2014 Archives

Because the articles on this page are dated, the links may not be working. We apologize for any inconvenience.

TrailMark Night at the Lights
Denver Botanic Gardens at Chatfield – Tuesday, December 16th, 5pm-8pm – $5 per person
In the Red Barn: Free Pictures with Santa! Free Hot Chocolate and Cookies! Free Treats for the Kids!

Neighborhood Food Drive
Community Cupboard is having a food drive this Saturday, December 6 from 8am to 12 noon at the TrailMark Park playground. There will be cookies and hot chocolate for those coming by. The concept is to promote food drives for communities and families that have time constraints or may be too far away from traditional donation points. When you donate you are encouraged to take “selfies” and promote the idea to all of your friends! The final weight of all donations delivered will be posted on the TrailMark at Chatfield Facebook page.

TrailMark Homeowners: Thanks to all those who participated in the recent food drive on December 6th. The donations were delivered to a local food bank so that our less fortunate neighbors might enjoy a merrier holiday season. Your thoughtfulness is truly appreciated and shows how giving TrailMark homeowners are. A shout out to Sunny Puckett who provided coffee, hot chocolate, and cookies for everybody.  We appreciate your support, Sunny! A special thanks to Dan and Cate Locke who organized this TrailMark event. You make us proud!! Thanks to All!!!

Fence News
November 21, 2014 – As some of you may have heard, the Board is starting to explore the costs of fence replacement. Our fences are estimated to be in the last half of their useful life now, and the Board, to be proactive, is garnering information regarding replacement.  (full article)

The HOA’s New Facebook Page
November 20, 2014 – We welcome everyone to our new page “TrailMark HOA.” This will allow board related questions to come directly to the HOA, leaving the “TrailMark at Chatfield” page for personal conversation between neighbors. We hope that, by funneling questions and comments directly to the board’s Facebook page, better communication will follow. Please click here to read more about the HOA’s new Facebook Page.

Important Emergency Information
November 19, 2014 – For those of us in TrailMark, it is important to know that West Metro Fire and Rescue is our fire and medical emergency responder and Littleton Police is our law enforcement responder. If you have a medical or fire emergency and need to call 911, immediately tell the operator that “West Metro” is your fire district. If calling from a cell phone, expect to provide your address, because it will not be known automatically to the dispatcher. If you have a police issue, call 911 and ask for Littleton police. A sign with this information is attached here – you may wish to print it and put it on your refrigerator, to have it handy.

Thursday, November 13, 2014
TrailMark Learning Center, 9743 S. Carr Way
5:45 pm – HOA Meeting Registration
6:00 pm – HOA Annual Meeting

7:00 pm – TMMD Special Meeting
HOA Annual Meeting Agenda
    – Election of Board of Directors Self-Nomination Application
TMMD Special Meeting Agenda
    – Notice of Special Meeting
There are three terms up for HOA Board Election. Any homeowners that are interested can complete an application and their name will be placed on the ballot. Positions are irrelevant at this time as they will be decided after the election. Please contact Management at 303-730-2200 ext. 3135, or by email to NHenricks@ColoradoManagement.com with questions.

Landscape Project
November 8, 2014 – TrailMark neighbors: You may have noticed Landscape work (lots of junipers being removed!) that has been taking place in the neighborhood the last several weeks.  For those of you who may not have attended prior HOA meetings and have questions on what is being done and why, here is the information you seek!  (full article)

Garage Theft
A bicycle was stolen from a garage on Eden near Everett Tuesday, September 30th. Thefts like this are common in our area and this is a good reminder to keep our garage doors closed and stay vigilant. If a men’s black mountain bike – brand name Scott – is found, please contact the webmaster at communications@trailmarkhoa.org.

Update on Prairie Dog Plague
September 26, 2014 – Preliminary results came back positive for plague in the prairie dog colony on the south side of TrailMark. Public health is posting notices warning people to avoid the area. Jeffco Open Space has yet to determine if they want to close the whole park. The loop trail actually goes through all of the colonies, and at this time it is not known if the outbreak has run its course or will impact the other sites. It is recommended to the community to avoid using the park for the time being. If you can’t, at least leave pets home and wear bug spray to prevent bites from fleas. It is also important to keep cats inside as they are susceptible to plague whereas dogs are not. People should not pick up a dead rodent if they encounter it in the park.

