Congress is to serve as liaisons between neighborhoods and the city government. For this purpose, the City is divided into 7 sections, and 25 resident volunteers are currently on the “Congress.” 4 of the 25 are from our TrailMark neighborhood, so we are well represented. Activities for this group may include giving input to an updated Comprehensive Plan – the City’s current plan is 30 years old. Comprehensive plans include general plans regarding development, re-development, transportation corridor discussions, light rail plans, shopping center locations, etc. At this writing, only 1 meeting has been held. We discussed having the Board reach out to the 4 TrailMark members, and asking them to provide a short write-up after these meetings, so that we can post the news on the website and Facebook.
3.  Mr. Barons also mentioned the following 3 types of grants that we should all be aware of:      
    a. Small community building grants (grants up to $500). These are available for
    things such as block parties, to improve community interaction.
    b. Large community grants (grants up to $9,999). These larger grants may be used
    for projects such as replacing the signage at the front of a neighborhood.
    c. Placemaking grants. These grants are for transforming unused spaces into
    useable spaces such as a public garden or shielded picnic area.
At the beginning of the year, $25K is set aside for each of these types of grants. Proposals should be submitted by March 1 next year (2016), and monies will be allocated. Mark noted that 2015 funds are pretty well depleted, but keep these grants in mind for next year. Additional information can be found on the City’s website.
4.  We had a long discussion with Ryan Thompson regarding the free mediation services provided by the City. Mediation services are for neighbor disputes, resident vs Board disputes, neighborhood vs City disputes – anytime a mediator is needed. We discussed the possible need for Mr. Thompson’s services during Board meetings in a facilitator capacity, and he explained what his role would be. The board will decide if we would like to have mediation/facilitation services, and if so, send an invitation for the next meeting. Posted July 23, 2015

TMMD Regular Meeting

Tuesday, July 21, 2015, 6:30pm at the TrailMark Learning Center, 9743 S Carr Way
Meeting Agenda

Information on Sign Displays within TrailMark

This spring, a number of signs were displayed in residents’ yards. It was pointed out to the Board that these signs did not meet the TrailMark covenants, nor the requirements concerning  political signs, and should not have been allowed to be displayed. Our apologies for not being on top of this covenant and the specific rules regarding political signs. The Board and the Management company subsequently notified those homeowners who were in violation, and want to make sure that the community understands this covenant, going forward. Therefore, for everyone’s clarification, here is the list of what signs are permitted, per paragraph 3.16 of the TrailMark covenants.
Signs are not allowed to be displayed unless they meet one of the following criteria:
1) The sign has been approved in writing by the Design Review Committee.
2) One sign per lot, indicating that the Lot is protected by a security system or service is permitted.
3) If required by law, signs indicating that a legal proceeding or action affecting the Lot has been or will be commenced are permitted.
4) A sign or advertising device erected by Declarant or Participating Builders incident to the development, construction, promotion, marketing or sales of Lots. A sign advertising a lot for sale or lease may be placed on a lot, provided that it meets standards relating to dimensions, color, style, etc.
Additionally, per state law, HOAs are not allowed to prohibit political signs. Homeowners may display a political sign on their property or in their window, for a period of time up to 45 days prior to an election, and 7 days after election day. Political signs are defined as “a sign that carries a message intended to influence the outcome of an election, including supporting or opposing the election of a candidate, the recall of a public official, or the passage of a ballot issue.”
If you are uncertain whether a sign can be displayed on your property, please call the Management company for clarification.
Thanks everyone, for keeping TrailMark beautiful!  Posted July 9, 2015

HOA Board Meeting

Wednesday, July 8, 6:30 pm at the TrailMark Learning Center. All are welcome.
Meeting Agenda

TrailMark’s 4th of July Bike Parade

Dress up your bikes, wagons and scooters for the Annual TrailMark July 4th Bike Parade!
Saturday, July 4th, Meet at TrailMark Park (kids’ playground), Parade at 9:30 am
Be sure to stay afterward and enjoy the fun and games at Hogback Hill Park (athletic field), including Popsicles, face painting, balloon animals, a water balloon toss, and cookies! Volunteers Needed – Please contact Sunny Puckett at 303-904-4364 or www.sunnysdenverhomes.com, or Juli Hill at social@TrailMarkhoa.org.

