2009 Pool & Community Center Evaluation

In 2009, the TrailMark Metro District investigated developing a community center and pool in TrailMark.  In May of 2009, the TMMD mailed a data package (The Data Package for the May 2009 Survey Ballot regarding the proposed Community Center and Pool) and survey (The May 2009 Survey Ballot regarding the proposed Community Center and Pool) detailing the proposal to all TrailMark homeowners. 

The survey “ballot” asked for homeowner input regarding the following:

Ballot Question No. 1:

  • Leave the School Site as it is today OR
  • Build a Community Center on the School Site (7,000 square feet at a cost of $1,999,594)

Ballot Question No. 2: If a Community Center is built, should a Pool (estimated cost of $1,117,159) be included in the improvements?

  • Yes
  • No

The certified survey results were:  

Ballot Question No. 1:

  • 246 (43%) for leaving site as-is
  • 320 (57%) for building a community center 

Ballot Question No. 2:

  • 314 (56%) for ‘if building a community center include a pool’ 
  • 247 (44%) for ‘if build community center, do not include a pool’

To go forward with the proposed project, the TrailMark Metro District needed to obtain $2.5 million dollars in bonds (loans).  By law (TABOR), an official vote of all registered homeowners in TrailMark is required anytime the TrailMark Metro District seeks to add new debt.  Funding approval for the project was added as an official ballot question for TrailMark residents during the November 2009 election. 

Registered voters in TrailMark voted against funding the proposed project 787 to 317.  

Documents pertaining to this 2009 proposed project, homeowner survey and funding election are contained on this page.

The letter from the City of Littleton regarding the School Site

Executed Amended Resolution regarding Community Center & Pool Project

Executed Board Resolution Regarding Community Center and Pool Project

The Sink, Comb, Dethlefs, proposed workplan 8-18-09

The SSPRD Resolution regarding the non-duplication of services 

The Data Package for the May 2009 Survey Ballot regarding the proposed Community Center and Pool

The May 2009 Survey Ballot regarding the proposed Community Center and Pool

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