Important News from Jeffco Open Space
On September 22, 2014, the Natural Resources section of Jefferson County Open Space started their annual prairie dog monitoring on the Hildebrand Ranch colonies, specifically the large colony to the south of TrailMark. During their surveying, several dead prairie dogs were observed along with a significant lack of above-ground activity. Public Health was contacted to request a test for plague. They arrived on site, grabbed some fleas as well as a few carcasses for testing. Currently, there are no results, but Public Health has placed some cautionary signs up recommending folks to stay out of the area. JCOS is also putting up information on Facebook and Twitter with a map of the “caution zone”. At this time they are not instituting a park closure, but are highly recommending folks either stick to the north side of the park or choose a different park altogether until they know the test results. Jeffco Open Space will keep TrailMark abreast of the situation as it develops. More information – http://jeffco.us/parks/news/2014/visitors-advised-to-avoid-section-of-hildebrand-ranch-park-due-to-plague-potential/ (Web page is no longer available.)

TrailMark HOA Homeowners –
Do you have a desire to contribute to your community? The HOA Board is seeking homeowners who may be interested in becoming a partner with the community.

Currently the Association is seeking the following trades:
– Exterior Designer – To format some color palettes for exterior home painting
– Architectural Engineer – To review architectural applications submitted by homeowners
– Tech Writer – To re-write the existing Rules & Regulations for the community
If you are interested, please contact the Association Manager, Natasha Henricks by October 1, 2014 at 303-730-2200 x 3135 or by email to nhenricks@coloradomanagement.com for more information regarding the positions.

The TrailMark HOA is also seeking volunteers for its committees:
– Design Review committee
– Safety committee
– Common area committee
– Communications committee
– Social committee
If you have expertise and/or a desire to help out in your community, we would love to hear from you! Email us at board@trailmarkhoa.org or join us on Thursday, September 11th at 6:30PM at the TrailMark Learning Center.

If you have expertise and/or a desire to help out in your community, we would love to hear from you! Email us at board@trailmarkhoa.org or join us on Thursday, September 11th at 6:30PM at the TrailMark Learning Center.

New Crosswalks
Due to safety concerns about crossing TrailMark Parkway, the Safety Committee has recommended to the Board that additional crosswalks be installed. The Safety Committee worked with the City of Littleton to investigate areas where pedestrians are already crossing the street, but where there is no crosswalk. The goal in adding additional crosswalks is to increase awareness of these pedestrian crossings. The locations of the crosswalks were chosen so as to allow each “section” of our community to safely cross TrailMark Parkway to access our beautiful parks and trails. The City of Littleton will fully fund the project and will be out painting in late August or early September. Please see the map showing the locations of the existing and new crosswalks and signs.
*Note: Regarding the “double” crosswalks at S Dover and Everett: The Safety Committee met with SSPRD and asked about the possibility of removing the “horseshoe” shaped pathways that create two pathways to the road for crossing, but South Suburban denied that request stating that folks would walk there anyway and mat down the landscape such that we would likely be asking them to put the “horseshoe” walkways back in a few years. Though it may seem strange to have two crossings so close together, these second crossings are the best safety measure given the location of the paths where folks are already crossing. There will only be one sign in each direction for these crossings (rather than one sign for each crosswalk) in these cases.
Questions? Please email us at: board@trailmarkhoa.org

Bear Sighting in TrailMark
The HOA Board has received a report of a bear near homes between S Dover Way and S Dudley Way Friday night, July 25th. If you see a bear in the neighborhood, please report it to Colorado Parks and Wildlife, 303-791-1954 or after hours emergency call the Colorado State Patrol, 303-239-4500.
All residents are encouraged to:
 • Remove all bird feeders.
 • Put trash out only on the morning of pickup. Do not leave trash outside overnight
 • Keep garage doors closed when not in use.
 • Close and lock all ground level windows and doors.
For more information on how to bear proof your home, visit www.wildlife.state.co.us/bears.

Home Improvement Information
TrailMark is a covenant controlled community. Under these covenants, the HOA Board is charged with upholding the esthetic value and visual integrity of our neighborhood. This can only be accomplished with the help and cooperation of TrailMark homeowners. All exterior changes to a home including but not limited to painting, roofing, landscaping, solar panel installation, etc, must comply with the TrailMark Covenants and Design Guidelines. Please submit the required forms and supporting documentation to our neighborhood management company, Colorado Management. All guidelines and forms can be found at the top of the HOA Documents and Forms webpage. We are excited to work with you in reviewing your upcoming home improvement project! Don’t hesitate to call or email Colorado Management with your questions. Sincerely, The HOA Board and Design Review Committee

Homeowners Insurance Information from Littleton Fire Rescue
The city of Littleton entered into an intergovernmental agreement with the West Metro Fire Protection District to provide fire protection services to the TrailMark neighborhood. You are encouraged to provide this letter to your homeowners insurance company as the included information may positively influence insurance ratings. This letter can also be found at the City of Littleton website on the Littleton Fire Rescue Documents Downloads page.

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