TrailMark Residents:

(Please see Update below.)
The HOA had a chance to discuss with Michael Penny, the City Manager of Littleton, some of what the City of Littleton is working on nowadays. Here is summary of that discussion:

1.  The City of Littleton is in active negotiations with Shea Homes to obtain the land immediately north of the TrailMark entrance.
2.  The negotiations for the land would restrict the land use, i.e., the land could not be developed for residential or commercial use. The land would be used for amenities.  Amenities could include items such as recreational facilities, bays for a fire truck, snow plow, or police annex.
3.  The City is releasing an RFP on or around June 19th to hire a consultant to initiate a City Parks and Recreation Master Plan that is projected to be presented to the Littleton City Council within 8-9 months of the consultant being hired.
4.  The consultant will conduct a survey and collect data on residents’ recreational wants both here in TrailMark and throughout the City. This data will be used to develop the City’s Parks and Recreation Master Plan.
5.  Once the plan has been developed, the City of Littleton will present the plan to SSPRD (South Suburban Parks and Recreation District) for discussion regarding timing, costs, and implementation of the plan.
6.  Funding for the Parks & Recreation plan may well be done via partnership among several entities, including the City of Littleton, the SSPRD, and the TrailMark Community.
7.  Earlier this year, the TrailMark HOA had discussed leasing land at HogBack Hill from the City for purposes of building an outdoor pool for the TrailMark residents. Because of the City’s current efforts to develop an all encompassing Park and Recreation plan, the City Manager has stated that he would NOT recommend to the City Council that the land on the Hogback Hill location be leased to us for purposes of building such pool, until the public process for developing the City Master Plan has been completed.
As more information comes to the Board, we will communicate it. We welcome the opportunity to have the TrailMark community take part in the survey process, and believe this to be a great way to gather additional ideas regarding recreational needs.

UPDATE: JUNE 26, 2015 –

Dear Mr. Penny,
Just wanted to see if there is any additional information regarding the below points we discussed a couple of weeks ago. Specifically:
1.  Any update on the Shea property negotiations?  Still proceeding as planned?
2.  Did the City get that RFP for the consultant released, and have we had any bites yet?   Is the timing still for completion of the Recreation Master Plan about the same (March-ish 2016?)
Answer from Mr. Penny:
We are still working with Shea, but yes, I’m optimistic and confident we will gain access to the property for public use.
The RFP is out and closes in about 3 weeks.  We will choose a consultant firm and move forward with the process from there. We ended up deciding we should allow a full month for companies to respond – given the complexity of the request.

Pool Articles
(Click here)

Committee Members Needed!
If you can help with one of the committees listed to the right, please visit our Committees page for contact information.

*If you can help with mass email / sending email blasts using GoDaddy.com, please contact the Communications committee.
**Covenant Control Committee needed. Please contact the HOA Board at covenants@TrailMarkhoa.org.

Common Area
Covenant Control**
Design & Review

TMMD Regular Meeting
Tuesday, May 19, 2015, 6:30pm at the TrailMark Learning Center, 9743 S Carr Way
Notice of Regular Meeting – Meeting Agenda

TrailMark HOA Board Meeting
Thursday, May 14, 2015, 6:30pm, TrailMark Learning Center, 9743 S Carr Way. All are welcome to attend.
Meeting Agenda

From the Common Area Committee:
“Would bicycle racks at Hogback Hill Park and TrailMark Park (the playground) be used?” Please take our survey.

New TrailMark Sherwin Williams Account
Homeowners: As you may know, KWAL was purchased by Sherwin Williams and Sherwin Williams is in the process of translating KWAL paints into Sherwin Williams formulas. The HOA Board is working with Sherwin Williams to get our paints and approved combinations translated so to make it an easier process for you. In the meantime, the Board has established a new TrailMark Sherwin Williams account that will allow TrailMark residents to receive a discount on Sherwin Williams paint and stain products. This is a cash account, meaning that purchases may not be charged to TrailMark. You may either pay for the paint or have your paint contractor do so. Generally, this account provides a 15% discount, depending on the product being purchased. Identify yourself as a TrailMark resident and provide the following account number: 230805194. If for some reason the Sherwin Williams store you are using does not register this account number, they should call 303-932-1352 to confirm the account. Posted May 7, 2015

Fence Paint Colors – New Options!!!

Download File

Happy Birthday, Littleton!
Celebrate all year as Littleton turns 125! 
(Click on image to enlarge.)

Collegiate Academy’s Community Carnival
Saturday, May 2, 10 am – 3 pm. Click here for more information.

Discounted State Parks Pass
Do you want to go in with the neighborhood to get a discounted annual Colorado State Parks pass? One of our neighbors is helping to make this happen! For more information, click here.

Reminder of Design Guidelines & Procedures
Design & Review Committee (DRC)
Spring is here and as we move into the warm weather months, many homeowners will consider outside projects. The Design & Review Committee (DRC) reminds you of the guidelines and procedures you must consider when planning your projects. Posted April 13, 2015  Full Article

Property Maintenance
During a recent neighborhood drive-thru, several items were noted that are in need of homeowner attention. In order for TrailMark to maintain its appearance as a well maintained community, it is imperative that homeowners take immediate action to walk around homes and assess the need for maintenance. 
1.  Many homes are in need of paint touch-up and, in many cases, complete repainting. If you determine that painting is necessary, you may request paint sample books from Colorado Management for approved home combinations. You may select paint colors from these books or create a combination of your own. Once you’ve settled on your desired colors, you must submit a request to the management company for review by the Design Review Committee prior to painting. 
2.  Many fences, specifically the wing fences, need care. Broken or missing pickets need to be repaired or replaced. Wood needs to be maintained by cleaning and/or staining. Paragraph C.8. Fencing, in the Design Guidelines, specifies the options for the finish of wood fences as:  Natural, untreated finish; a clear, waterproof sealant; or Maxum Formula 2 (Fawn M-2030).
Please assess your fence(s) and determine whether they enhance your property and community. If not, please take action. Submit a request to the management company for review by the Design Review Committee prior to staining advising the DRC of the color you wish to use. 
Reminder:  During our routine community covenant enforcement review, homeowners whose properties are deemed in need of maintenance will receive violation letters. Please get in front of this issue before it is presented to you!! Posted April 13, 2015

Jeffco Open Space Ditch Burn Today
Jeffco Open Space will be conducting an agricultural ditch burn from approx 1-4 p.m. at Hildebrand Ranch Park today. Smoke may be visible.
http://jeffco.us/open-space/parks/hildebrand-ranch-park/ – Posted April 13, 2015

TrailMark Easter Egg Hunt
Saturday, April 4th at 9:30 am, Hogback Hill Park
Chick-Fil-A Cow, Free Coffee and Breakfast Biscuits! All Ages Welcome!

Controlled Burn
12:00 noon – The Botanic Gardens is doing a controlled burn right now.  They should be done around 4:00 pm. – Posted April 1, 2015

TMMD Regular Meeting
Tuesday, March 17, 2015, 6:30pm at the TrailMark Learning Center, 9743 S Carr Way
Meeting Agenda

TrailMark HOA Board Meeting
Thursday, March 12, 2015, 6:30pm at the TrailMark Learning Center, 9743 S Carr Way
Meeting Agenda
The HOA was asked previously to investigate the feasibility of a community pool. The HOA Board will be presenting their limited preliminary findings at this meeting. There will also be an opportunity for homeowner questions and comments. All are welcome to attend.

The HOA Newsletter is here!
TrailMark Tracks – Winter 2015

TrailMark HOA’s Automated Sustainability Report from Alpine Waste & Recycling
This report gives us an idea of how much trash and recycling has been collected in TrailMark, and it compares our neighborhood’s efforts to those of other Alpine Waste & Recycling customers. How “green” are we? Check it out. – Posted February 20, 2015 (Click on image for link.)

Holiday Decorations & Lights Reminder –
All exterior holiday decorations and lights utilized as seasonal displays must be removed and properly stored in a timely manner following the conclusion of the holiday, but, in no case later than thirty (30) days following the expiration of the holiday. (Covenant 3.8) – Posted January 25, 2015

Attempted Break-in
On January 20th around 4:30am there was an attempted break-in toward the back of the neighborhood. Someone pulled out the screen and forced a front window out of its track. The owner’s dogs scared off the intruder. A police report was filed. No one was hurt and nothing was stolen. It is recommended that we keep our porch lights on and doors locked.

TMMD Regular Meeting
Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 6:30pm at the TrailMark Learning Center, 9743 S Carr Way
Meeting Agenda

Crosswalk Safety
At the January meeting, the HOA Board was asked to publish the traffic rules regarding crosswalk safety. While most everyone already knows them, please take a moment to read them and re-familiarize yourself with the laws. We highlighted in orange those portions that we felt were most applicable to crosswalk safety. 
Full Article

TrailMark HOA Board Meeting
Thursday, January 8, 2015, 6:30pm at the TrailMark Learning Center, 9743 S Carr Way
All are welcome to attend.
Meeting Agenda

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